Happy DNS for Objective-C


Happy DNS for Objective-C

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调用系统底层Dns解析库,可以使用114 等第三方dns解析,可以使用 Doh 协议的 Dns 解析方案,也可以集成dnspod等httpdns。另外也有丰富的hosts 域名配置。



pod "HappyDNS"



* 返回IP列表

*records = [dns queryRecords:@"www.qiniu.com"];; ">
 NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[array addObject:[QNResolver systemResolver]];
[array addObject:[[QNResolver alloc] initWithAddress:@""]];
[array addObject:[QNDohResolver resolverWithServer:@"https://dns.alidns.com/dns-query"]];
QNDnsManager *dns = [[QNDnsManager alloc] init:array networkInfo:[QNNetworkInfo normal]];
     *records = [dns queryRecords:@"www.qiniu.com"];;


* url 请求,返回一个IP 替换URL 里的domain

NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[array addObject:[QNResolver systemResolver]];
[array addObject:[[QNResolver alloc] initWithAddress:@""]];
QNDnsManager *dns = [[QNDnsManager alloc] init:array networkInfo:[QNNetworkInfo normal]];
NSURL *u = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:@"rtmp://www.qiniu.com/abc?q=1"];
NSURL *u2 = [dns queryAndReplaceWithIP:u];
  • 兼容 getaddrinfo, 方便底层C代码接入
static QNDnsManager *dns = nil;
dns = [[QNDnsManager alloc] init:@[ [QNResolver systemResolver] ] networkInfo:nil];
[QNDnsManager setGetAddrInfoBlock:^NSArray *(NSString *host) {
        return [dns query:host];
struct addrinfo hints = {0};
struct addrinfo *ai = NULL;
int x = qn_getaddrinfo(host, "http", &hints, &ai);
qn_freeaddrinfo(ai); // 也可以用系统的freeaddrinfo, 代码一致,不过最好用这个


$ xctool -workspace HappyDNS.xcworkspace -scheme "HappyDNS_Mac" -sdk macosx -configuration Release test -test-sdk macosx




  • 如果碰到其他编译错误,请参考 CocoaPods 的 troubleshooting
  • httpdns 在ios8 时不支持 nat64 模式下 IP 直接访问url,原因是 NSUrlConnection 不支持。无论是用http:// 还是http://[64:ff9b::771d:1d1d]/d 都不行,此时可以使用localdns方式。
  • 如果软件有国外的使用情况时,建议初始化程序采取这样的方式
QNDnsManager *dns;
if([QNDnsManager needHttpDns]){
    NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    [array addObject:[[QNResolver alloc] initWithAddress:@""]];
    [array addObject:[QNResolver systemResolver]];
    dns = [[QNDnsManager alloc] init:array networkInfo:[QNNetworkInfo normal]];
    NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    [array addObject:[QNResolver systemResolver]];
    [array addObject:[[QNResolver alloc] initWithAddress:@""]];
    dns = [[QNDnsManager alloc] init:array networkInfo:[QNNetworkInfo normal]];





  • 如果有什么问题,可以到问答社区提问,问答社区
  • 如果发现了bug, 欢迎提交 issue
  • 如果有功能需求,欢迎提交 issue
  • 如果要提交代码,欢迎提交 pull request
  • 欢迎关注我们的微信 微博,及时获取动态信息。


The MIT License (MIT).详情见 License文件.

  • was mutated while being enumerated.   崩溃

    was mutated while being enumerated. 崩溃

    Bugly 统计,HappytDNS 导致 崩溃很频繁。

    NSGenericException *** Collection <__NSArrayM: 0x1513962d0> was mutated while being enumerated. 解析原始 0 CoreFoundation ___exceptionPreprocess + 124 1 libobjc.A.dylib objc_exception_throw + 56 2 CoreFoundation -[NSException name] 3 HappyDNS records2Ips + 208 4 HappyDNS -[QNDnsManager queryInternalWithDomain:] + 1472 5 HappyDNS -[QNDnsManager queryWithDomain:] + 228 6 Qiniu -[QNSessionManager sendRequest:withCompleteBlock:withProgressBlock:withCancelBlock:] + 944 7 libdispatch.dylib __dispatch_call_block_and_release + 24 8 libdispatch.dylib __dispatch_client_callout + 16 9 libdispatch.dylib __dispatch_root_queue_drain + 2140 10 libdispatch.dylib __dispatch_worker_thread3 + 112 11 libsystem_pthread.dylib _pthread_wqthread + 1092 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib start_wqthread + 4

    具体问题在 QNDnsManager.m 文件中, 对 queryInternalWithDomain 方法进行了异步调用,并且在@synchronized 块 中对 result 数组进行了更改,所以会导致崩溃, 建议在 records2Ips 方法中 的 for (QNRecord *r in records) 改为 for (QNRecord *r in [records copy]) 或者不要使用 for in 来进行循环。

    static NSArray *records2Ips(NSArray *records) {
        NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
        for (QNRecord *r in records) {    // 此处使用 for in  遍历会有问题
            [array addObject:r.value];
        return array;
    - (NSArray *)queryInternalWithDomain:(QNDomain *)domain {
        if (domain.hostsFirst) {
            NSArray *ret = [_hosts query:domain networkInfo:_curNetwork];
            if (ret != nil && ret.count != 0) {
                return ret;
        NSMutableArray *result;
        @synchronized(_cache) {
            if ([_curNetwork isEqualToInfo:[QNNetworkInfo normal]] && [QNNetworkInfo isNetworkChanged]) {
                [_cache removeAllObjects];
                _resolverStatus = 0;
            } else {
                result = [_cache objectForKey:domain.domain];
                if (result != nil && result.count > 1) {
                    QNRecord *first = [result firstObject];
                    [result removeObjectAtIndex:0];    // 此处对 result 进行了修改
                    [result addObject:first];
        if (result != nil && result.count > 0) {
            QNRecord *record = [result objectAtIndex:0];
            if (![record expired:[[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]]) {
                return records2Ips(result);
    opened by dimsky 5
  • NSURLErrorDomain Code=-999,如何集成http请求?

    NSURLErrorDomain Code=-999,如何集成http请求?


    network failure: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-999 "cancelled" UserInfo={NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, _NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey=(
        "LocalDataTask <6B1DA05D-25CB-4DA8-9368-A7CF0FC40CCD>.<7>"
    ), _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=LocalDataTask <6B1DA05D-25CB-4DA8-9368-A7CF0FC40CCD>.<7>, NSLocalizedDescription=cancelled}



    opened by seaguest 3
  • app进入后台再进入前台,由_cache中得到的result始终是nil


    @synchronized(_cache) {
            if ([_curNetwork isEqualToInfo:[QNNetworkInfo normal]] && [QNNetworkInfo isNetworkChanged]) {
                [_cache removeAllObjects];
                _resolverStatus = 0;
            } else {
                result = [_cache objectForKey:domain.domain];


    opened by ghost 3
  • 分享happy-dns 配合 SDWebImage 的使用

    分享happy-dns 配合 SDWebImage 的使用

    1.先pod 'HappyDNS', '~> 0.1.1'到项目中;

    2.项目中使用QNDnsManager 返回ips; NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init]; [array addObject:[QNResolver systemResolver]]; [array addObject:[[QNResolver alloc] initWithAddres:@""]]; QNDnsManager *dnsManager = [[QNDnsManager alloc] init:array networkInfo:[QNNetworkInfo normal]]; NSArray *ips = [dnsManager query:@"http://xxxx.com2.z0.glb.qiniucdn.com"];

    3.请求七牛图片时使用ip替换域名http://xxxx.com2.z0.glb.qiniucdn.com,并设置HTTPHeadField; [SDWebImageManager.sharedManager.imageDownloader setValue:@"http://xxxx.com2.z0.glb.qiniucdn.com" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Host"]; 注:自己封装请求图片时使用[request setValue: @"http://xxxx.com2.z0.glb.qiniucdn.com" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Host"];

    4.项目中因为图片还有其他来源,这里区分使用设置HTTPHeadField中Host; SDWebImageManager.sharedManager.imageDownloader.headersFilter = ^NSDictionary *(NSURL *url, NSDictionary *headers) { NSMutableDictionary *mutableHeaders = [headers mutableCopy]; [mutableHeaders removeObjectForKey:@"Host"]; //是否为ip格式 if ([url.host rh_isIp]) { [mutableHeaders setValue:@"xxxx.com2.z0.glb.qiniucdn.com" forKey:@"Host"]; } return mutableHeaders; };


    opened by iTA9178 3
  • 关于是否兼容 ipv6 的问题

    关于是否兼容 ipv6 的问题

    release 里写了全面兼容 ipv6,不过我对照这片文章过了一下几个兼容点时,其中有一点


    在0.3.3.1版本的 setup_dns_server 里只有使用 res_ninit ,这样也可以兼容 ipv6 吗?


    opened by dopcn 2
  • 注释错误


    QNDnsManager.h :135:14:

     *    设置底层 业务统计 如connect 回调使用的Callback
     *    @param dns 回调用的dnsmanager
    + (void)setIpStatusCallback:(QNIpStatusCallback)block;
    opened by zhao0 1
  • 在 QNGetAddrInfo.m 中导入系统库时的写法有点问题

    在 QNGetAddrInfo.m 中导入系统库时的写法有点问题

    导入系统库时"#include "string.h" " 这种写法是不规范的,应该修改为 "#include <string.h>",后面的两个也一样。 使用了第一种写法,如果有第三方库中定义了string.h 文件的话,两个库在一起很可能就会报错。

    当然,我在这里提这个问题正式因为我们在使用 grpc的时候遇到这个尴尬的问题。所以,为了以后同学能够更好的使用,希望你们能够采纳我的建议,修改掉代码里的这种用法。


    opened by cgwangding 1
  • 如果DNS返回IPv6地址会不会有问题


    除了这个 nsurlconnection 方法之外

    NSData *data = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:urlRequest
    opened by dopcn 1
  • 怎么手动集成?


    因为我需要修改源代码,所以想手动集成,结果报错了。 Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: "_res_9_setservers", referenced from: _setup_dns_server in QNResolvUtil.o "_res_9_ninit", referenced from: +[QNResolver systemDnsServer] in QNResolver.o _setup_dns_server in QNResolvUtil.o "_res_9_getservers", referenced from: +[QNResolver systemDnsServer] in QNResolver.o "_res_9_ns_name_uncompress", referenced from: _query_ip_v4 in QNResolver.o "_res_9_ns_parserr", referenced from: _query_ip in QNTxtResolver.o _query_ip_v4 in QNResolver.o "_res_9_nquery", referenced from: _query_ip in QNTxtResolver.o _query_ip_v4 in QNResolver.o "_res_9_ns_initparse", referenced from: _query_ip in QNTxtResolver.o _query_ip_v4 in QNResolver.o "_res_9_ndestroy", referenced from: _query_ip in QNTxtResolver.o _query_ip_v4 in QNResolver.o +[QNResolver systemDnsServer] in QNResolver.o ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

    opened by dpc323 1
  • DNS解析后Response的Set-Cookie



    dns解析为: 并设置请求头host:super.bxr.im




    opened by weiminghuaa 1
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