Material, a UI/UX framework for creating beautiful iOS applications




Welcome to Material, a UI/UX framework for creating beautiful applications. Material's animation system has been completely reworked to take advantage of Motion, a library dedicated to animations and transitions.

Carthage compatible Accio supported Version License Xcode 8.2+ iOS 8.0+ Swift 4.0+ Donate

Photos Sample

Take a look at a sample Photos project to get started.


Sample Projects

Take a look at Sample Projects to get your projects started.


  • Completely Customizable
  • Motion Animations & Transitions
  • Layout Tools for AutoLayout & Grid Systems
  • Color Library
  • Cards
  • FABMenu
  • Icons
  • TextField
  • Snackbar
  • Tabs
  • Chips
  • SearchBar
  • NavigationController
  • NavigationDrawer
  • BottomNavigationBar
  • Sample Projects
  • And More...


  • iOS 8.0+
  • Xcode 8.0+


  • If you need help, use Stack Overflow. (Tag 'cosmicmind')
  • If you'd like to ask a general question, use Stack Overflow.
  • If you found a bug, and can provide steps to reliably reproduce it, open an issue.
  • If you have a feature request, open an issue.
  • If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.


Embedded frameworks require a minimum deployment target of iOS 8+.


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

To integrate Material's core features into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'

pod 'Material', '~> 3.1.0'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install


Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.

You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate Material into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "CosmicMind/Material"

Run carthage update to build the framework and drag the built Material.framework into your Xcode project.

Change Log

Material is a growing project and will encounter changes throughout its development. It is recommended that the Change Log be reviewed prior to updating versions.


Icons is a library of Google and CosmicMind icons that are available for use within your iOS applications.


Learn More


Try the Material Colors app to see the wonderful colors available in Material, or use the online version at



A TextField is an excellent way to improve UX. It allows for a placeholder and additional hint details.



A button is used to trigger an action through a touch event. Material comes with a foundational button, and 4 specialized buttons that can be stylized in any way.

Material Image


A switch is a control component that toggles between on and off states.

Material Image


A Card is a flexible component that may be configured in any way you like. It has a Toolbar, Bar, and content area that may utilize any UIView type.

Material Image


An ImageCard is an expansion of the base Card. The Toolbar overlays an image area that sits above the dynamic content area.

Image Card Sample


The PresenterCard is a completely new card style. It allows for a primary presentation area that may be any UIView type in addition to the content area, Toolbar, and Bar components. The options for this card are endless.

Presenter Card Sample


A FABMenu manages a collection of views. A new MenuItem type has been added that manages a title and button to improve UX and visual beauty.

Material Image


Toolbars are super flexible and add excellent control to your navigation flow. They manage a set of left and right views with auto aligning title and detail labels.

Material Image


A SearchBar is a powerful navigation tool that allows for user's input with an instant visual response. A set of left and right views may be added to expand functionality.



Tabs is a new component that links a customizable TabBar to a stack of view controllers making a powerful and visually pleasing component to have in any application.



A NavigationController is a specialized view controller that manages a hierarchy of content efficiently, making it easier for users to move within an application.

Material Image


A NavigationDrawer slides in from the left or right and contains the navigation destinations for your application.

Material Image


A Snackbar is a new component that is very simple in its behavior and very powerful in its message. It can be used application wide, or isolated to specific view controllers.

Material Image

Sticker Sheet

To help template your project, checkout Material Sticker Sheet.


Much More...

So much more inside. Enjoy!


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (C) 2019, CosmicMind, Inc. All rights reserved.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


  • TextField looks drastically different after Swift rewrite

    TextField looks drastically different after Swift rewrite

    I am in the process of updating our app to use Swift 3 and Material is one of the dependencies I've had to update. I am using release 2.2.5.

    There are three big issues I am seeing:

    1. Placeholder text does not appear until some text is entered into the text field.

    2. placeholderActiveColor is being ignored. The color of the placeholder text does not change if the text field becomes the first responder.

    3. The placeholder label now appears to be in a different position. We use snapshot tests to ensure our UI does not change accidentally and all of our uses of Material's TextField seem to have the placeholder label shift up by about 20 pixels.

    I am currently using Xcode 8.1 GM and building against the iOS 10 SDK.

    I will continue to investigate to try and figure out what the issue could be. These seem like core components of the TextField so I have to imagine it isn't behaving like this for everyone but looking at our code we are not doing anything unique with our text fields.

    opened by reidmain 55
  • FlatButton Pulse

    FlatButton Pulse

    Hello all, it is possible to change the Pulse of the FlatButton from rectangular to circle? Like it is on Android.

    If not, it is possible to reduce the size of the pulse?

    Thank you very much in advance


    help wanted 
    opened by MarcoCarnevali 47
  • Temporary Issue: MTextField

    Temporary Issue: MTextField

    @danieldahan I think we need a fresh issue to talk about the new TextField

    I have started to test on it and I will update tis post as we go to inform you about the situation.


    • [x] Placeholder And title label doesn't respect the text alignment of the TextField. (Remember the TextView issue?)
    • [x] Cannot set the highlight color for PlaceholderLabel


    • The animation is much smoother now.
    opened by mohpor 43
  • TextField titleLabel issues

    TextField titleLabel issues

    Hi Guys,

    In the recent update of the library, we have got new implementations of the TextField, we have an issue with the titleLabel animation. The titleLabel doesn't come back when nothing is typed (or when the text field is empty) in the TextField. We have gone through the implementation, we figured out that the hideTitleLabel function is not called when the handleEditingDidEnd if the text is empty.

    Also, in the library, we have been using CGRectNull in many places but it is crashing at sometimes, a solution that we found is to replace CGRectNull to CGRectZero.

    bug help wanted 
    opened by posaninagendra 37
  • Swift 4.2 Support

    Swift 4.2 Support


    There are 289 warnings when I try to build my current Material on XCode 10, with Swift 4.2 on.

    I check for new Material (by pod outdated) but no new version yet?

    When would you release new version?


    good first issue high priority material 
    opened by quanguyen 32
  • Carthage update is failing

    Carthage update is failing


    • Running Xcode 9.0
    • Material 2.11.2

    I am using Carthage as my package manager and within the last two days I have not been able to get the project to build because of this error dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/Motion.framework/Motion Referenced from: /Users/macmedan/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/43F98839-6A55-4C7F-917A-196EB7585DDC/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/4EF67EC1-9605-4AB7-9E5C-B0ECC9846C7D/Shipper Reason: image not found

    I have also noticed that this gets executed now when I do a carthage update A shell task (/usr/bin/env git clone --quiet [email protected]:CosmicMind/Motion.git

    I am using material version 2.11.2 and 2.11.0 gave me the same issue.

    Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

    help wanted investigate good first issue 
    opened by MacMeDan 28
  • Possibility to make the SnackbarController from a UITabBarController ?

    Possibility to make the SnackbarController from a UITabBarController ?


    I want to use your awesome SnackBar by using the SnackbarController but my main VC is a UITabBarController ! Can you help me on this ?

    Moreover, do I need to instanciate my UITabBarController manually in AppDelegate ? (it's not the case for now ...)

    Thanks a lot :)

    help wanted 
    opened by Arkezis 28
  • TextView not working

    TextView not working

    I have a problem implementing the TextView, I'm getting an error on these lines (when setting the placeholder label of the TextView). There's some optimization error I get in the debugger log.

        textView.placeholderLabel = UILabel()
        textView.placeholderLabel!.textColor = MaterialColor.grey.base
        textView.placeholderLabel!.text = "Description"
    help wanted 
    opened by vishiswoz 28
  • Square shadow in FabButton

    Square shadow in FabButton


    There is a weird shadow under a FabButton. Here is a video:

    It not always happens. Sometimes the square doesn't appear and it is alright and other times it happens like the video shows. When the button is tapped, the square shadow disappears and everything goes right.

    ¿Any idea? I have tried to tweek some shadow parameters but it does not work


    help wanted 
    opened by urizev 27
  • NavigationDrawerController and menu button

    NavigationDrawerController and menu button

    if press on menu button on navigation bar and move finger to left, the left view controller will close, but the content view stay on screen, and block the user interactions.

    nov-20-2017 15-54-39

    help wanted investigate good first issue high priority material 
    opened by ayham-achami 26
  • Wrong TextField Placeholder text (and titleLabel text) after changing Placeholder + Refocus focus

    Wrong TextField Placeholder text (and titleLabel text) after changing Placeholder + Refocus focus

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Setup a TextField and set a placeholder text
    2. Start typing
    3. (While still focused) Clear the text field programmatically and change the placeholder string (Placeholder will be right at this point)
    4. Focus on the text field
    5. Leave the text field (at this point the placeholder string will get back to the original value)


    showTitleLabel() uses a variable called placeholderText to store the placeholder string before removing it from the text field. hideTitleLabel() uses the same variable to restore the placeholder string. Now if the placeholder value gets updated while the title label is displaying (between a call to the mentioned methods), the placeholderText variable doesn't get updated, and when hideTitleLabel() gets called, it will set the placeholder value back to the the last time showTitleLabel() has updated it.


    Simple: ~~Move the placeholderText setter line to the didSet of the placeholder~~ (not a good idea)

    I will submit a PR ASAP

    opened by mohpor 24
  •  Cycle in dependencies between targets 'Material' and 'Motion'; building could produce unreliable results.

    Cycle in dependencies between targets 'Material' and 'Motion'; building could produce unreliable results.

    When I use use_modular_headers! in Podfile ,pod 'Material' ,i got this error. Showing All Errors Only Cycle in dependencies between targets 'Material' and 'Motion'; building could produce unreliable results. Cycle path: Material → Motion → Material Cycle details: → Target 'Material' has a command with output '/Users/test/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/snack-cdujtgzquuqznrefmfahomuccaiw/Build/Products/UAT_α-iphoneos/Material/libMaterial.a' ○ Target 'Material' has target dependency on Target 'Motion' → Target 'Motion': Ditto /Users/test/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/snack-cdujtgzquuqznrefmfahomuccaiw/Build/Products/UAT_α-iphoneos/Motion/Motion.swiftmodule/Project/armv7.swiftsourceinfo /Users/test/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/snack-cdujtgzquuqznrefmfahomuccaiw/Build/Intermediates.noindex/α-iphoneos/ ○ Target 'Motion' has compile command for Swift source files ○ That command depends on command in Target 'Motion': script phase “Copy generated compatibility header” ○ Target 'Motion': SwiftMergeGeneratedHeaders /Users/test/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/snack-cdujtgzquuqznrefmfahomuccaiw/Build/Intermediates.noindex/α-iphoneos/ /Users/test/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/snack-cdujtgzquuqznrefmfahomuccaiw/Build/Intermediates.noindex/α-iphoneos/ /Users/test/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/snack-cdujtgzquuqznrefmfahomuccaiw/Build/Intermediates.noindex/α-iphoneos/ ○ Target 'Motion' has compile command for Swift source files

    opened by Garretming 0
  • FABButton is rotated weird

    FABButton is rotated weird

    Hey. What's wrong?

    ` func setupFloatingMenu(){ self.floatingMenu.fabMenuItemSize = CGSize.init(width: 45, height: 45); self.floatingMenu.shapePreset = .circle; self.floatingMenu.delegate = self;

        var menuButton = FABButton(image: Icon.add, tintColor: .white);
        menuButton.backgroundColor = #colorLiteral(red: 0.1886929572, green: 0.4163666964, blue: 0.951190412, alpha: 1)
        menuButton.pulseColor = .white;
        self.floatingMenu.fabButton = menuButton;
        var reviewItem = FABMenuItem();
        reviewItem.title = "수강후기";
        reviewItem.titleLabel.fontSize = 13;
        reviewItem.titleLabel.textColor = .white;
        reviewItem.titleLabel.backgroundColor = .clear;
        reviewItem.fabButton.shadowColor = .black;
        reviewItem.fabButton.image = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "iconFreeReview");
        reviewItem.fabButton.backgroundColor = .white;
        reviewItem.fabButton.pulseColor = #colorLiteral(red: 0.1886929572, green: 0.4163666964, blue: 0.951190412, alpha: 1);
        var buyItem = FABMenuItem();
        buyItem.title = "수강신청";
        buyItem.titleLabel.fontSize = 13;
        buyItem.titleLabel.textColor = .white;
        buyItem.titleLabel.backgroundColor = .clear;
        buyItem.fabButton.shadowColor = .black;
        buyItem.fabButton.image = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "iconFreeBuy");
        buyItem.fabButton.backgroundColor = .white;
        buyItem.fabButton.pulseColor = #colorLiteral(red: 0.1886929572, green: 0.4163666964, blue: 0.951190412, alpha: 1);
        self.floatingMenu.fabMenuItems = [reviewItem, buyItem];

    extension SWFreeLectureTableViewController : FABMenuDelegate{ func fabMenuWillOpen(fabMenu: FABMenu) { self.blurView.isHidden = false; self.blurView.alpha = 0; UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3, delay: 0) { [weak self] in self?.blurView.alpha = 0.5; fabMenu.fabButton?.imageView?.transform = .init(rotationAngle: 45); } completion: { weak self in //self?.blurView.isHidden = false; }

        //    fabMenu.fabButton?.animate(.rotate(45))
    func fabMenuWillClose(fabMenu: FABMenu) {
        self.blurView.alpha = 0.5;
        UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3, delay: 0) { [weak self] in
            self?.blurView.alpha = 0;
            fabMenu.fabButton?.imageView?.transform = CGAffineTransform.identity;
        } completion: { [weak self](_) in
            self?.blurView.isHidden = true;


    Screen Shot 2020-09-28 at 4 50 00 PM

    Material Version is 3.1.8

    Help Me, Please. Thank you.

    opened by kofsiwon 0
  • check for Touch event before closing menu

    check for Touch event before closing menu

    Under catalyst, as you move the mouse around, it hit tests with UIHoverEvent

    these currently trigger closing the menu before you're able to move the mouse up to actually click on anything

    we could test explicitly for .hover events and ignore them, but they're not available in earlier versions of iOS, so it's easier to just check for .touches events. This also means that shake, remote control events, etc won't close the menu (though I don't know if they trigger a hit test anyway)

    opened by ConfusedVorlon 2
  • TextField does't refresh detailLabel

    TextField does't refresh detailLabel

    If you try to change the color and text in the textField.detailLabel.text, you won't see the change if you dont change the textField.text or focusing the field.

    It occurs when the field is not focused and you change the detail text from code.

    Pod version: Material 3.1.8 MaterialComponents 109.4.0

    This is my workaround to resolve temporarily my problem:

        guard let lastChar = textField.text!.last else {
        textField.text = textField.text! + String(lastChar)

    Have a good day. Best regards.

    opened by titopalito 0
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