A place to share code and server configurations in support of the networkQuality tool

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Networking server

Network Quality Server


The Network Quality Server project was created as a place to share example servers that can used by the networkQuality command line tool available in macOS 12.

You can find a textual description of what a server needs to implement here

There’s also 2 complete reference server implementations, one written in Swift and the other in Go. Also provided are configurations for HTTP server/proxy servers: Apache Traffic Server, Apache HTTPD and nginx.

All the samples require an SSL certificate to run.

Using networkQuality against your server

The networkQuality CLI takes a -C switch allowing you to point it at your server.

user@myhost ~ % networkQuality -C https://networkquality.example.com:8443/config
==== SUMMARY ====
Upload capacity: 29.662 Mbps
Download capacity: 541.622 Mbps
Upload flows: 12
Download flows: 12
Responsiveness: High (1825 RPM)

NOTE: The networkQuality CLI tool will only connect to a server presenting a valid SSL certificiate. If you are using a custom CA, ensure the CA is trusted by the system.

There are more options available to affect behavior of this utility. See the manpage of networkQuality for more info.


Please review how to contribute if you would like to submit a pull request.

Asking Questions and Discussing Ideas

If you have any questions you’d like to ask publicly, or ideas you’d like to discuss, please raise a GitHub issue.

Project Maintenance

Project maintenance involves, but not limited to, adding clarity to incoming issues and reviewing pull requests. Project maintainers can approve and merge pull requests. Reviewing a pull request involves judging that a proposed contribution follows the project’s guidelines, as described by the guide to contributing.

Project maintainers are expected to always follow the project’s Code of Conduct, and help to model it for others.

Project Governance

Although we expect this to happen very infrequently, we reserve the right to make changes, including changes to the configuration format and scope, to the project at any time.

  • Generating cert-file and key-file?

    Generating cert-file and key-file?

    I would like to create a Dockerfile for the server side that I can run on a VPS out on the internet or a Raspberry Pi in my home. This would work like the Dockerfile that's in the Go RPM client repo to produce an easily-created server instance for testing.

    To make the implementation easier, it would help for this repo to include the specification of the cert-file and the key-file required by networkqualityd. For example, the go implementation's README simply provides this information:

      -cert-file string
        	cert to use
      -key-file string
        	key to use
    • Would you provide sample information for creating the cert-file and the key-file? (What commands are necessary for creating them?)
    • These instructions should take into account I'll likely use a private 192.168.x.0/24 address for the implementation on my Raspberry Pi. No DNS name will be available; no external access available for verifying any certificates (such as Let's Encrypt).

    Many thanks!

    opened by richb-hanover 18
  • Should base-port be used in the config payload URLs? (large/small/slurp)

    Should base-port be used in the config payload URLs? (large/small/slurp)

    Trying to run the server purely within LAN environment (and huge fan of the whole networkQuality project btw)

    Running networkQuality -C https://my.domain.com:4043/config on client machine fails when trying to access https://my.domain.com/large. The server is correctly serving at https://my.domain.com:4043/large, but puts https://my.domain.com/large in the config payload, so I'm wondering if 4043 (or whatever is chosen with -base-port) should be referenced in the config payload URLs generated by networkqualityd?

    (The public version serves over port 443 I believe? https://mensura.cdn-apple.com/api/v1/gm/large is supplied in the payload at https://mensura.cdn-apple.com/api/v1/gm/config, and using -base-port 443 on my local test server makes everything work correctly.)


    1. Running the go version of the server on Ubuntu 20 with letsencrypt certs, and with my.domain.com resolving to the local IP address of the server machine -

    2. Invoking networkqualityd like this (sudo so it can see the certs) and local IP

    $ sudo ./networkqualityd --cert-file /etc/letsencrypt/live/my.domain.com/fullchain.pem --key-file /etc/letsencrypt/live/my.domain.com/privkey.pem --public-name my.domain.com -domain my.domain.com -listen-addr
    2021/12/19 12:14:51 Network Quality URL: https://my.domain.com:4043/config
    1. Running networkQuality -C https://my.domain.com:4043/config on the client machine returns
    ==== SUMMARY ====                                                                                         
    Upload capacity: 0.000 bps
    Download capacity: 0.000 bps
    Upload flows: 0
    Download flows: 0
    Responsiveness: Low (0 RPM)
    Error: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1004 "Could not connect to the server." UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=61, NSUnderlyingError=0x600001f25a40 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1004 "(null)" UserInfo={_NSURLErrorNWPathKey=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, ipv6, dns, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=61, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1}}, _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=LocalDataTask <3A32613B-AD13-432A-BD6F-9087AE607060>.<1>, _NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey=(
        "LocalDataTask <3A32613B-AD13-432A-BD6F-9087AE607060>.<1>"
    ), NSLocalizedDescription=**Could not connect to the server., NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=https://my.domain.com/large**, NSErrorFailingURLKey=https://my.domain.com/large, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1}
    1. Adding -base-port 443 to the server command at 2 makes the command on client at 3 run correctly returning as follows:
    ==== SUMMARY ====                                                                                         
    Upload capacity: 359.871 Mbps
    Download capacity: 437.361 Mbps
    Upload flows: 12
    Download flows: 20
    Responsiveness: High (2394 RPM)
    opened by spm1001 3
  • panic: sync: WaitGroup is reused before previous Wait has returned

    panic: sync: WaitGroup is reused before previous Wait has returned

    Hello! FIrst of all, thanks for working on a better Internet. I'm doing some rough tests and got this error on the client side:

    gustavo@ubuntu:~/goresponsiveness$ ./networkQuality --config networkquality.nosotros.ong.br --port 4043
    08-31-2022 19:05:05 UTC Go Responsiveness to networkquality.nosotros.ong.br:4043...
    Download:   4.184 Mbps (  0.523 MBps), using 12 parallel connections.
    Upload:    34.293 Mbps (  4.287 MBps), using 28 parallel connections.
    panic: sync: WaitGroup is reused before previous Wait has returned
    goroutine 1535 [running]:
    	/usr/local/go/src/sync/waitgroup.go:138 +0x85
    	/home/gustavo/goresponsiveness/rpm/rpm.go:290 +0x1d
    	/home/gustavo/goresponsiveness/utilities/utilities.go:167 +0x5b
    created by github.com/network-quality/goresponsiveness/utilities.OrTimeout.func1
    	/home/gustavo/goresponsiveness/utilities/utilities.go:161 +0x85

    On the server side, I have this:

    gustavo@srv2:~/server/go$ ./networkqualityd  --cert-file fullchain.pem --key-file privkey.pem --public-name networkquality.nosotros.ong.br --listen-addr
    2022/08/31 16:04:48 Network Quality URL: https://networkquality.example.com:4043/config
    2022/08/31 16:04:59 http: TLS handshake error from EOF
    2022/08/31 16:05:16 Error writing content of length 4294967296: client disconnected
    2022/08/31 16:05:16 Error writing content of length 4294967296: client disconnected
    2022/08/31 16:05:16 Error writing content of length 4294967296: write tcp> write: connection reset by peer
    2022/08/31 16:05:16 Error writing content of length 4294967296: write tcp> write: connection reset by peer
    2022/08/31 16:05:16 Error writing content of length 4294967296: client disconnected
    2022/08/31 16:05:16 Error writing content of length 4294967296: client disconnected
    2022/08/31 16:05:16 Error writing content of length 4294967296: client disconnected
    2022/08/31 16:05:16 Error writing content of length 4294967296: client disconnected
    2022/08/31 16:05:16 Error writing content of length 4294967296: client disconnected
    2022/08/31 16:05:16 Error writing content of length 4294967296: client disconnected
    2022/08/31 16:05:16 Error writing content of length 4294967296: client disconnected
    2022/08/31 16:05:16 Error writing content of length 4294967296: write tcp> write: connection reset by peer

    What am I missing?

    opened by gadolf66 2
  • networkQuality -v -I en0, en7 (returns error)

    networkQuality -v -I en0, en7 (returns error)

    networkQuality -v -I en0, en7
    could not initialize NetworkQualityExecutions

    is there a specific format for doing two interfaces ?

    networkQuality -vsI en0 en7 that did work without error but did not show results separate.

    so the MAN page shows using commas to separate the interfaces, guessing that's wrong?

    opened by careyjames 1
  • Docker configuration and README updates

    Docker configuration and README updates

    After the most recent updates to the go implementation of the server to address some consistency issues, the Docker file and the README file fell out of date. These changes will correct outdated references to older versions of command line options.

    opened by hawkinsw 1
  • Unable to build Go server for 32-bit platform architectures

    Unable to build Go server for 32-bit platform architectures

    Here it is:

    $ env GOOS=linux GOARCH=mipsle GOMIPS=softfloat go build -o nqd.linux.mipsle
    # github.com/network-quality/server/go
    ./networkqualityd.go:170:48: cannot use largeContentLength (untyped int constant 4294967296) as int value in argument to strconv.Itoa (overflows)
    ./networkqualityd.go:172:33: cannot use largeContentLength (untyped int constant 4294967296) as int value in argument to chunkedBodyWriter (overflows)
    ./networkqualityd.go:173:56: cannot use largeContentLength (untyped int constant 4294967296) as int value in argument to log.Printf (overflows)

    I will provide PR to fix this issue.

    opened by afedotov 1
  • Error


    MacBook Air (M1, 2020) macOS 12.3

    Error: Error Domain=NetworkQualityErrorDomain Code=1003 "(null)" UserInfo={URL=https://mensura.cdn-apple.com/api/v1/upload, statusCode=413}

    opened by lincainan 1
  • A grab bag of changes

    A grab bag of changes


    • Additional switches for setting TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT and IP_TOS
    • Disable CORS headers by default (enable via --enable-cors)
    • Support for enabling h2c, HTTP/1.x and HTTP/3
    • Reduce some noise in logging of inconsequential errors
    • Upgrade to latest modules dependencies
    • Drop timing/response body from slurp handler (spec doesn't mention/need this)
    • Backwards incompatible: -config-port CLI switch renamed to -public-port
    opened by randall 0
  • Support higher performance

    Support higher performance

    By default the HTTP2 window size parameters (per connection and stream) in go's HTTP2 implementation are too small to achieve high performance. This patch changes those defaults so that it is possible for the go RPM server to support measurement by clients with connections with high-speed connections.

    opened by hawkinsw 0
  • Support CORS

    Support CORS

    If (when!) we support wasm clients that calculate RPM from a web browser, CORS headers are needed to allow those web socket connections from the browser.

    opened by hawkinsw 0
  • Consistency/bug fixes

    Consistency/bug fixes

    1. Rename domain to config-name to match all nomenclature in documentation
    2. Configure the connections performing the measurement to use the same port as the config requests; rename the -base-port option to -config-port.
    3. Listen for debugging connections on the same address as the user specified with the -listen-address CLI option.
    opened by hawkinsw 0
  • Support Docker file automatically creating a self-signed cert

    Support Docker file automatically creating a self-signed cert

    Though we have had extensive discussion (see https://github.com/network-quality/server/issues/9) about certificates and SSL (etc), the fans demand (and they get what they want!) an option for automatically generating a self-signed certificate in the Dockerfile to make it easier for a zero-config deployment of the go-based RPM server.

    cc @richb-hanover

    opened by hawkinsw 0
  • open source client implementation ?

    open source client implementation ?

    As there is a RFC and a Golang server implementation of the test protocol, is there any hope that Apple or community will release a FOSS alternative to networkQuality on macOS ?

    Context : target usage is to incorporate the test in our organisation monitoring (25000 users with the corresponding WLAN / LAN)

    opened by aglossa 4
  • Add instructions for generating certs

    Add instructions for generating certs

    For us duffers out here, could you provide instructions for generating the certs that are necessary to use the swift/go versions? (Even if it's a self-signed cert...) Thanks.

    opened by richb-hanover 1
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