Secure your app by obfuscating all the hard-coded security-sensitive strings.


App Obfuscator for iOS Apps

Secure your app by obfuscating all the hard-coded security-sensitive strings.

Security Sensitive strings can be:

  • REST API Credentials
  • OAuth Credentials
  • Passwords
  • URLs not intended to be known to the public (i.e. private backend API endpoints)
  • Keys & Secrets

This library hard-codes typical NSStrings as C language strings by obfuscating and then encoding as hexadecimal. When your app needs the original unobfuscated NSStrings, it dynamically decodes it back.

It adds an extra layer of security against prying eyes.

This makes it harder for people with jail-broken iPhones from opening up your app's executable file and then looking for strings embedded in the binary that may appear 'interesting'.

See generally:

This library (v2+) can now be bridged over to Swift.



pod 'Obfuscator', '~> 2.0'

Create Globals.h & Globals.m files

This is typically where you store your sensitive strings that you want available globally.

File(top menu)->New->File...

Create a Prefix Header

For XCode 6, you will need to create a pch file from scratch.

  • Add to bottom:
//Now you do not need to include those headers anywhere else in your project.
#import "Globals.h"
#import <Obfuscator/Obfuscator.h>


Step 1

Let's assume you are using Parse. In order to use their backend services, they will provide you with a client key:


Since the string is hard-coded, it will be baked into the executable binary - easily accessible to unscrupulous prying eyes.

We need to encode it as a global C-String encoded in hexadecimal.

Obfuscator *o = [Obfuscator newWithSalt:[AppDelegate class],[NSString class], nil];  //Use any class(es) within your app that won't stand out to a hacker

[o hexByObfuscatingString:@"JEG3i8R9LAXIDW0kXGHGjauak0G2mAjPacv1QfkO"];

This will print out the following code in the XCode Console output (NSLog):

Objective-C Code:
extern const unsigned char *key;
//Original: JEG3i8R9LAXIDW0kXGHGjauak0G2mAjPacv1QfkO
const unsigned char _key[] = { 0x7E, 0x23, 0x25, 0xB, 0xB, 0xF, 0x31, 0x9, 0x7B, 0x70, 0x3B, 0x7F, 0x21, 0x35, 0x9, 0x52, 0x6D, 0x21, 0x2C, 0x7F, 0xE, 0x4, 0x43, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x75, 0x4, 0x5C, 0x27, 0xB, 0x36, 0x3, 0x5B, 0x15, 0x52, 0x60, 0x5E, 0xE, 0x2E, 0x00 };
const unsigned char *key = &_key[0];

Before Deploying your app DELETE OUT ALL REFERENCE TO hexByObfuscatingString: METHOD. It is purely for obtaining the Objective-C code above.

Step 2

Copy the extern const unsigned char *key; from Step 1 into Globals.h.

Copy the const unsigned char *_key[] = ... from Step 1 into Globals.m.

Copy the const unsigned char *key = &_key[0]; from Step 1 into Globals.m.

Remember to change key to something more meaningful such as parseKey.

It may be a good idea to add the original string as comments in Globals.m in case you need to re-encode it again (i.e. Step 4).

Step 3

When your app needs to use the unobfuscated string:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
	Obfuscator *o = [Obfuscator newWithSalt:[AppDelegate class],[NSString class], nil]; //The salt MUST match Step 1
	[Parse setApplicationId:@"TestApp"

	[Parse setApplicationId:@"TestApp"
              	clientKey:[o reveal:parseKey];

	return YES;

The Salt used by reveal: method MUST MATCH the salt used in Step 1.

Step 4


Double check that ALL of your obfuscated strings can be unobfuscated back to the original. If not, then change the salt and try again. If even one string cannot be unofuscated, then that particular string can not be used with this library. The others can.

More Advanced Usage

Step 1 - Generate Objective-C Code

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    [Obfuscator generateCodeWithSalt:@[[NSString class], [AppDelegate class], [NSObject class]]
                                       @{@"id": @"AA", @"string":@"testSecret"},
                                       @{@"id": @"BB", @"string":@"testKey"},
                                       @{@"id": @"CC", @"string":@"parseKey1234"},

	return YES;

This will output in Console Log:

Salt used (in this order): [AppDelegate class],[NSObject class],[NSString class],

Objective-C Code:
extern const unsigned char *AA;
extern const unsigned char *BB;
extern const unsigned char *CC;

//Original: "testSecret"
const unsigned char _AA[] = { 0x41, 0x51, 0x46, 0x44, 0x62, 0x52, 0x55, 0x44, 0x3, 0x4C, 0x00 };
const unsigned char *AA = &_AA[0];

//Original: "testKey"
const unsigned char _BB[] = { 0x41, 0x51, 0x46, 0x44, 0x7A, 0x52, 0x4F, 0x00 };
const unsigned char *BB = &_BB[0];

//Original: "parseKey1234"
const unsigned char _CC[] = { 0x45, 0x55, 0x47, 0x43, 0x54, 0x7C, 0x53, 0x4F, 0x57, 0xA, 0x56, 0x56, 0x00 };
const unsigned char *CC = &_CC[0];

Copy and Paste the generated code.

NB: The Salt has been rearranged because the original arrangement was not able to obfuscate all 3 strings.

The Algorithm will go through all permutations of Salt to maximize the number of strings it was able to obfuscate. Sometimes it will not succeed completely, so the output will indicate which strings were not obfuscated. For the unobfuscated strings, try a totally different salt OR add more classes to the salt list and try again. The more classes you add, the better chance of obfuscating all strings.

DELETE OUT [Obfuscator generateCodeWithSalt:WithStrings:] for production.

Step 2 - Store Salt in key-value internal database

[Obfuscator storeKey:@"swift" forSalt:[AppDelegate class],[NSObject class],[NSString class], nil];

If your project is written in Objective-C, there are other undocumented ways to proceed after Step 1. However, this is the only way to proceed for a Swift based project. This way will also work in both Swift and Objective-C.

NB: The Salt list applied to storeKey:forSalt: must be ordered according to the output in Step 1. This arrangement may be different to the argument applied to generateCodeWithSalt:WithStrings:.

You can use different keys to identify different salts if you choose to obfuscate multiple strings using different salts.

Step 3 - Dynamically decode obfuscated string when you need to use it.

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
	[Parse setApplicationId:@"TestApp"

	[Parse setApplicationId:@"TestApp"
              	clientKey:[Obfuscator reveal:CC UsingStoredSalt:@"swift"];

	return YES;

For swift:

	Obfuscator.reveal(CC, usingStoredSalt: "swift")

Other Useful Packages

Check out "" library. The Easiest and Simplest iOS library for Twitter and Facebook. Just Drop in and Use!

Check out "" package. Internal ID hashing and Obfuscation using Knuth's Algorithm. (For databases etc)


Final Notes

If you found this package useful, please Star it on github. Feel free to fork or provide pull requests. Any bug reports will be warmly received.

PJ Engineering and Business Solutions Pty. Ltd.

  • Swift use

    Swift use

    Hello. How can i use this with swift?

    Is it generated by:

    let o = Obfuscator.newWithSaltUnsafe()

    ? or how?

    opened by AgapovOne 8
  • Linker Error when compiling for an iPhone5

    Linker Error when compiling for an iPhone5

    Hi there!

    I'm currently trying to use Obfuscator-iOS in my app project. However, when building on the iPhone 5 simulator, I'm getting the following linker error:

    screen shot 2017-07-13 at 4 17 53 pm
    opened by narner 7
  • Not all classes are acceptable as salt

    Not all classes are acceptable as salt


    While creating a Obfuscator object I came across an issue where not all my classes are obfuscating the key successfully. For example if I use any of the below set of classes as a salt I always get error Could not obfuscate - Use different salt

    Obfuscator *o = [Obfuscator newWithSalt:[NSString class], [NSObject class], [NSString class], nil];
    //Application is a class define in my project
    Obfuscator *o = [Obfuscator newWithSalt:[Application class], [NSString class], nil];
    //Rename class from Application to Applicatio
    Obfuscator *o = [Obfuscator newWithSalt:[Applicatio class], [NSString class], nil];
    //Rename class from Application to Applicatin
    Obfuscator *o = [Obfuscator newWithSalt: [Applicatin class], [NSObject class], nil];
    //Protection is a class in my application
    Obfuscator *o = [Obfuscator newWithSalt: [Protection class], [NSString class], nil];
    //Protection is a class in my application
    Obfuscator *o = [Obfuscator newWithSalt: [Protection class], [NSObject class], nil];

    Whereas below set of classes are acceptable

    // Using NSString and NSObject as salt
    Obfuscator *o = [Obfuscator newWithSalt:[NSString class], [NSObject class], nil];
    Obfuscator *o = [Obfuscator newWithSalt:[NSString class], [NSString class], [NSString class], nil];
    //Rename class from Application to Applicatin
    Obfuscator *o = [Obfuscator newWithSalt:[Applicatin class], [NSString class], nil];

    I am not sure if any of the character in class name is causing this issue. If there is any limitation in using the specific characters in class name for salt than let me know.

    opened by msalman 5
  • For guidance, for help

    For guidance, for help

    I found a problem with WeChat-related appkey, hexByObfuscatingString methods, such as "wxaa45ad08facad578", "wxaa45ad08uhtad578", I don't know if there is a way to solve it @pjebs

    opened by flyOfYW 4
  • Fix CocoaPods Build issue

    Fix CocoaPods Build issue

    This fixes the issue building with CocoaPods in issue #2.

    The #include <CommonCrypto/CommonCrypto.h> line needed to be moved from the header file to the implementation file to remove the build error.

    I've tested this in my application and it works as expected.

    opened by AnthonyMDev 3
  • Could not obfuscate Use different salt

    Could not obfuscate Use different salt

    when trying to obfuscate a web address with a hyphen in it, it returns

    2016-06-15 13:27:36.955 Impl.[47263:1595477] Could not obfuscate: - Use different salt

    any ideas how i can get around this ?

    works fine with all my other variables which dont have special characters.

    opened by dholdaway 3
  • hexByObfuscatingString fails due to XOR anomaly

    hexByObfuscatingString fails due to XOR anomaly

    I added Obfuscator-iOS to my project via CocoaPods and followed the directions to obfuscate strings. I'm trying to use hexByObfuscatingString: to obfuscate a secret key for GitHub's API, but I keep getting an error that it could not obfuscate my secret key string.

    I walked through the code and I think that the problem is at line number 164 in Obfuscator.m. In the reveal: method, there's this line of code:

    *dataPtr = *dataPtr ^ *keyPtr;

    The problem that I am seeing is that both *dataPtr and *keyPtr point to the character '8' at one index. Therefore, '8' XOR '8' is going to be byte 0. Because the code is operating on C strings, this '0' byte is prematurely terminating the obfuscated string and the obfuscated version appears to be truncated.

    opened by mfcollins3 3
  • Errors: (1) Expected ';' after method prototype and (2) Expected identifier in Obfuscator.h

    Errors: (1) Expected ';' after method prototype and (2) Expected identifier in Obfuscator.h

    Getting errors: (1) Expected ';' after method prototype (2) Expected identifier

    at two method declarations in Obfuscator.h file

    • (instancetype)newWithSalt:(Class)class, ... NS_REQUIRES_NIL_TERMINATION; and
    • (void)storeKey:(NSString *)key forSalt:(Class)class, ... NS_REQUIRES_NIL_TERMINATION;

    Renaming class to some other name fixed the errors.

    opened by askarimov 2
  • Continually getting

    Continually getting "Could not obfuscate [...] Use different salt" error


    Thanks for this project - looks like it's exactly what I need. I added the Obfustcator.h and Obfuscator.m files to my project manually (i.e., not using Cocoapods).

    I'm able to run the example code you had in the README file, and it successfully generates a hex value. When I try to do this with my own strings that I want to obfuscate, I keep getting

    "Could not obfuscate [...] Use different salt" logs.

    I'm on Xcode 8.3.2


    opened by narner 1
  • Xcode 10.1 warning: Possible misuse of comma operator here

    Xcode 10.1 warning: Possible misuse of comma operator here

    Thank you for this great class.

    While using it in my Xcode 10.1 project, it shows the following warning:

    Obfuscator.m:173:25: Possible misuse of comma operator here

    This is the code:

    // If at end of key data, reset count and
    // set key pointer back to start of key value
    if (++keyIndex == [self.salt length])
        keyIndex = 0, keyPtr = keyData;

    I've solved it by splitting the statements over multiple lines within the IF condition:

    // If at end of key data, reset count and
    // set key pointer back to start of key value
    if (++keyIndex == [self.salt length])
        keyIndex = 0;
        keyPtr = keyData;
    opened by funnel20 0
  • Bitcode Support

    Bitcode Support


    I am using Obfuscator library in my project. However, I cannot create an Archive for my app because of the following error:

    screen shot 2017-05-25 at 6 11 35 pm

    Are there updates/workaround to address this issue other than disabling bitcode on the target level?

    Thanks, Kenneth

    opened by kdmandawe 3
  • Error when use with cocoapods.

    Error when use with cocoapods.


    I install it with cocoapods. When i compile my swift project, i have this error :

    Could not build Objective-C module 'Obfuscator'

    Have you any idea ?

    opened by imrmaximus 9
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