Easy Tooltip for your SwiftUI Project


SwiftUI Tooltip

Workflow checks Release version License

This package provides you with an easy way to show tooltips over any SwiftUI view, since Apple does not provide one.


Getting started

You can add this package to your project using Swift Package Manager. Enter following url when adding it to your project package dependencies:


We are using semver for versioning, so we would recomment selecting "Up to next major relase" option for this package.

After you added the package, all you need to do is import it and you can add a tooltip to any SwiftUI View in that file!


Basic use case

As the first example, the Text view is provided as the tooltip content and it's attached to the other Text view. Below you can see the example of code that is required to create the tooltip and the result you see on the screen.


import SwiftUITooltip
Text("Say something nice...")
    .tooltip(.bottom) {
        Text("Something nice!")


example 1

Using custom configuration to add a jumping animation

Second example shows you how you can add jumping animation to the tooltip from the first example.


import SwiftUI
import SwiftUITooltip

struct SwiftUIView: View {
    var tooltipConfig = DefaultTooltipConfig()
    init() {
        self.tooltipConfig.enableAnimation = true
        self.tooltipConfig.animationOffset = 10
        self.tooltipConfig.animationTime = 1
    var body: some View {
        Text("Say something nice...")
            .tooltip(.bottom, config: tooltipConfig) {
                Text("Something nice!")


example 2

Configuration Reference

Below you can see all the properties that you can set in the configuration.

Property Type Description
side TooltipSide Side of view that the tooltip should appear on
margin CGFloat Margin from the tooltip to the view it's attached to
borderRadius CGFloat Rounded border control
borderWidth CGFloat Thickness of the border
borderColor Color Border color
backgroundColor Color Background color inside of the tooltip
contentPaddingLeft CGFloat Left padding inside of the tooltip
contentPaddingRight CGFloat Right padding inside of the tooltip
contentPaddingTop CGFloat Top padding inside of the tooltip
contentPaddingBottom CGFloat Bottom padding inside of the tooltip
showArrow Bool Whether to show or hide the arrow
arrowWidth CGFloat Width of the base of the triangle
arrowHeight CGFloat Height of the triangle
enableAnimation Bool Whether to bounce the tooltip or not
animationOffset CGFloat Delay between tooltip bouncing animations
animationTime Double How long should the tooltip bounce last


If you like this package but feel that you need more control or custom implementation - feel free to open an issue, send a pull request or fork the repo!

Reward function: Contributors with even smallest PRs will be added to the list in the Contributors section!



This package is licensed under MIT License

  • Package unusable due to access control

    Package unusable due to access control

    Describe the bug I added this package to my Xcode project, and I am unable to use it because the View extension methods are not public.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Add package to Xcode project
    2. Import SwiftUITooltip into ContentView.swift
    3. Attempt to invoke tooltip(...) method.
    4. See compiler error.

    Expected behavior The methods should be accessible.

    opened by avi-screenovate 11
  • Setting background color leaves artifact

    Setting background color leaves artifact

    Describe the bug Setting the background color leaves an artifact when selecting a side that is not top.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Configure side trailing (also tested with leading & bottom, same issue)
    2. Set backgroundColor to something not clear

    Expected behavior All of the tooltip's background is set to backgroundColor.

    Screenshots artifact-trailing

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: iOS 15.2
    • Version 1.1.2
    opened by Eckelf 6
  • 27:  Border not visible on self sized tooltip

    27: Border not visible on self sized tooltip

    Fix the bug on issue 27: The content width and content height are calculated from the tooltip content size or from the given size, so we can always set the frame with .frame(width: contentWidth, height: contentHeight)

    opened by jsivanes 2
  • Fixed content overflow for small parent objects

    Fixed content overflow for small parent objects


    Closes #11. Thanks @chrysb for the issue.


    The content was overflowing if you set the .frame of the element you attach tooltip to too small.


    • Added .fixedSize to content inside of ViewModifier


    Code used for screenshots below

      .frame(width: 36, height: 36)
      .tooltip(.top) {
        Text("Tap here")

    Before fix


    After fix

    after bug 
    opened by bring-shrubbery 2
  • Tooltips should be able to expand beyond the bounds of the containing element

    Tooltips should be able to expand beyond the bounds of the containing element

    Hey all,

    Great initiative. I started to build my own and ran into this issue where I couldn't get the tooltip to expand beyond the frame of what I attach it too. I see that this project has the same issue:

      .frame(width: 36, height: 36)
      .tooltip(.top) {
        Text("Tap here")

    You'll see that the tooltip shows up as just "..." because it's getting truncated and limited to 36px wide.

    opened by chrysb 2
  • Long text

    Long text

    Describe the bug Having a long text for the tooltip causes it to overshoot the bounds.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { Text("Hello") .tooltip(.bottom) { Text("The transaction fee covers PayPal processing costs and includes PayPal Buyer Protection") } } }

    Expected behavior It should stay within bounds and stretch vertically

    Screenshots Screen Shot 2022-08-23 at 11 01 53 am

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: [e.g. iOS 15.5]

    Smartphone (please complete the following information):

    • Device: [e.g. iPhone 13 Pro Max]

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

    opened by ckakumanu 1
  • How to present and dismiss a tooltip on demand

    How to present and dismiss a tooltip on demand

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Is there a recommended procedure to accomplish the ability present and dismiss tooltips on demand? I've noticed several forks of this library that attempt to add this into the tooltip api and was wondering if there was a different recommendation from the authors.

    Describe the solution you'd like An api that allows us to quickly present and dismiss the tooltip.

    Describe alternatives you've considered I was able to achieve this functionality by having two versions of the same view with a control statement. One with a tooltip attached and one without.

    if showTip {
        Text("Target View")
          .tooltip {
               Text("Just the tip")
    } else {
        Text("Target View")
    opened by chenium 1
  • Add tests

    Add tests

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    Currently, there's no testing in this project. This should be fixed.

    Describe the solution you'd like

    Testing should be implemented using a regular swift package testing approach.

    opened by bring-shrubbery 1
  • background color , arrow color, border color

    background color , arrow color, border color

    how can i change color for background , arrow and border also i want to add it on bottom of navigation item how can i do tht? . bottom , .bottom trailing , bottom leading not working properly

    enhancement question 
    opened by jahnaviShingala 1
  • Bounce animation is no longer working properly

    Bounce animation is no longer working properly

    Describe the bug The tooltip snaps over and snaps back. There isn't a smooth motion as shown in the documentation.

    To Reproduce Added a tooltip to my view. I added the configurations as shown in the documetation

    var tooltipConfig = DefaultTooltipConfig() init() { self.tooltipConfig.enableAnimation = true self.tooltipConfig.animationOffset = 10 self.tooltipConfig.animationTime = 1 self.tooltipConfig.backgroundColor = .primaryColor self.tooltipConfig.borderColor = .secondaryColor }

    the tool tip does show, but the animation is not fluid, it just snaps into place, then back.

    Expected behavior The tooltip smoothly glides up and down as shown in the documentation.

    Smartphone (please complete the following information):

    • Device: IPhone13
    • OS: [e.g. iOS15.5]

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

    opened by Mahekaru 0
  • Add toggle to present and dismiss tooltip on demand

    Add toggle to present and dismiss tooltip on demand


    This change updates the tooltip api to allow on demand presentation and dismissal of the tooltip. Addresses feature request: https://github.com/quassum/SwiftUI-Tooltip/issues/20


    • Add isEnabled: Binding<Bool> to TooltipModifier and update the tooltip View extension api to include isEnabled
    • Remove implicit .animation(.easeInOut) in favor of .transition to allow developers the option to present and dismiss with animations.



    opened by chenium 0
  • Borders not appearing correctly

    Borders not appearing correctly

    The tooltip isn't displaying correctly. I've reproduced the bug with just the default SwiftUI app. For context, I'm on iOS 16.

    Code: Screen Shot 2022-09-24 at 7 52 21 AM

    Output: Screen Shot 2022-09-24 at 7 50 00 AM

    .topRight looks off as well.

    Screen Shot 2022-09-24 at 7 51 16 AM

    opened by Sourish07 2
  • v1.3.1(Dec 27, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • 27: Border not visible on self sized tooltip by @jsivanes in https://github.com/quassum/SwiftUI-Tooltip/pull/28

    New Contributors

    • @jsivanes made their first contribution in https://github.com/quassum/SwiftUI-Tooltip/pull/28

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/quassum/SwiftUI-Tooltip/compare/v1.3...v1.3.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.3(Aug 28, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Misc fixes by @bring-shrubbery in https://github.com/quassum/SwiftUI-Tooltip/pull/26

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/quassum/SwiftUI-Tooltip/compare/v1.2.0...v1.3

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.0(Apr 26, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add toggle to present and dismiss tooltip on demand by @chenium in https://github.com/quassum/SwiftUI-Tooltip/pull/21

    New Contributors

    • @chenium made their first contribution in https://github.com/quassum/SwiftUI-Tooltip/pull/21

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/quassum/SwiftUI-Tooltip/compare/v1.1.3...v1.2.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.3(Mar 21, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fixed background color artifact by @bring-shrubbery in https://github.com/quassum/SwiftUI-Tooltip/pull/18

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/quassum/SwiftUI-Tooltip/compare/v1.1.2...v1.1.3

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.2(Nov 10, 2021)

  • v1.1.1(Aug 2, 2021)

  • v1.1.0(Jul 15, 2021)

  • v1.0.4(Jul 15, 2021)

  • v1.0.3(Jul 13, 2021)

  • 1.0.2(Jul 3, 2021)

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