Material design components for iOS written in Swift

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UI MaterialKit


Platform Language License Issues

NOTE: This project is unmaintained.

Material design components (inspired by Google Material Design) for iOS written in Swift

Please feel free to make pull requests.


  • Highly customizable

  • Complete example

  • Supports @IBDesignable to live-render the component in the Interface Builder

  • By supporting @IBInspectable, the class properties can be exposed in the Interface Builder, and you can edit these properties in realtime

  • MKButton: floating action button, raised button, flat button, ripple effect

  • MKTextField: ripple effect, floating placeholder

  • MKTableViewCell

  • MKLabel

  • MKImageView

  • MKLayer

  • MKColor

  • MKActivityIndicator

  • MKRefreshControl

  • MKNavigationBar



  • There are 3 types of main buttons: Floating Action Button, Raised Button, Flat Button
  • Customizable attributes: color, ripple location, animation timing function, animation duration...
let button = MKButton(frame: CGRect(x: 10, y: 10, width: 100, height: 35))
button.maskEnabled = true
button.rippleLocation = .TapLocation
button.rippleLayerColor = UIColor.MKColor.LightGreen


  • Single-line text field
  • Floating placeholder
  • Ripple Animation
  • Customizable attributes: color, ripple location, bottom border, animation timing function, animation duration...
textField.rippleLocation = .Left
textField.floatingPlaceholderEnabled = true
textField.placeholder = "Description"
textField.layer.borderColor = UIColor.MKColor.Green.CGColor
textField.rippleLayerColor = UIColor.MKColor.LightGreen


  • Customizable attributes: color, ripple location, animation timing function, animation duration...
var cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("MyCell") as MyCell
cell.rippleLocation = .Center
cell.rippleLayerColor = UIColor.MKColor.Blue


  • Customizable attributes: color, height
var refreshControl = MKRefreshControl()
refreshControl.addToScrollView(self.tableView, withRefreshBlock: { () -> Void in

MKImageView (BarButtonItem), MKActivityIndicator

  • Customizable attributes: color, ripple location, animation timing function, animation duration...

  • Play ripple animation whenever you want by calling animateRipple method or by setting userInteractionEnabled = true ripple animation will be played when the label/imageview is tapped

  • Easy to customize UIBarButtonItem or UITabBarButton by using MKLabel or MKImageView

// customize UIBarButtonItem by using MKImageView
let imgView = MKImageView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 44, height: 32))
imgView.image = UIImage(named: "uibaritem_icon.png")
imgView.rippleLocation = .Center
imgView.userInteractionEnabled = true

let rightBarButton = UIBarButtonItem(customView: imgView)
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = rightBarButton


A subclass of CALayer.


A category for UIColor that adds some methods to get flat colors designed by Google

// get color from UIColor
let lightBlueColor = UIColor.MKColor.LightBlue


A custom UINavigationBar which supports elevation and adding a tint above itself

  • Customizable attributes: color, dark color, elevation, shadow opacity, tint color...
  • Set the class of the navigation bar in the storyboard designer to MKNavigationBar and set the custom properties


On/off switches toggle the state of a single settings option. The option that the switch controls, as well as the state it’s in, should be made clear from the corresponding inline label. Switches take on the same visual properties of the radio button.


  • Installation with CocoaPods
	pod 'MaterialKit', '~> 0.4'
  • Copying all the files into your project
  • Using submodule


  • iOS 8.0+
  • Xcode 6.1


MaterialKit is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

  • Support for Swift 2.0 ?

    Support for Swift 2.0 ?

    After I installed this MaterialKit using pod, it doesn't seem to support Swift 2.0. I was wondering if this is true or something is wrong with my settings. Thanks

    opened by rcholic 4
  • Update Swift Syntax to 2.0

    Update Swift Syntax to 2.0

    At the very least there needs to be a branch that we can point our podfiles at.

    A pull request with the needed changes:

    Here is a branch others can use until this change is made:

    pod "MaterialKit", :git => "", :branch => "swift_2"
    opened by reesemclean 4
  • Converting MKTextField to a string

    Converting MKTextField to a string

    I'm still new to swift so this may be an easy answer.

    Is there a way to convert an MKTextField into a string? I'm using alamofire to create HTTP requests for login, however it doesn't support MKTextFields.

    opened by craigpearce5 4
  • I can only get a square ripple

    I can only get a square ripple


    I can not get a circle ripple in my project! I just change the "custom class" to MKTableViewCell in the storyboard and it can only perform a square ripple. Same issues in TextField.

    But if i copy one from your storyboard directly, it works.

    opened by Huxpro 4
  • Error on buid

    Error on buid

    Hey guys! i'm getting this error on build time :

    MKTableViewCell.swift:54:48: Use of undeclared type 'Set'

    override public func touchesBegan(touches: Set<NSObject>, withEvent event: UIEvent) {

    I'm pretty new to swift, so any help would be much appreciated :+1:

    opened by olivierto 3
  • Xcode 6.3 beta 2 (and beta 3)

    Xcode 6.3 beta 2 (and beta 3)

    in the Classes MKimageView.swift MKLayer.swift MKTableViewCell.swift

    The following lines of code appear

    • override public func touchesBegan(touches: NSSet, withEvent event: UIEvent) { super.touchesBegan(touches, withEvent: event)
    •    if let firstTouch = touches.anyObject() as? UITouch {

    Which will need to be changed to the following in order to compile in the beta.

    • override public func touchesBegan(touches: Set, withEvent event: UIEvent) { super.touchesBegan(touches, withEvent: event) + if let firstTouch = touches.first as? UITouch {

    I am merely advising this course of action and thought it would save you some time and trouble.

    opened by Alexanderrgonzales77 3
  • Added CardView, ActivityIndicator, NavigationBar, RefreshControl

    Added CardView, ActivityIndicator, NavigationBar, RefreshControl

    • Changed ripple to match google apps
    • Added elevation and corner properties to views
    • Added MKCardView
    • Added MKActivityView
    • Added MKNavigationBar
    • Fixed Sample app to reflect new elements
    • Added MKRefreshControl
    opened by rahuliyer95 2
  • Removed Deprecation warnings, Added Delegations and more

    Removed Deprecation warnings, Added Delegations and more

    Removed Deprecation warnings. Modified the TextFieldViewController.swift, so that whenever the users taps on the empty space, the keyboard hides itself. In that way, the user can test out other textFields as well.

    opened by MHaroonBaig 2
  • Update Cocoapods

    Update Cocoapods

    Please create a new tag and push it to trunk so one can use the current version (Swift 2 compatibility) without specifying :head in the Podfile, thanks :+1:

    opened by elsesiy 1
  • Add removeAllAnimations() function to MKLayer.

    Add removeAllAnimations() function to MKLayer.

    I have added a removeAllAnimations() function to MKLayer which removes animations for the circle layer and background layer.

    This is particularly useful in prepareForReuse() on MKTableViewCell so that previous animations do not show on scroll.

    I added cells to the table view example in order to show this behavior.

    opened by reesemclean 1
  • MKLayer should have a way to cancel animations.

    MKLayer should have a way to cancel animations.

    When using MKLayer in a table view cell or collection view cell, on reuse an animation could still be in progress. We need a way to cancel any in progress animations.

    opened by reesemclean 1
  • RIght alignment of text

    RIght alignment of text

    When I am right aligning the textfield text become right aligned but placeholder isn't and sometime placeholder enter into right side and only some texts are visible

    opened by Anupamlal 0
  • Update to Swift 3~5 (Xcode 8~11.2.1) + Resolve memory leaks + SPM support

    Update to Swift 3~5 (Xcode 8~11.2.1) + Resolve memory leaks + SPM support

    Since the repo is no longer maintained, use this in your Podfile instead:

    pod 'MaterialKit', :git => ''

    or in your Package.swift:

    .package(url: "",
             .upToNextMinor(from: "0.6.6")),

    This version is compatible, theoretically, with any version from Swift 3 to 5 (solve #63 and #72)

    This implementation also removed the strong reference cycles (which are causing memory leaks).

    I'm aware of this issue a long time ago, but had no idea why just declaring superLayer as weak causes unexpected crashes. Thanks to @theMeatloaf for his solutions in Swift 2, we only need to manually remove the observers by calling recycle method of MKLayer and MKRefreshControl if a class owns such properties directly. I can't figure out a way for us to automatically remove the observers, especially when the time deinit of MKLayer gets called, superLayer is already nil. Therefore, if you have a better solution, please definitely help.

    And yes, in addition to MKLayer and all other classes that has a property of type MKLayer, MKRefreshControl has strong reference loop and observer not removed, and MKSwitch has a strong reference loop, too.

    opened by ApolloZhu 0
Le Van Nghia
Software Engineer. Lover of OSS. Creator of PipeCD, Promviz, LotusLoad, Hakuba, MaterialKit... 🐳
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