A style guide for Swift.


Swift Style Guide

Table Of Contents


This is Prolific's style guide for writing code in Swift. The purpose of this guide is to develop a universal standard for Swift code that makes our codebases consistent and easy to read. This guide aims for consistent and clean code written in Swift in line with Apple and the general community.

The standards have been influenced by:

  • Apple's language design decisions -- specifically, its desire for Swift code to be written concisely and expressively
  • Xcode's defaults for code formatting
  • The general community


If you wish to contribute, feel free to submit a pull request or file an issue on this repo. In the pull request, be sure to discuss what problem you are intending to solve and the rationale to do so. When submitting a pull request, consider:

  • Is my suggestion general enough to be considered a code standard for all code bases?
  • Does my suggestion fall in line with Apple's desire for the language?
  • Does your suggestion invalidate a language feature?

Make sure to consider the resources in the open-source Swift repo; specifically, read through the various proposals for new language features as well as the most-commonly rejected proposals in order to guide your design principals.


In order to automate many of the rules here, we recommend using our fork of Swiftlint in your Swift codebase. While the main fork of Swiftlint is based around the GitHub style guide for Swift, our fork has additional rules and corrections for rules specific to our style guide that you will not find in the GitHub one.


Naming Conventions

The Apple Swift API design guidelines promote clarity over brevity. Code should be concise, readable and clear at the point of use. However, having compact code that sacrifices clarity is a non-goal.


Write all type names with UpperCamelCase, function and variable names with lowerCamelCase.

class MyClass { }
protocol MyProtocol { }
func myFunction() { }
var myVariable: String

Avoid acronyms and abbreviations for clarity and readability. If you have to use an acronym, use upper case.

productURL = NSURL()
userID = "12345"


Protocol names describing something should be a noun: Collection, Element. Protocol names describing an ability should end with “ing” or “able”: Evaluatable, Printable, Formatting.


Enum cases start with lowerCamelCase.

enum Color {
    case red
    case blue
    case green
    case lightBlue


Name your function with words that describe its behavior. Here is an example with a function that removes an element at an index x.


func remove(at index: Index) -> Element

Not Preferred:

func remove(index: Index) -> Element

Rationale: It is better to specify that we are removing the element at the given index, and we are not trying to remove the given parameter itself, to make the behavior of the function very clear.

Avoid unnecessary words in the function name.


func remove(_ element: Element) -> Element?

Not Preferred:

func removeElement(_ element: Element) -> Element?

Rationale: It makes the code clearer and more concise. Adding extra unnecessary words will make the code harder to read and understand.

Name your functions based on their side effects and behaviors.

  • With side effects: use imperative verb phrases:
    • print(x), x.sort(), x.append(y)
  • Without side effects: use noun phrases:
    • x.formattedName(), x.successor()

When the function can be described by a verb, use an imperative verb for the mutating function and apply “ed” or “ing” to the nonmutating function:

  • Mutating function:
    • x.sort()
    • x.append(y)
  • Nonmutating function:
    • z = x.sorted()
    • z = x.appending(y)

Name functions to be read as a sentence according to their side effects.


x.insert(y, at: z)          // x, insert y at z
x.subViews(havingColor: y)  // x's subviews having color y
x.capitalizingNouns()       // x, capitalizing nouns

Not Preferred:

x.insert(y, position: z)
x.subViews(color: y)

Empty Return Types

When specifying return type for functions, methods or closures that return no value, favor the type alias Void over empty tuple ().


func performTask(_ completion: @escaping (Bool) -> Void)

Not Preferred:

func performTask(_ completion: @escaping (Bool) -> ())

File structure

You should not define multiple public/internal types (ie class, struct, enum) in the same file; each type should have its own file.

The following list should be the standard organization of all your Swift files, in this specific order:

Before the type declaration:

  • Private Class/Struct/Enum

Inside the type declaration:

  • Override Properties
  • Properties
  • Static/Class Variables
  • Static/Class Functions
  • Init/Deinit
  • Override Functions
  • Instance Functions

After the type declaration:

  • Extensions

Each section above should be organized by accessibility:

  • Open
  • Public
  • Internal
  • Fileprivate
  • Private

When implementing a protocol you should create an extension of your class that lives in the same file to separate the core logic of your class and your protocol implementation.

Enum & Protocol

All enums should live in their own file, except in cases where the enum is declared as private. In cases where the enum is declared private, declare the enum at the top of the file, above the type declaration.

Rationale: With enum and protocol types Swift allows defining functions and extensions. Because of that these types can become complex which is why they should be defined in their own file.

Usage of MARK / TODO / FIXME

To help organize your files you may want to use pragma marks to clearly separate your functions, properties and extensions. For extensions, use one MARK per extension. For example, // MARK: UITableViewDelegate Functions instead of // MARK: Extensions.

Xcode is also able to display TODO and FIXME tags directly in the source navigator, you should consider using them to find your notes inside your files.

// TODO: implement this feature

// FIXME: fix it it's not working

Other conventional comment tags, such as NOTE are not recognized by Xcode.


Prefer Swift native types over Objective-C types when possible. Because Swift types bridge to Objective-C, you should avoid types like NSString and NSNumber in favor of Int or String.

Rationale: Avoid subclassing NSObject or using the @objc flag unless it is required to implement an NSObjectProtocol type. Subclassing NSObject or using the @objc flag automatically creates an Objective-C object that uses dynamic dispatch over the preferred static of Swift which can impact the performance of the app.


class MyClass {

Not preferred:

@objc class MyClass {

If you need functionality from an Objective-C type that is not available in its corresponding Swift type (for instance, needing an NSString function that is not available on String), cast your Swift raw type to the corresponding Objective-C type instead of declaring the type as the Objective-C type.


let scale = 5.0
let scaleString = (5.0 as NSNumber).stringValue
let scaleInt = Int(scale)

Not preferred:

let scale: NSNumber = 5.0
let scaleString = scale.stringValue
let scaleInt = scale.integerValue

Always use Swift equivalent of an Objective-C function whenever possible. For example when manipulating a CGRect variable:


let rect = CGRect()
let width = rect.width
let height = rect.height

Not preferred:

let rect = CGRect()
let width = CGRectGetWidth(rect)
let height = CGRectGetHeight(rect)

Rationale: Objective-C functions are making the code less readable, also using Swift equivalents will always help transitioning from a Swift version to another.

Type Declarations

When declaring types, the colon should be placed immediately after the identifier followed by one space and the type name.

var intValue: Int

// Do NOT do this
var intValue : Int

In all use-cases, the colon should be associated with the left-most item with no spaces preceding and one space afterwards:

let myDictionary: [String: AnyObject] = ["String": 0]


Typealias declarations should precede any other type declaration.

// typealias ClosureType = (ParameterTypes) -> (ReturnType)
typealias AgeAndNameProcessor = (Int, String) -> Void

var intValue: Int

class Object {

	private var someString = ""

	func returnOne() -> Int {
		return 1


If declaring a typealias for protocol conformance, it should be declared at the top of the type declaration, before anything else.

protocol Configurable {

    associatedtype InputData

    func configure(data: InputData) -> Void


class ExampleWillNeed {

    var x: String = ""
    var y: String = ""


class Example: Configurable {

    typealias InputData = ExampleWillNeed

    var a: String = ""
    var b: String = ""

    func configure(data: InputData)  {
        a = data.x
        b = data.y


Type Inference

Prefer letting the compiler infer the type instead of explicitly stating it, wherever possible:

var max = 0 		// Int
var name = "John" 	// String
var rect = CGRect()	// CGRect

// Do not do:

var max: Int = 0
var name: String = "John"
var rect: CGRect = CGRect()

// Ok since the inferred type is not what we wanted:

var max: Hashable = 0 // Compiler would infer Int, but we only want it to be hashable
var name: String? = "John" // Compiler would infer this not to be optional, but we may need to nil it out later.

Rationale The compiler is pretty smart, and we should utilize it where necessary. It is generally obvious what the type is going to be in the instances above, so unless we need to be more explicit (as in the last examples above), it is better to omit unneeded words.

Statement Termination

Unlike Objective-C, omit the use of ; to terminate statements. Instead, simply use new lines to indicate the end of a statement.

let myVar = 0


Avoid multiple statements on a single line.

guard let obj = myObj else { print("Something went wrong"); return; } // Wrong! Instead, place each item on its own line.

Variable Declaration

For declaring variables, favor let instead of var unless you need a mutable object or container.

func formatDate(date: NSDate) -> String {
    let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter() // In this case, use `let` since the variable `dateFormatter` never changes once set
    dateFormatter.dateStyle = .ShortStyle
    return dateFormatter.stringFromDate(date)

func arrays() {
    let array = ["Hello", "Ciao", "Aloha"] // use let here since this is an immutable container

    var mutableArray = [String]() // Use var here since this container is mutable


Never use the self modifier except in cases where it is necessary for the compiler or to alleviate conflicts with other variable declarations.

class Object {
	private var name = ""

	func useName() {
		// Let self be implied when it can be understood.
		setName("Will Smith")

	func setName(name: String) {
		// Use self here to prevent conflicts with the `name` parameter being passed.
		self.name = name

	func setNameAsync(newName: String) {
		// Use implicit self outside closures...
		otherObject.doSomethingWithName(name, then: {
			// .. but within, you must use self to ease the compiler.

Rationale: The idea behind this is that implicit use of self makes the conditions where you must use self (for instance, within closures) much more apparent and will make you think more on the reasons why you are using it. In closures, think about: should self be weak instead of strong? Apple has even rejected a request to enforce use of self for this reason, among others.

Bracket Syntax

For brackets, prefer the Xcode-default syntax of having the opening brace be on the same line as the statement opening it:

final class MyObject {

enum MyEnum {

func doSomething() {

if true == false {

let doSomething: () -> Void = {

For type declarations, include a single space between the type declaration and the first item implemented within it:

final class MyObject {

	let value = 0

In addition, include a space before the type declaration's closing bracket:

final class MyObject {

	let value = 0

	func doSomething() {
		value += 1


This also applies to extension declarations:

extension MyObject {

	func doAnotherThing() {


Do not include this extra space in function declarations:

func doSomething() {
	let value = 0

Rationale: Simply put, this is the Xcode default and standard, and it's not worth fighting. This keeps things consistent across the board and makes our lives as developers considerably easier.

Force Unwrap

Unless there is a situation that absolutely calls for it, usage of the force-unwrap operator (!) should be minimized, if not eliminated all together. With the many and varied ways of unwrapping optionals, it is safer and simpler to declare variables as optional and unwrap them when needing their values than it is to force-unwrap them and potentially introduce runtime errors into the code base.

if let text = self.textLabel?.text {

If you are interoping from Objective-C and the declaration automatically translates into force-unwrapped parameters, replace them with ? parameters instead.

The one exception to this rule are IBOutlets. @IBOutlets may be declared using ! so long as they are expected to exist for the lifetime of the view controller object:

@IBOutlet private weak var textLabel: UILabel!

Error Handling

The emergence of try / catch in Swift 2 has added powerful ways to define and return errors when something fails. The emergence of ErrorType as well for defining errors makes error definitions much more convenient over the cumbersome NSError. Because of this, for functions that can have multiple points of failure, you should always define it as throws and return a well-defined ErrorType.

Consider the following contrived example:

func multiplyEvensLessThan10(evenNumber: Int) -> Int? {
	guard evenNumber % 2 == 0 && evenNumber < 10 else {
		return nil

	return evenNumber * 2

The function above fails because it only expects evens less than 10 and returns an optional if that is violated. While this works and is simple, it is more Objective-C than Swift in its composition. The caller may not know which parameter they violated. For Swift, instead consider refactoring it as follows:

enum NumberError: ErrorType {
	case notEven
	case tooLarge

func multiplyEvens(evenNumber: Int) throws -> Int {
	guard evenNumber % 2 == 0 else {
		throw NumberError.NotEven

	guard evenNumber < 10 else {
		throw NumberError.TooLarge

	return evenNumber * 2

The above, while slightly more cumbersome, this has well-defined benefits:

  • The caller is able to explicitly determine why their call to the function failed and thus can take active steps to recover:

     let result: Int
     do {
         result = try multiplyEvens(3)
     } catch NumberError.NotEven {
         return 0
     } catch NumberError.TooLarge {
         print("The Number entered was too large! Try again.")
         return -1
     } catch {
         fatalError("Unhandled error occurred.")
     return result
  • Try/catch semantics allow the caller to still retain the old optional functionality if the error is not relevant and they only care about the outcome:

     let result: Int? = try? multiplyEvens(1)
  • Or, if the caller knows that it will not violate any of the parameters for a valid input:

     let result: Int = try! multiplyEvens(2)

So, even though we've now modified our API to use swift exceptions, we can still retain the old Objective-C functionality giving the caller the choice of how they wish to handle the result of this failable operation.


In general, you should avoid NSError in Swift in favor of defining your own ErrorType. However, in the event you do need to use NSError (for interop with Objective-C, for instance):

  • Define a proper domain for your NSError. This should be specific to your module and ideally would be reflective of your bundle identifier (e.g. com.prolificinteractive.MyApp).
  • Define a list of the various error codes and what they translate to. These should be some sort of easily readable constant or enum value so that way the caller is able to determine what exactly failed.
  • In the userInfo, include at least a localized description (NSLocalizedDescriptionKey) that accurately and concisely describes the nature of the error.

Access Modifiers

Specify access modifiers only when they are needed and required by the compiler. For internal types and functions, do not explicitly specify the access modifier since all entities in Swift are internal by default.

final class Object {

    var myInt: Int

    private func doWork() {


Further, the access modifier should always be presented first in the list before any other modifiers:

// Good!
private unowned var obj: Object

func doSomething() {

// Wrong!
weak public var obj: Object?


Import statements should be at the very top of the code file, and they should be listed in alphabetical order.

import AFNetworking
import Foundation
import ReactiveCocoa
import RealmSwift
import UIKit

The exception is for imports that are for testing only; they should be placed at the bottom of the list, in alphabetical order:

import AFNetworking
import UIKit
@testable import MyLibrary

Structs & Classes

In Swift, structs maintain value semantics which means their values are copied when assigned. Classes, on the other hand, act like pointers from C and Objective-C; they are called reference types and the internal data is shared amongst instances of assigning.

When composing your types, consider carefully what they're going to be used for before choosing what they should end up being. In general, consider structs for types that are:

  • Immutable
  • Stateless
  • Have a definition for equality

Swift structs also have other, tangible benefits as well:

  • Faster
  • Safer due to copying rather than referencing
  • Thread safe -- copies allow mutations to happen independently of other instances.

In general, you should favor structs and protocols over classes; even in cases where polymorphism would dictate the usage of a class, consider if you can achieve a similar result via protocols and extensions. This allows you to achieve polymorphism via composition rather than inheritance.

Nil Checking

Favor if-let checking over direct nil checking in all cases except when the result of this check is required:

guard let item = myItem else {

if let _ = error { // Prefer this over `if error != nil`
func isError(error: Error?) -> Bool {
	return (error != nil) // In this case, we need the result of the bool, and this is much cleaner than the other options.

For style suggestions regarding nil checking visit our best practices section.

Implicit Getters

When overriding only the getter of a property, omit the use of get:

var myInt: Int {
	return 0

// Do not do this:
var myInt: Int {
	get {
		return 0

For all other cases, specify the modifier as needed (set, didSet, etc.). This is compiler enforced.

Rationale The getter is implied enough to make sense without having to make it explicitly. It also cuts down on unnecessary verbiage and spacing to make code clearer.


For enum declarations, declare each enum case on a new line with its own case statement instead of a comma-separated list.

enum State {
	case open
	case closed
	case pending
	case faulted

Prefer singular case for enum names instead of plural: State vs. States:

var currentState = State.open
var previousState = States.closed // Reads less clearly than the previous option.

For enums with raw values, declare the raw value on the same line as its declaration:

enum HTTPMethod: String {
	case get = "GET"
	case post = "POST"

For any other functions or properties associated with the enum, place them after the last case item in the enum list:

enum State {
	case open
	case closed
	case pending
	case faulted

	func nextState() -> State {

In cases where the enum's type name can be omitted, do so:

let state = State.open

if state == .closed { ... // Prefer .closed instead of State.closed

Use of final

Classes should always be marked as final unless they are being used as a base class for another type. In instances where a class can be subclassed, any function or variable that should not be overridden by a subclass should be diligently marked as final.

// Not built for inheritance.
final class Object {


// Purposefully utilizable as a base class
class BaseClass {

	func doSomething () {

	// Properly marked as final so subclasses cannot override
	final func update() {


final class SubClass: BaseClass {

	override func doSomething() {


Rationale Subclassing in instances where the original class was not built to support subclasses can be a common source of bugs. Marking classes as final indicates that it was developed under the assumption that it would act on its own without regard for subclasses.


Operator Overloading

Operator overloading is not recommended. Overloads often lead to ambiguous semantics, unintuitive behaviours and obscurities that are difficult for everyone to understand except the person who wrote them. Instead opt for less succinct, yet more descriptive function definitions throughout your code.

Custom Operators

Be wary of defining entirely new operators, unless your use case specifically requires it. In some situations borrowing an operator that is defined in the standard library of another language makes sense, such as operators specific to high level scientific or mathematical problem solving. The behaviour of your custom operator should be intuitive and obvious. Its semantics should not conflict with existing Swift operators.

When defining a custom operator, be clear and use exhaustive documentation. Provide an example use of the operator within your documentation that others will easily understand. Define the new operator in the same file as the type definition that is making use of it.

/// Defines a postfix operator used to
/// add 3 to the value of an integer.
postfix operator +++

/// Adds a value of 3 to an Integer 
/// by appending the postfix operator.
/// Eg. let result = 3+++
/// (result is now 6)
/// - Parameter n: integer to add 3 to
/// - Returns: the value of n plus 3
postfix func +++(n: Int) -> Int {
    return n + 3

Ensure there is always an existing function available that can be used as an alternative to the custom operator if required. Consumers of your type interface should be able to choose between using your custom operator as a shortcut, or using the function for further clarity.


Well documented code is critical to help other developers understand what the code is doing. Every open, public and internal types should be documented. Additionally developers should annotate any private piece of code when its behavior is not trivial using the regular comment syntax //.

See our best practices about documenting the code.

Rationale A code without documentation is harder to understand, it is a good practice to document your code to help other developers understand the project, especially when it contains public APIs.

  • Added ruleset for alphabetizing import statements

    Added ruleset for alphabetizing import statements

    Proposal; rule that I used to abide by in C#. I think it has value here in organizing imports, as I don't think we have ever had any rulesets for imports in Objective-C. Thoughts? Alternatives? This seems pretty simple.

    opened by Haud 20
  • Updated Nil-Checking section of the README.

    Updated Nil-Checking section of the README.

    Updated the Nil-Checking section of the README with three new cases. Included standard for the below cases: -If we want to enter a scope if at least one object is non-nil -If we want to enter a scope if the object is nil -If we want to enter a scope if the an object is non-nil/nil and a bool is true/false.

    opened by lpollard11 11
  • Added a rule for more-defined error handling

    Added a rule for more-defined error handling

    @ThibaultKlein @paulmiard

    We talked about making this a best practice. However, after doing some research, I believe that this should be moved to the rules and is something we should push going forward. I agree with a lot of what's out there on the benefits of throws vs return nil, and I think we should make this a best practice.

    opened by Haud 9
  • Updated file structure section to have something more generic

    Updated file structure section to have something more generic

    Updated the file structure to add more details on enums and protocols to include the case where an enum / protocol is related to a class but has to be internal.

    Updated the MARK section to remove the extra details and examples and leave more options to the developers on how to use them.

    opened by ThibaultKlein 5
  • Updated the Enums section to use proper terminology.

    Updated the Enums section to use proper terminology.

    I'm being pedantic here. But, the third example in the Enums section shows definition of an Enum with raw values, not associated values. Here is the section about Enums on the official Swift documentations.

    opened by htinlinn 5
  • Added a section about our specific Swiftlint fork

    Added a section about our specific Swiftlint fork

    Based off of @prolificphotis feedback, this PR adds a section at the top that links to our fork of Swiftlint with additional custom rules / auto corrections specific to our style guide.

    opened by Haud 4
  • Do not require explicit use of internal access modifier

    Do not require explicit use of internal access modifier

    I understand our goal with requiring the internal access modifier is consistency, but I think it hurts more than it helps.

    A few reasons:

    • It goes against Swift/community convention
    • It adds visual clutter
    • It's a waste of time in code review to point out/correct when internal is missing
    • Developer's inheriting a project in this style will likely not use internal, so the usage of it will not be uniformly applied in due time
    opened by hkellaway 2
  • updated access modifiers rule to be more specific

    updated access modifiers rule to be more specific

    This came up yesterday during work with @MichaelCampbell and @htinlinn, and I think we agreed that this is preferable, so I decided to update our access modifier rule to qualify for this.

    @paulmiard @ThibaultKlein

    opened by Haud 2
  • Figure out a way to mark our rules that have a counterpart in SwiftLint

    Figure out a way to mark our rules that have a counterpart in SwiftLint

    Could be a clickable image/button (eg a SwiftLint checkmark) that would link to the SwiftLint section of the guide, itself linking to the SwiftLint fork repo

    Ideally it would be automated, but manual would do as well

    opened by paulmiard 0
  • What should we do about constants?

    What should we do about constants?

    Discussion emerged as to how we should handle constants in Swift. Should they be in enums? Structs? Globals? Some other thing we're not aware of?

    Do we have any resources that have a strong drive one way or the other? I cannot find any, and until we do, I vote we should avoid ruling on it until we have a good reason to encourage / discourage one use case over the other.

    This is one resource: http://www.jessesquires.com/swift-namespaced-constants/

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by Haud 3
Prolific Interactive
Prolific Interactive is a strategy-led mobile agency partnering with high-growth lifestyle brands.
Prolific Interactive
A style guide for Swift.

Table Of Contents Overview Linter Standards Naming Conventions File Structure Types Statement Termination Variable Declaration Self Structs & Classes

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The Official raywenderlich.com Swift Style Guide. Updated for Swift 5 This style guide is different from others you may see, because the focus is cent

raywenderlich 12.5k Dec 30, 2022
Style guide & coding conventions for Swift projects

This repository is no longer active. A guide to our Swift style and conventions. This is an attempt to encourage patterns that accomplish the followin

GitHub 4.8k Jan 4, 2023
A style guide for Swift.

Table Of Contents Overview Linter Standards Naming Conventions File Structure Types Statement Termination Variable Declaration Self Structs & Classes

Prolific Interactive 171 Oct 4, 2022
LinkedIn's Official Swift Style Guide

Swift Style Guide Make sure to read Apple's API Design Guidelines. Specifics from these guidelines + additional remarks are mentioned below. This guid

LinkedIn 1.4k Dec 13, 2022
The Objective-C Style Guide used by The New York Times

NYTimes Objective-C Style Guide This style guide outlines the coding conventions of the iOS teams at The New York Times. We welcome your feedback in i

The New York Times 5.8k Jan 6, 2023
A style guide that outlines the coding conventions for raywenderlich.com

The official raywenderlich.com Objective-C style guide. This style guide outlines the coding conventions for raywenderlich.com. Introduction The reaso

raywenderlich 3.1k Jan 2, 2023
Style guide & coding conventions for Objective-C projects

This repository is no longer active. These guidelines build on Apple's existing Coding Guidelines for Cocoa. Unless explicitly contradicted below, ass

GitHub 1.7k Dec 9, 2022