Put a big red line through w3schools.com links in duckduckgo search results



Put a big red line through w3schools.com links in duckduckgo search results. This browser extension only adds no-w3schools.css to duckduckgo.com pages. The line and opacity of w3schools links are reset on hover if you are desperate.

A search for css border with w3schools.com links crossed out


Release process

  1. Ensure git is clean
  2. Make sure CHANGELOG.md is up to date
  3. Update any documentation if needed
  4. Run the build
  5. Bump the version in manifest.json
  6. Add change log and manifest and commit as X.Y.Z
  7. Tag the commit as vX.Y.Z
  8. Push the commit and tag to GitHub
  9. Create a release from the tag, attach the zip and copy changes

Safari project

# cd to/this/folder
xcrun safari-web-extension-converter --app-name PleaseNoW3Schools --bundle-identifier io.r0b.io.PleaseNoW3Schools .

This project was set up by puggle

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