Swift port of AnyPic project

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Image SwiftAnyPic

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Swift port of AnyPic project https://github.com/ParsePlatform/Anypic


This application requires Xcode 7 and the iOS SDK v9.0.

  • Developed on Xcode 7.
  • Tested only with:
    • Simulator iPhone 5s.
    • Device iPhone 5s (iOS 9.1)
  • Note: Cocoapods version must be at least version 0.38.2


  1. Install all project dependencies from CocoaPods by running this script: pod install
  2. Open the Xcode workspace Anypic.xcworkspace
  3. Create your Anypic App on Parse
  4. Copy your new app's application id and client key into AppDelegate.swift: Parse.setApplicationId("APPLICATION_ID", clientKey: "CLIENT_KEY")

Configuring Anypic's Facebook integration

  1. Set up a Facebook app at http://developers.facebook.com/apps
  2. Set up a URL scheme for fbFACEBOOK_APP_ID, where FACEBOOK_APP_ID is your Facebook app's id.
  3. Add your Facebook app id to Info.plist in the FacebookAppID key.

Note: By using the original Parse application ID, client key and the Facebook App ID in the source code, the app will connect to the Parse and Facebook apps which the App Store's AnyPic app is using.


This project is still work in progress. There are quite a lot of things need to be fixed.

  • Many iOS APIs used in the objective-C version are already deprecated. They need to be replaced with the latest APIs.
  • I encountered some strange crashes in Bolts. Same error as described in https://github.com/BoltsFramework/Bolts-iOS/issues/102. I temporarily used the workaround mentioned by https://github.com/wdcurry.
  • We need @3x images for iPhone 6 Plus (so far I just tested on Simulator iPhone 5s only).
  • I basically just converted the Objective-C syntax to Swift syntax for most of the code whenever possible. So there are still rooms for improvement to make the code more "Swifty".
  • etc.


Please feel free to contribute! :-)

  • cannot compile with xcode 7 beta

    cannot compile with xcode 7 beta

    Nice job. Many guys are looking for this porting. Thanks. I just googled yesterday and could not find. and today, I found it -:)

    I had compiling issue: ld: framework not found FacebookSDK for architecture x86_64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

    there are several other bugs that I commented out.

    Have you been able to compile?

    opened by ihomecall 26
  • Updated UIImageAFAdditions location

    Updated UIImageAFAdditions location

    UIImageAFAdditions no longer found on melvitax.

    Transferred UIImageAFAdditions from melvitax repository to teklabs.

    • updated Podfile with new location, name
    • updated PAPUtility with new name
    opened by austinbagley 3
  • How can I run this project? It's won't let me build

    How can I run this project? It's won't let me build

    Hi, when I try to run this project, its simulator is set to "IOS DEVICES" and not able to change the device to other types of simulators (iphone6, 5, 4, etc.).

    opened by ghost 3
  • fatal error: unwrapping

    fatal error: unwrapping


    I get the error:

    fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value

    in the below line.. any idea why? Thanks!

    self.headerView = PAPPhotoDetailsHeaderView(frame: PAPPhotoDetailsHeaderView.rectForView(), photo:self.photo!)

    opened by ghost 2
  • bitcode issue with some library and solution.

    bitcode issue with some library and solution.

    when I do pod install, and then compile, it always complains the bitcode not available for some of the library.

    I found this solution. add this to the Podfile, it will disable bitcode for all library.

    post_install do |installer|

    installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|

    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
      config.build_settings['ENABLE_BITCODE'] = 'NO'



    opened by ihomecall 2
  • Fix build for Swift 2.2+ and add Podfile.lock to SVC

    Fix build for Swift 2.2+ and add Podfile.lock to SVC

    More details about the fix for Swift 2.2+: ParsePlatform/Parse-SDK-iOS-OSX#806 ParsePlatform/Parse-SDK-iOS-OSX#859


    "Whether or not you check in the Pods directory, the Podfile and Podfile.lock should always be kept under version control."

    opened by thiagoghisi 1
  • Why does info.plist not include Facebook's added code to App Transport Security?

    Why does info.plist not include Facebook's added code to App Transport Security?

    In their setup instructions they specify that with iOS 9 the urls that facebook's sdk connects to must be whitelisted here with:

    opened by Harout360 1
  • Can you help with finding this code.

    Can you help with finding this code.

    let PAPAppDelegateApplicationDidReceiveRemoteNotification = "com.parse.Anypic.appDelegate.applicationDidReceiveRemoteNotification" let PAPUtilityUserFollowingChangedNotification = "com.parse.Anypic.utility.userFollowingChanged" let PAPUtilityUserLikedUnlikedPhotoCallbackFinishedNotification = "com.parse.Anypic.utility.userLikedUnlikedPhotoCallbackFinished" let PAPUtilityDidFinishProcessingProfilePictureNotification = "com.parse.Anypic.utility.didFinishProcessingProfilePictureNotification" let PAPTabBarControllerDidFinishEditingPhotoNotification = "com.parse.Anypic.tabBarController.didFinishEditingPhoto" let PAPTabBarControllerDidFinishImageFileUploadNotification = "com.parse.Anypic.tabBarController.didFinishImageFileUploadNotification" let PAPPhotoDetailsViewControllerUserDeletedPhotoNotification = "com.parse.Anypic.photoDetailsViewController.userDeletedPhoto" let PAPPhotoDetailsViewControllerUserLikedUnlikedPhotoNotification = "com.parse.Anypic.photoDetailsViewController.userLikedUnlikedPhotoInDetailsViewNotification" let PAPPhotoDetailsViewControllerUserCommentedOnPhotoNotification = "com.parse.Anypic.photoDetailsViewController.userCommentedOnPhotoInDetailsViewNotification"

    I want to know where this function i.e didFinishImageFileUploadNotification is defined. I am new to NSNotification. Thanks

    opened by nishantdongare 1
  • Help needed in understanding 'like' component of anypic (for android)

    Help needed in understanding 'like' component of anypic (for android)

    Hi I am a android newbie and I don't know anything about objective C and not about swift.I am planning to develop a android app which is based on parse and uses the 'like' component described in the anypic tutorial in parse.com .I am able to create a like object and destroy it when need .But the problem I am facing is that how do I develop the facebook or instagram like feeds section where I need to check if if a parse object is already liked or not by the user or not.I know this can be done using a inner query for each row of parse post object.But doing so will lead to many api requests and thus crossing the limit .Please help me and tell me how does the anypic objective-C and swift(your version implementation) checks if a post object is liked or not by the user without the inner query since there is no anypic version fro android .I am only looking for some kind of algorithm or pseudo code or even some proper explanation regarding the technique described used in the anypic app. Please help. Thank You.

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