swiftUIviews is an online collection of beautifly designed swiftUIViews by the swift community

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swiftUIviews is an online collection of beautifly designed swiftUIViews by the swift community. Feelin like contributing? Follow the instructions below!


First of all, THANK YOU! 🎉 Any type of contributions are more than welcome, no matter the skill level.

I am working on a detailed WIKI for contribution instructions, but for now:

  • fork the repo and post the PR
  • try to keep the same style as for other views
  • use ViewTemplate.swift file as...you guessed it, a temaplate
  • design is paramount here, but even if the design is not up to par, i can hop in and modify it further, so no worries in regards to your design skills.
  • not all views will be approved to avoid over-saturation in certain types of views. So please keep that in mind 🙃
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  • [IMPROVEMENT] Add previews on all views

    [IMPROVEMENT] Add previews on all views

    Is your improvement request related to a problem? Please describe. no previews on views

    Describe the solution you'd like add previews based on @mariob suggestion

    opened by emin-grbo 2
  • [FEATURE] App

    [FEATURE] App

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Not a problem, more like an added connivance.

    Describe the proposed solution Make iOS and macOS app down the line once there are enough views to populate it and "system" is more or less streamlined.

    opened by emin-grbo 0
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Remove initial view preview

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    Is your improvement request related to a problem? Please describe. A bit that is above the refactor line was planned to use as a demo example on how to use the view. However, now with possible previews in the future, and views being simple for the most part, we might consider in removing them completely.

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