While looking into https://github.com/nextcloud/talk-ios/issues/946 I noticed 2 areas where performance can be improved:
One is date handling and one is UTI handling.
This PR adds caching in places where it made sense, after the PR the profiling looks like this:

I did run several tests to determine what makes sense. My test folder consists of 1021 files, 2 folders and around 1,4 GB of files ("/Talk"). Tests were done like this (so just the converting, no network activity):
@@ -239,8 +239,11 @@ extension NextcloudKit {
options.queue.async { completion(account, files, nil, error) }
case .success( _):
if let xmlData = response.data {
+ let startTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
files = NKDataFileXML().convertDataFile(xmlData: xmlData, dav: dav, urlBase: urlBase, user: user, userId: userId, showHiddenFiles: showHiddenFiles)
options.queue.async { completion(account, files, xmlData, .success) }
+ let timeElapsed = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - startTime
+ print("Elapsed: \(timeElapsed) s")
} else {
options.queue.async { completion(account, files, nil, .xmlError) }
Elapsed: 20.474599957466125 s
Elapsed: 21.04942297935486 s
Elapsed: 21.118688941001892 s
Cached DateFormatter:
Elapsed: 19.68568205833435 s
Elapsed: 20.38596498966217 s
Elapsed: 20.67156493663788 s
Lazy Date:
Elapsed: 18.591894030570984 s
Elapsed: 18.96753704547882 s
Elapsed: 18.888224005699158 s
Cached UTI
Elapsed: 13.251657962799072 s
Elapsed: 13.313650012016296 s
Elapsed: 13.511384010314941 s
Cached MimeType
Elapsed: 13.352138042449951 s
Elapsed: 12.624964952468872 s
Elapsed: 12.715412020683289 s
Cached FileProperties
Elapsed: 5.698162078857422 s
Elapsed: 5.549528002738953 s
Elapsed: 5.532379984855652 s
If I also add the changes in https://github.com/nextcloud/talk-ios/issues/946 (because we don't need most of the properties) I'm now down to:
With talk changes
Elapsed: 2.637057065963745 s
Elapsed: 2.553444027900696 s
Elapsed: 2.5751129388809204 s