TextField with smart suggestion



CI Status Version License Carthage compatible Platform

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  • Provides a subclass of UITextField that has suggestion from input
  • Has autocomplete input feature
  • Data suggestion are provided by users
  • Enable store smart domains
  • Optimized and light weight


  • iOS 10.0+
  • Xcode 11+
  • Swift 5+



You can use CocoaPods to install AutoCompleteTextField by adding it to your Podfile:

pod "AutoCompleteTextField"


Create a Cartfile that lists the framework and run carthage bootstrap. Follow the instructions to add $(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/iOS/AutoCompleteTextField.framework to an iOS project.

github "nferocious76/AutoCompleteTextField"


  1. Download and drop /Pod/Classesfolder in your project.
  2. Congratulations!


// Initializing `AutoCompleteTextField` 
let myTextField = AutoCompleteTextField(frame: CGRect(x: 20, y: 64, width: view.frame.width - 40, height: 40), dataSource: `YourDataSource`, delegate: `YourDelegate`)

// Setting `dataSource`, it can be set from the XCode IB like `TextFieldDelegate` in which will appear as `actfDataSource`
myTextField.dataSource = `YourDataSource`

// Setting delimiter (optional). If set, it will only look for suggestion after the delimiter

// Show `AutoCompleteButton`
myTextField.showAutoCompleteButtonWithImage(UIImage(named: "checked"), viewMode: .whileEditing)

// Providing data source to get the suggestion from inputs
func autoCompleteTextFieldDataSource(_ autoCompleteTextField: AutoCompleteTextField) -> [ACTFWeightedDomain] {

    return weightedDomains // AutoCompleteTextField.domainNames // [ACTFDomain(text: "gmail.com", weight: 0), ACTFDomain(text: "hotmail.com", weight: 0), ACTFDomain(text: "domain.net", weight: 0)]


ACTFDomain is struct type that conforms to the Codable. User can store and retrieve smart domains.

One example may be 'gmail.com' and 'georgetown.edu'. Users are more likely to have a 'gmail.com' account so we would want that to show up before 'georgetown.edu', even though that is out of alphabetical order.

ACTFDomain is sorted based on its usage.

This is just one example. Manually providing a suggestion gives more flexibility and does not force the usage of an array of strings.

// Usage
let g1 = ACTFDomain(text: "gmail.com", weight: 10)
let g2 = ACTFDomain(text: "googlemail.com", weight: 5)
let g3 = ACTFDomain(text: "google.com", weight: 4)
let g4 = ACTFDomain(text: "georgetown.edu", weight: 1)

let weightedDomains = [g1, g2, g3, g4] // [ACTFDomain]

// Storing

// store single
if g1.store(withKey: "Domain") {
    print("Store success")

// store multiple
if ACTFDomain.store(domains: weightedDomains, withKey: "Domains") {
    print("Store success")

// Retrieving

// retrieved single
if let domain = ACTFDomain.domain(forKey: "Domain") {
    print("Retrieved: ", domain)

// retrieved multiple
if let domains = ACTFDomain.domains(forKey: "Domains") {
    print("Retrieved: ", domains)


We would love for you to contribute to AutoCompleteTextField. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Neil Francis Ramirez Hipona, nferocious76@gmail.com


This project was inpired by 'HTAutocompleteTextField' an Objc-C framework of a similar feature.


AutoCompleteTextField is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • autoCompleteTextField. emailDomain

    autoCompleteTextField. emailDomain

    I believe that most people will use AutoCompleteTextField as an autocomplete for emails, so instead of having them copy and paste that huge domainNames array, we could have something like that:

    public func autoCompleteTextFieldDataSource(autoCompleteTextField: AutoCompleteTextField) -> [String] {
            return autoCompleteTextField.emailDomain
    opened by lfarah 8
  • Carthage support

    Carthage support

    opened by TofPlay 4
  • Swiftlint


    I'd be cool to add Swiftlint and it's very easy to install. I already fixed all the Swiftlint warnings for AutoCompleteTextField, so It's all about installing and then I can make a pull request 😄

    opened by lfarah 4
  • Filter datasource array from smallest string to biggest

    Filter datasource array from smallest string to biggest

    By doing that, we are always autocompleting the smallest possible option, avoiding errors in compound city names, for example.

    My case

    User wants to type "Salvador" (city in Brazil)

    My DataSource array:

    ["sĂŁo Paulo", "salvador do Sul", "macapa", "salvador"]


    Salvador do sul is autocompleted instead of Salvador because it goes first in the array, and since Salvador has less characters, it will never autocomplete.


    always filter datasource from the smallest string to the biggest, so every single string will have the chance to be autocompleted

    opened by lfarah 3
  • autoCompleteTextFieldDataSource string starting with Capital letter bug

    autoCompleteTextFieldDataSource string starting with Capital letter bug

    AutoCompleteTextField won't autocomplete if a string has it's initial character Capital. Array tested: ["SĂŁo Paulo", "Salvador", "Macapa", "Salvador do Sul"] Tried to use ignoreCase = true, but it didn't work

    opened by lfarah 2
  • Return button doesn't work on Example app

    Return button doesn't work on Example app

    In order to autocomplete a textfield, the user has to press the Return button. The problem is that the return button isn't working in the Simulator right now. The only way it works is by pressing tab.

    opened by lfarah 2
  • Allowing user to change color of suggestion text label

    Allowing user to change color of suggestion text label

    I didn't like the way of being forced to use same color for suggestion/autocomplete label, so I've removed the textColor observer and added another variable with suggestionColor that manipulates that.

    opened by patryk-sredzinski 1
  • Added manually providing autocomplete suggestion

    Added manually providing autocomplete suggestion

    Added a new datasource called AutoCompleteTextFieldManualDataSource that allows for manually providing autocomplete suggestions. This allows for more advanced sorting beyond just alphabetical, but must be used carefully (prefix of suggestion must match string to be replaced).

    opened by aj-bartocci 1
  • Manual Installation

    Manual Installation

    CocoaPods is an awesome tool and make our life really easier, but there are some devs who still don't know how to use them.

    It would be cool to add the Manual installation guide in your README.md. You can take a look at my iOS Readme Template to see how you can do it.

    opened by lfarah 1
  • Small changes

    Small changes

    These are a couple small changes that I needed to use AutoCompleteTextField in my project.

    1. The pod spec for including xcassets needed to be tweaked or it the checkmark images wouldn't be bundled.

    2. I use RxSwift and if the user let the text field be autocomplete it wasn't registering the correct value in RxSwift. Sending a value changed action event fixed it for me.

    Thank you for the work you've put into this & sorry that the PR items aren't separated. I did the work all on one branch and didn't think about it until it was too late.

    opened by samus 0
  • Swift 3 and SwiftPM support

    Swift 3 and SwiftPM support

    opened by TofPlay 4
Neil Francis Ramirez Hipona
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