Lightbox is a convenient and easy to use image viewer for your iOS app



CI Status Carthage Compatible License Platform Swift

Lightbox Icon

Lightbox is a convenient and easy to use image viewer for your iOS app, packed with all the features you expect:

  • Paginated image slideshow.
  • Video support.
  • Double-tap to zoom.
  • Image caption.
  • Dynamic background based on Hue
  • Remote image loading and caching based on Imaginary
  • Interactive transition animations.
  • Powerful configuration.
  • Live Demo

Table of Contents



To start your slideshow just instantiate LightboxController, set needed delegates and present it:

// Create an array of images.
let images = [
  LightboxImage(imageURL: URL(string: "")!),
    image: UIImage(named: "photo1")!,
    text: "This is an example of a remote image loaded from URL"
    image: UIImage(named: "photo2")!,
    text: "",
    videoURL: URL(string: "")
    image: UIImage(named: "photo3")!,
    text: "This is an example of a local image."

// Create an instance of LightboxController.
let controller = LightboxController(images: images)

// Set delegates.
controller.pageDelegate = self
controller.dismissalDelegate = self

// Use dynamic background.
controller.dynamicBackground = true

// Present your controller.
present(controller, animated: true, completion: nil)


Use LightboxControllerPageDelegate if you want to be notified about page navigation changes.

extension ViewController: LightboxControllerPageDelegate {

  func lightboxController(_ controller: LightboxController, didMoveToPage page: Int) {

Use LightboxControllerDismissalDelegate to be notified when controller is about to be dismissed. Please note that LightboxController dismisses itself if it was presented initially.

extension ViewController: LightboxControllerDismissalDelegate: class {

  func lightboxControllerWillDismiss(_ controller: LightboxController) {
    // ...

Image loading

By default images are loaded using Imaginary for reliable loading and caching. But it's easy to change this behavior using LightboxConfig

LightboxConfig.loadImage = {
  imageView, URL, completion in
  // Custom image loading


Lightbox can show and plays video using default AVPlayerViewController. Showning video by using videoURL:

  image: UIImage(named: "photo2")!,
  text: "",
  videoURL: NSURL(string: "")

Override video handling if needed:

LightboxConfig.handleVideo = { from, videoURL in
  // Custom video handling
  let videoController = AVPlayerViewController()
  videoController.player = AVPlayer(url: videoURL)

  from.present(videoController, animated: true) {


Configure text, colors, fonts of UI elements by overriding the static variables in the Lightbox configuration struct. As an example:

LightboxConfig.CloseButton.image = UIImage(named: ImageList.Lightbox.closeButton)
LightboxConfig.CloseButton.textAttributes = TextAttributes.Lightbox.closeButton
LightboxConfig.CloseButton.text = "Finish"

LightboxConfig.DeleteButton.image = UIImage(named: ImageList.Lightbox.deleteButton)
LightboxConfig.DeleteButton.textAttributes = TextAttributes.Lightbox.deleteButton
LightboxConfig.DeleteButton.text = "Delete"

LightboxConfig.InfoLabel.ellipsisText = "Show more"


Lightbox is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Lightbox'

In order to quickly try the demo project of a Lightbox just run pod try Lightbox in your terminal.

Lightbox is also available through Carthage. To install just write into your Cartfile:

github "hyperoslo/Lightbox"

To install Lightbox manually just download and drop Sources and Images folders in your project.


Hyper Interaktiv AS, [email protected]


We would love you to contribute to Lightbox, check the CONTRIBUTING file for more info.


Lightbox is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • SPM Support and Resources

    SPM Support and Resources

    Did you check that this file is still working with SPM @Tobisaninfo ? Paging bc of #248


    opened by yspreen 13
  • Not displayed on iOS 13.0 beta

    Not displayed on iOS 13.0 beta

    Light box seems not to be presented properly on iOS 13.0 beta. More will be updated after another beta version of iOS is released next month.

    The current behavior with Xcode 11 beta and iOS 13.0 beta is that the controller cannot be displayed when dynamic background is set to true.
    When dynamic background is set to false, though the controller can be presented, when trying to dismiss it either by tapping the close button, or by dragging up and down, it dismiss but the gesture seems to remain, which interrupts its parent's controls.

    191219 Edit:

    The current makeshift is to change it to controller.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen, to avoid the new .automatic style.

    opened by yo1995 13
  • Carthage broken because of the update in Imaginary

    Carthage broken because of the update in Imaginary

    carthage update --platform iOS
    *** Fetching Lightbox
    *** Fetching Imaginary
    *** Checking out Imaginary at "4.3.1"
    *** Checking out Lightbox at "2.3.0"
    *** xcodebuild output can be found in /var/folders/zx/vkw16gb963vbw6n8w_sgl_g40000gn/T/carthage-xcodebuild.cAzWRC.log
    *** Downloading Imaginary.framework binary at "Imaginary — 4.3.1"
    *** Building scheme "Lightbox-iOS" in Lightbox.xcodeproj
    Build Failed
            Task failed with exit code 65:
            /usr/bin/xcrun xcodebuild -project /Users/user/Documents/proj/6tudio/ios-app/Carthage/Checkouts/Lightbox/Lightbox.xcodeproj -scheme Lightbox-iOS -configuration Release -derivedDataPath /Users/user/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit/DerivedData/11.5_11E608c/Lightbox/2.3.0 -sdk iphoneos ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY= CARTHAGE=YES archive -archivePath /var/folders/zx/vkw16gb963vbw6n8w_sgl_g40000gn/T/Lightbox SKIP_INSTALL=YES GCC_INSTRUMENT_PROGRAM_FLOW_ARCS=NO CLANG_ENABLE_CODE_COVERAGE=NO STRIP_INSTALLED_PRODUCT=NO (launched in /Users/user/Documents/proj/6tudio/ios-app/Carthage/Checkouts/Lightbox)
    This usually indicates that project itself failed to compile. Please check the xcodebuild log for more details: /var/folders/zx/vkw16gb963vbw6n8w_sgl_g40000gn/T/carthage-xcodebuild.cAzWRC.log
           │ File: Cartfile
       1 ‾ │ github "hyperoslo/Lightbox" ~> 2.3
           │ File: Cartfile.resolved
       1 ~ │ github "hyperoslo/Imaginary" "4.3.1"
       2   │ github "hyperoslo/Lightbox" "2.3.0"
    opened by yspreen 9
  • Some images always fail to load (CFNetwork internal error:304)

    Some images always fail to load (CFNetwork internal error:304)

    I have no clue why this happens, but for some reason some images will never be loaded. Here is example:

    1. I load image using Lightbox: image_bug

    2. I load exact same image using another another lib(this is IDMPhotoBrowser):


    This happens often with random images. In log I see following message: CFNetwork internal error (0xc01a:/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/

    I have already tried adding in Info.plist file this lines: info

    Still no success. All images in collection are being downloaded via HTTPS.

    opened by heisen273 9
  • New implementation request

    New implementation request

    It doesn't have to be merged, but we could leave it as a branch for now, look at it and tell me what you think, the code is much simpler in my opinion.


    Next steps are:

    • [ ] Get the initial frame of the image and make an animation with it.
    • [ ] Add more customization points as for instance a description and stuff.
    opened by RamonGilabert 9
  • Carthage build error

    Carthage build error

    *** Checking out Lightbox at "b26ee135bc89494a8cf9c7c30dbea2c42589c03a"
    *** xcodebuild output can be found in ...
    *** Building scheme "Hue-iOS" in Hue.xcodeproj
    *** Building scheme "Lightbox-iOS" in Lightbox.xcodeproj
    Build Failed
    	Task failed with exit code 65:
    	/usr/bin/xcrun xcodebuild -project /*/Carthage/Checkouts/Lightbox/Lightbox.xcodeproj -scheme Lightbox-iOS -configuration Release -derivedDataPath /Users/*/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit/DerivedData/9.1_9B55/Lightbox/1.0.0 -sdk iphoneos ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE=bitcode CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY= CARTHAGE=YES archive -archivePath ./ SKIP_INSTALL=YES GCC_INSTRUMENT_PROGRAM_FLOW_ARCS=NO CLANG_ENABLE_CODE_COVERAGE=NO (launched in /*/Carthage/Checkouts/Lightbox)
    /*/Carthage/Checkouts/Lightbox/Source/LightboxConfig.swift:2:8: error: module file's minimum deployment target is ios9.0 v9.0: /*/Carthage/Checkouts/Lightbox/Carthage/Build/iOS/Hue.framework/Modules/Hue.swiftmodule/arm64.swiftmodule
    import Hue
    The following build commands failed:
            CompileSwift normal armv7
            CompileSwiftSources normal armv7
            CompileSwift normal arm64
            CompileSwiftSources normal arm64
    (4 failures)

    XCode 9.1

    opened by nitrag 7
  • FooterView doesn't show up at start

    FooterView doesn't show up at start

    Great library! This is my first time posting in GitHub.
    The latest updates take care of the safe area issues for the iPhone X, but I noticed that the footer view doesn't show up when the Lightbox view appears for the first time. I used this in the viewDidAppear method to display the footer at start:

    if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
    } else {
    opened by jsntfv 7
  • Close button overlaps with status bar in iPhone X

    Close button overlaps with status bar in iPhone X

    The close button is currently overlapping with the status bar in iPhone X which makes it inaccessible so swipe to dismiss is the only thing that works.


    opened by annjawn 7
  • Dynamic background issue

    Dynamic background issue

    First of all, - Sir you have done amazing work. I love Lightbox and how it looks like.

    About the issue. I like dynamic background, however I don't understand following: please see this gif: issue

    I set startIndex like this:

    let controller = LightboxController.init(images: photos, startIndex: indexPath.row)

    I have also tried this( result still the same:( ):

            let controller = LightboxController.init(images: photos)
            controller.dynamicBackground = true
            controller.goTo(indexPath.row, animated: false)

    As you can see, background is animating like scrolling from the image number 0 to selected image. It would be much better(and more logical: it is the first picture user clicked), if there was no background animation on startIndex image, or at least to have such option. I hope you understand my idea.

    opened by heisen273 7
  • Added possibility to set image preload value

    Added possibility to set image preload value

    I tried to load the LightboxController with hundreds of images, and ran into memory issues.

    As of now, Lightbox loads all the passed images at once, creating a memory usage spike for a high amount of images. Also it keeps all of them in memory, which is not optimal for large numbers of images.

    Therefore, it might be useful to have a possibility to set a number of images, which the user will have loaded at a time. I implemented it in this PR.

    So if preload = 0, we load all the images (default behavior), if it equals to 2, we load: -2, -1, 0(current image), 1, 2.

    opened by t0a0 6
  • Multiple classes implemented twice, causing runtime warning

    Multiple classes implemented twice, causing runtime warning

    objc[2917]: Class _TtC5Cache14DataSerializer is implemented in both /Users/user/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/05ED95FA-218A-4F9C-9052-237EFB091D8C/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/ABD2DD0C-A269-479C-AEA7-C55E5622E82E/ (0x10b74f4c0) and /Users/user/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/05ED95FA-218A-4F9C-9052-237EFB091D8C/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/ABD2DD0C-A269-479C-AEA7-C55E5622E82E/ (0x10b356ed0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    objc[2917]: Class _TtC5Cache18TransformerFactory is implemented in both /Users/user/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/05ED95FA-218A-4F9C-9052-237EFB091D8C/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/ABD2DD0C-A269-479C-AEA7-C55E5622E82E/ (0x10b74f990) and /Users/user/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/05ED95FA-218A-4F9C-9052-237EFB091D8C/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/ABD2DD0C-A269-479C-AEA7-C55E5622E82E/ (0x10b357388). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    objc[2917]: Class _TtC5Cache16ObservationToken is implemented in both /Users/user/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/05ED95FA-218A-4F9C-9052-237EFB091D8C/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/ABD2DD0C-A269-479C-AEA7-C55E5622E82E/ (0x10b74f7d8) and /Users/user/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/05ED95FA-218A-4F9C-9052-237EFB091D8C/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/ABD2DD0C-A269-479C-AEA7-C55E5622E82E/ (0x10b3575d0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    objc[2917]: Class _TtC5Cache13MemoryCapsule is implemented in both /Users/user/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/05ED95FA-218A-4F9C-9052-237EFB091D8C/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/ABD2DD0C-A269-479C-AEA7-C55E5622E82E/ (0x10b74e6f0) and /Users/user/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/05ED95FA-218A-4F9C-9052-237EFB091D8C/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/ABD2DD0C-A269-479C-AEA7-C55E5622E82E/ (0x10b3566b0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

    I'm not sure how to solve this... I'm using Carthage. When I don't link to either the Imaginary or Cache libraries, Lightbox doesn't install and causes a missing image error.

    opened by yspreen 5
  • LightBox won't resolve in SPM

    LightBox won't resolve in SPM

    It appears that Lightbox is dependant on an unstable package from the error messages I'm getting trying to add it to a project via SPM:

    Dependencies could not be resolved because package 'lightbox' is required using a stable-version but 'lightbox' depends on an unstable-version package 'imaginary' and root depends on 'lightbox' 2.4.0.
    So far tried v2.5.0 and 2.4.2 and 2.4.0. Is there one that will work?
    opened by drekka 1
  • Presenting LightBoxController doesn't work.

    Presenting LightBoxController doesn't work.

    I've updated to the latest version, I saw in previous version that this issue was resolved. However, it isn't solved yet. App freezes when presenting LightBoxController.

    opened by iamimsh 1
  • Multiple images and video in the array loop

    Multiple images and video in the array loop

    How to construct the below array in for loop as i need to append all my photo library items to show in the slider like inbuilt iphone.

    let images = [ LightboxImage(imageURL: URL(string: "")!), LightboxImage( image: UIImage(named: "photo1")!, text: "This is an example of a remote image loaded from URL" ), LightboxImage( image: UIImage(named: "photo2")!, text: "", videoURL: URL(string: "") ), LightboxImage( image: UIImage(named: "photo3")!, text: "This is an example of a local image." ) ]

    opened by DharaniDevApp 0
  • Delete Item Notification

    Delete Item Notification

    This is awesome library to show images.

    I am missing the one of the extra functionality, which is more helpful for the developers. If you add the delete Notification (delegate). To delete item notification if you can implement this in function just before deleting the item from "initialImages" collection.

    Method: func headerView(_ headerView: HeaderView, didPressDeleteButton deleteButton: UIButton) {

    Notification/Delegate: pageDelegate?.lightboxController(self, willDeleteItem: initialImages[prevIndex], at: prevIndex)

    opened by mhamidg 0
  • Installation with SPM fails

    Installation with SPM fails

    New year, new project involving LightBox ;)

    Since #250 seems to be fixed now with SPMs new resource integration, and iOS 13 is gaining more adoption anyway, I'd love to use SPM to install the module. However, it currently fails with this error:

    Dependencies could not be resolved because root depends on 'Lightbox' 2.5.0..<3.0.0.
    'Lightbox' >= 2.5.0 cannot be used because no versions of 'Lightbox' match the requirement 2.5.1..<3.0.0 and package 'lightbox' is required using a stable-version but 'lightbox' depends on an unstable-version package 'imaginary'.
    opened by yspreen 1
  • 2.5.0(Oct 4, 2020)

  • 2.4.2(Jul 10, 2020)

  • 2.4.1(Jun 22, 2020)

  • 2.4.0(Jun 22, 2020)

  • 2.3.0(Sep 27, 2018)

  • 2.1.2(Jan 2, 2018)

    🚀 Merged pull requests

    • Fix footer counter, by rinat-enikeev
    • Carthage compatibility, by vincentsaluzzo
    • Fix footer frame, by onmyway133

    🤘 Closed issues

    • Live Demo not working..
    • Crash on IOS 11.1.1 (15B150)
    • Add save to Photo Album feature
    • Add buttons
    • Playing Local Videos
    • Unwinds back to rootviewcontroller instead of presentingViewController
    • Custom buttons at the bottom
    • LightboxConfig is global?
    • Page label doesn't show up on Portrait mode.
    • FooterView doesn't show up at start
    • How to show page label
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.1.1(Nov 21, 2017)

    🚀 Merged pull requests

    • Add test, by onmyway133
    • Use view.bounds instead of UIApplicationDelegate.window.bounds, by andreyrd

    🤘 Closed issues

    • README outdated?
    • Using UIWindow for layout size
    • Close button overlaps with status bar in iPhone X
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.1.0(Nov 17, 2017)

    🚀 Merged pull requests

    • Use String directly instead of String.characters, by andreyrd
    • Update layout for iPhone X, by onmyway133
    • Allow custom download, by onmyway133

    🤘 Closed issues

    • SwiftHash is missing in Carthage-Build
    • launching on ipad landscape view default preview layer input is portrait
    • Value of type 'Image' has no member 'uimage'
    • README outdated?
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.0.1(Nov 2, 2017)

    🚀 Merged pull requests

    • Refactored truncatedText getter to prevent occasional EXC_BREAKPOINT crash, by bchrobot
    • Update Carthage, by onmyway133

    🤘 Closed issues

    • Open ImagePicker or Gallery from Lightbox example
    • pod update
    • Build with compile issues.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.0.0(Oct 3, 2017)

  • 1.1.0(Oct 3, 2017)

  • 1.0.0(Dec 21, 2016)

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