Launch JIT enabled iOS app with a second iOS device

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Device Jitterbug



This app uses libimobiledevice and WiFi pairing to use one iOS device to launch apps with the debugger on another iOS device. This "tethered" launch allows JIT to work on the second iOS device. It can also create a VPN tunnel to allow a device to debug itself.


Go to Releases


AltStore is the preferred way to install Jitterbug. You can also sideload the IPA through other means or install it on a jailbroken device using AppSync Unified.


Install Jitterbug on your primary device and the app you wish to launch on your secondary device.

On macOS and Windows, make sure you have iTunes installed. On Linux, make sure usbmuxd is installed (sudo apt install usbmuxd).

Run jitterbugpair with your secondary device plugged in to generate YOUR-UDID.mobiledevicepairing. You need to have a passcode enabled and the device should be unlocked. The first time you run the tool, you will get a prompt for your passcode. Type it in and keep the screen on and unlocked and run the tool again to generate the pairing.


Use AirDrop, email, or another means to copy the .mobiledevicepairing to your primary iOS device. When you open it, it should launch Jitterbug and import automatically.

Download the Developer Image for the iOS version running on your secondary iOS device (or the closest version if your version is not listed) and copy both DeveloperDiskImage.dmg and DeveloperDiskImage.dmg.signature to your primary iOS device. Open Jitterbug, go to "Support Files" and import both files.

Open Jitterbug, go to "Launcher", and look for your secondary iOS device to show up. If it is not showing up, make sure both devices are connected to the same network (tethering from primary to secondary OR secondary to primary is OK). Select the device and choose the pairing file. Then choose the app to launch and choose the DeveloperDiskImage.dmg file.


Building Jitterbug

  1. Make sure you cloned all submodules with git submodule update --init --recursive
  2. Open Jitterbug.xcodeproj and change the bundle id to a unique value registered to your Apple Developer account.
  3. Build and run "Jitterbug" on your iOS device.


Jitterbug can create a VPN tunnel so a device can debug itself. This requires the "Network Extensions" entitlement which is not available to free developer accounts. If you have a free account, you will get a code signing error when trying to build. To fix it, delete the "Network Extensions" capability from the "Signing & Capabilities" tab for both the "Jitterbug" and "JitterbugTunnel" targets. You will not be able to use Jitterbug to launch apps on the same device but you can still use it to launch apps on a second device.

Building JitterbugPair

The software to generate a pairing token is available for macOS, Linux, and Windows.


  1. Make sure you cloned all submodules with git submodule update --init --recursive
  2. Install Homebrew if you have not already.
  3. Install dependencies: brew install meson openssl@1.1 libusbmuxd libimobiledevice pkg-config
  4. Build with PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib/pkgconfig" meson build && cd build && meson compile
  5. The built executable is in build/jitterbugpair. You can install it with meson install.

Ubuntu 20.04

  1. Make sure you cloned all submodules with git submodule update --init --recursive
  2. Install dependencies: sudo apt install meson libgcrypt-dev libusbmuxd-dev libimobiledevice-dev libunistring-dev
  3. Build with meson build && cd build && ninja
  4. The built executable is in build/jitterbugpair. You can install it with sudo ninja install.


  1. Install MSYS and open MSYS shell.
  2. Install dependencies: pacman -Syy git mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-pkg-config mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-meson mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-libusbmuxd mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-libimobiledevice
  3. Clone the repository: git clone --recursive
  4. Close the MSYS shell and open the MingW64 shell.
  5. Open the cloned repository: cd Jitterbug
  6. Build with meson build && cd build && meson compile
  7. The built executable is build/jitterbugpair.exe and build/libwinpthread-1.dll. Both files needs to be in the same directory to run.


Mount fails with "ImageMountFailed"

You may have already mounted the developer image. Try launching an app.

Launch fails with "Failed to get the task for process xxx"

This application does not have the get-task-allow entitlement. Or this is not an development app.

  • VPN tunnel failed to start

    VPN tunnel failed to start

    Primary: iPad Pro 3rd generation iOS 15.0 latest version of Jitterbug built using paid developer account with Xcode 13

    Secondary: iPhone 13 Pro Max iOS 15.02 Latest version of Jitterbug built using paid developer account with Xcode13

    I transferred the mobile device pairing file that was generated for my secondary device and copied it to my primary device. All Good there. When I bring up Jitterbug it sees my secondary device.

    Next is what I don’t understand. Does the app coming from my secondary device HAVE to be installed on my secondary device? Or, can I not get it from the download files within my Files app? I don’t see anyway to get at it, except if the app was install on the secondary device.

    Assuming you can get the app on the primary it says (I assume run it, in my case UTM), to click on the developerDisk…dmg it is not clickable. I believe I read it right that those to files (signature and dmg) needed to go on the primary. Will it become available when the app is selected.

    And the crux of the issue. How to get the tunnel to work??? The network entitlement was built into the Jitterbug build. So I don’t know what is wrong as the dialog box just says, VPN tunnel failed to start.

    opened by Nanoc-ice 18
  • Jitterbug doesn’t seem to be enabling JIT for UTM on iPad OS15.4

    Jitterbug doesn’t seem to be enabling JIT for UTM on iPad OS15.4

    Has anyone been able to get Jitterbug to enable JIT and open UTM on iPad with iPad OS15.4? Worked fine till upgraded to OS15.4 now won’t mount either with VPN tunnel on same device or tethered device via Wifi.

    I downloaded and installed the new DeveloperDiskImages for OS15.4 from Xcode 13.3 beta 1 and still will not work.

    Hopefully someone else has gotten to work.


    opened by SugarRayLua 12
  • Launch app with JIT on same device

    Launch app with JIT on same device

    Hello. Looking at the code, it seems to me that it should be possible to launch an app with JIT on the same device instead of having a secondary device. libmobiledevice supports detached debug mode which doesn't need a daemon to be tethered to the JIT app. Is there a technical limitation that I'm missing? Thanks

    opened by ViRb3 12
  • How do I use VPN tunnel ?

    How do I use VPN tunnel ?

    Hi, I was able to successfully configure the tool to play Wii games on iPad at full speed. But I have a paid developer account and I wanted to know how I can configure the VPN tunnel ? Do I just use the generated file from my Mac on the SAME device instead of secondary ? Thanks in advance.

    opened by LukasAppleFan 10
  • Network Entitlement Extension

    Network Entitlement Extension


    I have a paid developer account threw udid registrations and when I sign the app with ipa signer or the signulous app im unable to use the vpn tunnel feature with Jitterbug and according to the screenshot when I signed the jitterbug IPA the network entitlement extension is included so a little help would be appreciated so I can use JIT with rocket league sideswipe and my ppsspp emulator (I know everyone recommends to use signtools but I'm not competent enough to understand how to use it for jitterbug and don't have access to a Mac Or windows to install altstore and why would I to anyway when I have a signing service) and I really want to use this like so much I literary made a github just to inquire about this issue I'm going threw) also I been going back and forth with udid customer support about the issue with Jitterbug and they send me a email with another entitlement I might need to get this functional I included a screenshot cause your the developer u would know better then anybody if that entitlement they told me was needed or not.... D13843F3-26DD-4B99-806A-DE12EAF0007C

    opened by Poochy1130 7
  • Could not find matching provisioning profile

    Could not find matching provisioning profile

    This is the same as issue #15 but the person who created that issue closed it with no context. I'm having the same issue where I get this error when signing it with AltStore using my developer account.

    opened by Symplicityy 6
  • Using already existing VPN protocols for Self-launching

    Using already existing VPN protocols for Self-launching

    Hi! I was wondering if it would be possible to use an already existing VPN protocol (like OpenVPN or WireGuard) so that the device can debug itself through an already existing app, without Jitterbug needing the "Network Extensions" entitlement.

    opened by bela333 5
  • [Question] Is disk image and iOS version have to be the same

    [Question] Is disk image and iOS version have to be the same

    In "Go here and download the ZIP corresponding to the closest iOS version to the target device. Unzip the download and you should get DeveloperDiskImage.dmg and DeveloperDiskImage.dmg.signature."

    I installed Jitterbug app on iPhone with iOS 14.6 and try to start the UTM app on iPad with iOS 14.6. An error was reported: Unable to mount The latest disk image version available is iOS 14.5

    opened by js-john 4
  • Jitterbug crashes when trying to query apps

    Jitterbug crashes when trying to query apps

    I have tried this with both methods (VPN and secondary device) and get the same result.

    Devices: iPad Pro M1 11" (VPN) iPhone 12 (secondary)

    Crash log (zipped as i was not allowed to upload a .ips file) iPad iPhone

    opened by BluDood 3
  • ImageMountFailed


    Why did I always have such an error prompt for opening the software for the first time? My device installs the system of Jitterbug's iPhone running ios 14.6, and uses Jit permission ipad os14.6.

    opened by pill64 3
  • VPN Tunnel not enabling JIT

    VPN Tunnel not enabling JIT

    I have signed and installed Jitterbug 1.3.1 using UDID Registrations iOS App Signer, and enabled the local device VPN Tunnel, but it doesnt enable JIT. Ive tried on both UTM and Dolphin. When i go into the app and select my device (13 Pro Max iOS 1.16.02) it pulls up the pairing screen with "no files found". Im not sure what else i need to do, or if did something wrong.

    opened by PatFussy69 2
  • Applications will become unresponsive and task error

    Applications will become unresponsive and task error

    When I use Jitterbug to turn on UTM or any other software, this application will become unresponsive. After returning to Jitterbug, it will prompt me with the following error. IMG_0001(20220914-163921) I've retried many methods but none have worked. Here's how my system is:

    ipadOS: 15.6.1
    Jitterbug version: 1.3.0
    UTM version: 4.0.4

    I would appreciate it if you could solve my problem.

    opened by wadaxiyang 2
  • Pairing expires in the background after a short while

    Pairing expires in the background after a short while

    If you leave Jitterbug in the background for a few minutes and then get back to it- debugging won't work until you press the Pair button... Might be a good idea to re-pair automatically whenever the app is activated. Here's the video

    iPadOS 15.5, Latest Jitterbug 1.3 with self-debugging enabled

    opened by fomalsd 0
  • A way to stop the VPN tunnel from the app

    A way to stop the VPN tunnel from the app

    Thanks for the app!

    Self-debugging starts a VPN tunnel but apparently never stops it. Unfortunately VPN interferes with things like AirDrop and Universal Control.

    It would be nice if there was a "Stop/Unpair" button ("Clear Pairing" doesn't stop the VPN) Or stopping the tunnel automatically when the debugged app is closed (if there's a way to detect that) without having to go into VPN settings each time.

    opened by fomalsd 2
  • [Feature Request] use upnp for jit enabling

    [Feature Request] use upnp for jit enabling

    I've found a program that uses the jitterbug pair file system and utilizes upnp to sign altstore to the idevice. I am wondering if this can be utilized for non-paid developers to do on-device debugger attaching via libimobiledevice library jitterbug uses.

    the only problem with this is that upnp is not the same on all routers and some routers have it disabled. For example, mine allows upnp but only permanent upnp requests and this repo uses timed upnp. from what I hear tho is you can set the time limit to 0 and it would work.

    repo in question that could be utilized maybe:

    opened by Spidy123222 9
  • v1.3.1(Sep 14, 2022)

    Jitterbug is an iOS app that lets you to wirelessly connect to another iOS device (neither are jailbroken) and then launch an app on the connected iOS device with JIT enabled. This can be used with UTM or DolphiniOS or other supported apps for faster emulation speed.

    On jailbroken devices, TrollStore compatible devices, or any device with a paid developer account, Jitterbug can create a VPN tunnel to run apps on the local device without needing a second device.

    Jitterbug Lite is the same app without any of the VPN features which require special entitlements only available to paid Apple Developer accounts.

    Note: Only Jitterbug Lite will work with AltStore!


    Jitterbug Lite: AltStore is the preferred way to install Jitterbug Lite. You can also sideload the IPA through other means.

    Jitterbug (with VPN): If you have a jailbroken device, you can install Jitterbug with AppSync Unified for the full set of features. If you have a TrollStore compatible device, you can install the IPA with TrollStore. If you have neither, you can build and install Jitterbug with a paid Apple Developer account. Check out these instructions for more details.


    Install Jitterbug on your primary device and the app you wish to launch on your secondary device.

    On macOS and Windows, make sure you have iTunes installed. On Linux, make sure usbmuxd is installed (sudo apt install usbmuxd).

    Run jitterbugpair with your secondary device plugged in to generate YOUR-UDID.mobiledevicepairing. You need to have a passcode enabled and the device should be unlocked. The first time you run the tool, you will get a prompt for your passcode. Type it in and keep the screen on and unlocked and run the tool again to generate the pairing.


    Use AirDrop, email, or another means to copy the .mobiledevicepairing file generated from jitterbugpair to your primary iOS device. When you open it, it should launch Jitterbug and import automatically.

    Download the Developer Image for the iOS version running on your secondary iOS device (or the closest lower version if your version is not listed) and copy both DeveloperDiskImage.dmg and DeveloperDiskImage.dmg.signature to your primary iOS device. Open Jitterbug, go to "Support Files" and import both files.

    Open Jitterbug, go to "Launcher", and look for your secondary iOS device to show up. If it is not showing up, make sure both devices are connected to the same network (tethering from primary to secondary OR secondary to primary is OK). Select the device and choose the pairing file. Then choose the app to launch and choose the DeveloperDiskImage.dmg file.


    1. Re-generate the pairing file. If you have not used the pairing file for a long time or if you updated or reset your device, the pairing file will expire.
    2. Make sure you are using the right DeveloperDiskImage.dmg and DeveloperDiskImage.dmg.signature corresponding to the iOS version on the secondary iOS device.
    3. Make sure both devices are connected to the same Wifi network. Try a different Wifi network (or use iPhone Wifi tethering) if connection problems persists. Cellular will not work even with VPN.
    4. Make sure the app you are trying to launch is "Developer Signed". This means you've loaded it with AltStore, iOS App Signer, Xcode, or other similar means. What's not developer signed: Ad-Hoc signed, Enterprise signed, App Store signed, most "cloud" signing services.



    • Shows all apps (including apps marked as system) in order to support TrollStore installed apps
    • Fixed a crash when querying apps with an empty Container string


    • Import pairing/DMG inside the app (thanks @js-john)
    • Fix UI issue launching from shortcut in iPad landscape mode (#21)
    • Updated zh-Hans localization (thanks @js-john)
    • Updated libimobiledevice and dependencies to latest commit


    • Generate URL shortcut for devices and apps by 3D touching on the list item. You can then use the URL on the same device to quickly launch an app from anywhere.
    • Jitterbug Lite is the same app without the VPN features and can be installed with AltStore or free developer accounts.
    • Various stability fixes for VPN connection (thanks @luken11)
    • zh-Hans translation (thanks @js-john)
    • Fix crash deleting support files (#20)
    • Fix launched apps crashing when launched with VPN (#10)
    • Fix localhost device sometimes not being detected as localhost
    • Improve error message when trying to start VPN mode with VPN profile disabled
    • Fix refreshing app list in VPN mode


    • Jailbreak OR resigned with a paid developer account only: Run apps on the local device using a VPN tunnel


    • Add macOS version of Jitterbug (GUI) with built-in support for generating pairing files


    • Added home screen shortcuts for saved hosts
    • Fixed busy spinner not showing for importing files
    • Workaround pairing popover not showing on iOS 14.6
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Jitterbug.dmg(4.94 MB)
    Jitterbug.ipa(21.94 MB)
    JitterbugLite.ipa(11.99 MB) MB) MB) MB)
  • v1.3.0(May 5, 2022)

    Jitterbug is an iOS app that lets you to wirelessly connect to another iOS device (neither are jailbroken) and then launch an app on the connected iOS device with JIT enabled. This can be used with UTM or DolphiniOS or other supported apps for faster emulation speed.

    On jailbroken devices or signed with a paid developer account, Jitterbug can create a VPN tunnel to run apps on the local device without needing a second device.

    Jitterbug Lite is the same app without any of the VPN features which require special entitlements only available to paid Apple Developer accounts.

    Note: Only Jitterbug Lite will work with AltStore!


    Jitterbug Lite: AltStore is the preferred way to install Jitterbug Lite. You can also sideload the IPA through other means.

    Jitterbug (with VPN): If you have a jailbroken device, you can install Jitterbug with AppSync Unified for the full set of features. If you do not have a jailbroken device, you can build and install Jitterbug with a paid Apple Developer account. Check out these instructions for more details.


    Install Jitterbug on your primary device and the app you wish to launch on your secondary device.

    On macOS and Windows, make sure you have iTunes installed. On Linux, make sure usbmuxd is installed (sudo apt install usbmuxd).

    Run jitterbugpair with your secondary device plugged in to generate YOUR-UDID.mobiledevicepairing. You need to have a passcode enabled and the device should be unlocked. The first time you run the tool, you will get a prompt for your passcode. Type it in and keep the screen on and unlocked and run the tool again to generate the pairing.


    Use AirDrop, email, or another means to copy the .mobiledevicepairing file generated from jitterbugpair to your primary iOS device. When you open it, it should launch Jitterbug and import automatically.

    Download the Developer Image for the iOS version running on your secondary iOS device (or the closest lower version if your version is not listed) and copy both DeveloperDiskImage.dmg and DeveloperDiskImage.dmg.signature to your primary iOS device. Open Jitterbug, go to "Support Files" and import both files.

    Open Jitterbug, go to "Launcher", and look for your secondary iOS device to show up. If it is not showing up, make sure both devices are connected to the same network (tethering from primary to secondary OR secondary to primary is OK). Select the device and choose the pairing file. Then choose the app to launch and choose the DeveloperDiskImage.dmg file.


    1. Re-generate the pairing file. If you have not used the pairing file for a long time or if you updated or reset your device, the pairing file will expire.
    2. Make sure you are using the right DeveloperDiskImage.dmg and DeveloperDiskImage.dmg.signature corresponding to the iOS version on the secondary iOS device.
    3. Make sure both devices are connected to the same Wifi network. Try a different Wifi network (or use iPhone Wifi tethering) if connection problems persists. Cellular will not work even with VPN.
    4. Make sure the app you are trying to launch is "Developer Signed". This means you've loaded it with AltStore, iOS App Signer, Xcode, or other similar means. What's not developer signed: Ad-Hoc signed, Enterprise signed, App Store signed, most "cloud" signing services.



    • Import pairing/DMG inside the app (thanks @js-john)
    • Fix UI issue launching from shortcut in iPad landscape mode (#21)
    • Updated zh-Hans localization (thanks @js-john)
    • Updated libimobiledevice and dependencies to latest commit


    • Generate URL shortcut for devices and apps by 3D touching on the list item. You can then use the URL on the same device to quickly launch an app from anywhere.
    • Jitterbug Lite is the same app without the VPN features and can be installed with AltStore or free developer accounts.
    • Various stability fixes for VPN connection (thanks @luken11)
    • zh-Hans translation (thanks @js-john)
    • Fix crash deleting support files (#20)
    • Fix launched apps crashing when launched with VPN (#10)
    • Fix localhost device sometimes not being detected as localhost
    • Improve error message when trying to start VPN mode with VPN profile disabled
    • Fix refreshing app list in VPN mode


    • Jailbreak OR resigned with a paid developer account only: Run apps on the local device using a VPN tunnel


    • Add macOS version of Jitterbug (GUI) with built-in support for generating pairing files


    • Added home screen shortcuts for saved hosts
    • Fixed busy spinner not showing for importing files
    • Workaround pairing popover not showing on iOS 14.6
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Jitterbug.dmg(4.94 MB)
    Jitterbug.ipa(21.93 MB)
    JitterbugLite.ipa(11.98 MB) MB) MB) MB)
  • v1.2.0(Aug 12, 2021)

    Jitterbug is an iOS app that lets you to wirelessly connect to another iOS device (neither are jailbroken) and then launch an app on the connected iOS device with JIT enabled. This can be used with UTM or DolphiniOS or other supported apps for faster emulation speed.

    On jailbroken devices or resigned with a paid developer account, Jitterbug can create a VPN tunnel to run apps on the local device without needing a second device.

    Jitterbug Lite is the same app without any of the VPN features which require special entitlements only available to paid Apple Developer accounts.

    Both AltStore users and free developer accounts can only use Jitterbug Lite.


    There are unaffiliated third parties who have uploaded Jitterbug (full) to TestFlight. You can find it if you search for it. These unofficial builds are not maintained by the developers and you can install it at your own risk!

    AltStore is the preferred way to install Jitterbug Lite. You can also sideload the IPA through other means. If you have a jailbroken device, you can install Jitterbug with AppSync Unified for the full set of features.


    Install Jitterbug on your primary device and the app you wish to launch on your secondary device.

    On macOS and Windows, make sure you have iTunes installed. On Linux, make sure usbmuxd is installed (sudo apt install usbmuxd).

    Run jitterbugpair with your secondary device plugged in to generate YOUR-UDID.mobiledevicepairing. You need to have a passcode enabled and the device should be unlocked. The first time you run the tool, you will get a prompt for your passcode. Type it in and keep the screen on and unlocked and run the tool again to generate the pairing.


    Use AirDrop, email, or another means to copy the .mobiledevicepairing to your primary iOS device. When you open it, it should launch Jitterbug and import automatically.

    Download the Developer Image for the iOS version running on your secondary iOS device (or the closest version if your version is not listed) and copy both DeveloperDiskImage.dmg and DeveloperDiskImage.dmg.signature to your primary iOS device. Open Jitterbug, go to "Support Files" and import both files.

    Open Jitterbug, go to "Launcher", and look for your secondary iOS device to show up. If it is not showing up, make sure both devices are connected to the same network (tethering from primary to secondary OR secondary to primary is OK). Select the device and choose the pairing file. Then choose the app to launch and choose the DeveloperDiskImage.dmg file.



    • Generate URL shortcut for devices and apps by 3D touching on the list item. You can then use the URL on the same device to quickly launch an app from anywhere.
    • Jitterbug Lite is the same app without the VPN features and can be installed with AltStore or free developer accounts.
    • Various stability fixes for VPN connection (thanks @luken11)
    • zh-Hans translation (thanks @js-john)
    • Fix crash deleting support files (#20)
    • Fix launched apps crashing when launched with VPN (#10)
    • Fix localhost device sometimes not being detected as localhost
    • Improve error message when trying to start VPN mode with VPN profile disabled
    • Fix refreshing app list in VPN mode


    • Jailbreak OR resigned with a paid developer account only: Run apps on the local device using a VPN tunnel


    • Add macOS version of Jitterbug (GUI) with built-in support for generating pairing files


    • Added home screen shortcuts for saved hosts
    • Fixed busy spinner not showing for importing files
    • Workaround pairing popover not showing on iOS 14.6
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Jitterbug.dmg(4.92 MB)
    Jitterbug.ipa(21.95 MB)
    JitterbugLite.ipa(11.68 MB) MB) MB) MB)
  • v1.1.0(Jun 10, 2021)

    Jitterbug is an iOS app that lets you to wirelessly connect to another iOS device (neither are jailbroken) and then launch an app on the connected iOS device with JIT enabled. This can be used with UTM or DolphiniOS or other supported apps for faster emulation speed.

    On jailbroken devices or resigned with a paid developer account, Jitterbug can create a VPN tunnel to run apps on the local device without needing a second device.

    Free developer account users (including AltStore users) should use v1.0.2 for now as the IPA has the Network Extensions entitlements.


    AltStore is the preferred way to install Jitterbug. You can also sideload the IPA through other means or install it on a jailbroken device using AppSync Unified.


    Install Jitterbug on your primary device and the app you wish to launch on your secondary device.

    On macOS and Windows, make sure you have iTunes installed. On Linux, make sure usbmuxd is installed (sudo apt install usbmuxd).

    Run jitterbugpair with your secondary device plugged in to generate YOUR-UDID.mobiledevicepairing. You need to have a passcode enabled and the device should be unlocked. The first time you run the tool, you will get a prompt for your passcode. Type it in and keep the screen on and unlocked and run the tool again to generate the pairing.


    Use AirDrop, email, or another means to copy the .mobiledevicepairing to your primary iOS device. When you open it, it should launch Jitterbug and import automatically.

    Download the Developer Image for the iOS version running on your secondary iOS device (or the closest version if your version is not listed) and copy both DeveloperDiskImage.dmg and DeveloperDiskImage.dmg.signature to your primary iOS device. Open Jitterbug, go to "Support Files" and import both files.

    Open Jitterbug, go to "Launcher", and look for your secondary iOS device to show up. If it is not showing up, make sure both devices are connected to the same network (tethering from primary to secondary OR secondary to primary is OK). Select the device and choose the pairing file. Then choose the app to launch and choose the DeveloperDiskImage.dmg file.



    • Jailbreak OR resigned with a paid developer account only: Run apps on the local device using a VPN tunnel


    • Add macOS version of Jitterbug (GUI) with built-in support for generating pairing files


    • Added home screen shortcuts for saved hosts
    • Fixed busy spinner not showing for importing files
    • Workaround pairing popover not showing on iOS 14.6
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Jitterbug.dmg(4.47 MB)
    Jitterbug.ipa(22.36 MB) MB) MB) MB)
  • v1.0.2(Jun 4, 2021)

    Jitterbug is an iOS app that lets you to wirelessly connect to another iOS device (neither are jailbroken) and then launch an app on the connected iOS device with JIT enabled. This can be used with UTM or DolphiniOS or other supported apps for faster emulation speed.


    AltStore is the preferred way to install Jitterbug. You can also sideload the IPA through other means or install it on a jailbroken device using AppSync Unified.


    Install Jitterbug on your primary device and the app you wish to launch on your secondary device.

    On macOS and Windows, make sure you have iTunes installed. On Linux, make sure usbmuxd is installed (sudo apt install usbmuxd).

    Run jitterbugpair with your secondary device plugged in to generate YOUR-UDID.mobiledevicepairing. You need to have a passcode enabled and the device should be unlocked. The first time you run the tool, you will get a prompt for your passcode. Type it in and keep the screen on and unlocked and run the tool again to generate the pairing.


    Use AirDrop, email, or another means to copy the .mobiledevicepairing to your primary iOS device. When you open it, it should launch Jitterbug and import automatically.

    Download the Developer Image for the iOS version running on your secondary iOS device and copy both DeveloperDiskImage.dmg and DeveloperDiskImage.dmg.signature to your primary iOS device. Open Jitterbug, go to "Support Files" and import both files.

    Open Jitterbug, go to "Launcher", and look for your secondary iOS device to show up. If it is not showing up, make sure both devices are connected to the same network (tethering from primary to secondary OR secondary to primary is OK). Select the device and choose the pairing file. Then choose the app to launch and choose the DeveloperDiskImage.dmg file.



    • Add macOS version of Jitterbug (GUI) with built-in support for generating pairing files


    • Added home screen shortcuts for saved hosts
    • Fixed busy spinner not showing for importing files
    • Workaround pairing popover not showing on iOS 14.6
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Jitterbug.dmg(4.47 MB)
    Jitterbug.ipa(12.37 MB) MB) MB) MB)
  • v1.0.1(Jun 2, 2021)

    Jitterbug is an iOS app that lets you to wirelessly connect to another iOS device (neither are jailbroken) and then launch an app on the connected iOS device with JIT enabled. This can be used with UTM or DolphiniOS or other supported apps for faster emulation speed.


    AltStore is the preferred way to install Jitterbug. You can also sideload the IPA through other means or install it on a jailbroken device using AppSync Unified.


    Install Jitterbug on your primary device and the app you wish to launch on your secondary device.

    On macOS and Windows, make sure you have iTunes installed. On Linux, make sure usbmuxd is installed (sudo apt install usbmuxd).

    Run jitterbugpair with your secondary device plugged in to generate YOUR-UDID.mobiledevicepairing. You need to have a passcode enabled and the device should be unlocked. The first time you run the tool, you will get a prompt for your passcode. Type it in and keep the screen on and unlocked and run the tool again to generate the pairing.


    Use AirDrop, email, or another means to copy the .mobiledevicepairing to your primary iOS device. When you open it, it should launch Jitterbug and import automatically.

    Download the Developer Image for the iOS version running on your secondary iOS device and copy both DeveloperDiskImage.dmg and DeveloperDiskImage.dmg.signature to your primary iOS device. Open Jitterbug, go to "Support Files" and import both files.

    Open Jitterbug, go to "Launcher", and look for your secondary iOS device to show up. If it is not showing up, make sure both devices are connected to the same network (tethering from primary to secondary OR secondary to primary is OK). Select the device and choose the pairing file. Then choose the app to launch and choose the DeveloperDiskImage.dmg file.



    • Added home screen shortcuts for saved hosts
    • Fixed busy spinner not showing for importing files
    • Workaround pairing popover not showing on iOS 14.6
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Jitterbug.ipa(12.28 MB) MB) MB) MB)
  • v1.0.0(Jun 2, 2021)

    Jitterbug is an iOS app that lets you to wirelessly connect to another iOS device (neither are jailbroken) and then launch an app on the connected iOS device with JIT enabled. This can be used with UTM or DolphiniOS or other supported apps for faster emulation speed.


    AltStore is the preferred way to install Jitterbug. You can also sideload the IPA through other means or install it on a jailbroken device using AppSync Unified.


    Install Jitterbug on your primary device and the app you wish to launch on your secondary device.

    On macOS and Windows, make sure you have iTunes installed. On Linux, make sure usbmuxd is installed (sudo apt install usbmuxd).

    Run jitterbugpair with your secondary device plugged in to generate YOUR-UDID.mobiledevicepairing. You need to have a passcode enabled and the device should be unlocked. The first time you run the tool, you will get a prompt for your passcode. Type it in and keep the screen on and unlocked and run the tool again to generate the pairing.


    Use AirDrop, email, or another means to copy the .mobiledevicepairing to your primary iOS device. When you open it, it should launch Jitterbug and import automatically.

    Download the Developer Image for the iOS version running on your secondary iOS device and copy both DeveloperDiskImage.dmg and DeveloperDiskImage.dmg.signature to your primary iOS device. Open Jitterbug, go to "Support Files" and import both files.

    Open Jitterbug, go to "Launcher", and look for your secondary iOS device to show up. If it is not showing up, make sure both devices are connected to the same network (tethering from primary to secondary OR secondary to primary is OK). Select the device and choose the pairing file. Then choose the app to launch and choose the DeveloperDiskImage.dmg file.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Jitterbug.ipa(12.23 MB) MB) MB) MB)
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