custom navigationBar in swiftui



custom navigationBar in swiftui


iOS 14.0


pod 'SwiftUI-WRNavigationBar', '~>1.1.1'


debug custom title view custom title view search
leadingView&trailingView foreground hidden bottom line
background image background linearGradient update background alpha
intercept back event ignore top area


struct ForegroundView: View {
    var body: some View {
        WRNavigationBar {
        .title("set foreground")


api description
foreground(_ foreground: Color) foreground
title(_ title: String) title (titleView is default)
hiddenLine(_ hidden: Bool) Is the line at the bottom of the navigationBar hidden
backButtonImageName(_ named: String) Set backButton image name
backButtonHidden(_ hidden: Bool) Is the backButton hidden
isBackButtonBlack(_ isBlack: Bool) Is the backButton black style
ignoringTopArea(_ ignore: Bool) Is the content align with the top of the navigationBar
maxWidth(leading: CGFloat = 80, trailing: CGFloat = 80) Max width of leadingView and max width of trailingView
background(_ background: Background) background
backButtonTapAction(_ tapAction: @escaping WRBlock) backButton intercept( hasBackButton == true)
debug(_ debug: Bool) debug
navigationBarTitleView(@ViewBuilder titleView: () -> Content) titleView
wrNavigationBarItems(leading:xx, trailing:xx) navigationBarItems leading & trailing
wrNavigationBarItems(@ViewBuilder leading: () -> Content) navigationBarItems leading
wrNavigationBarItems(trailing: () -> Content) navigationBarItems trailing




SwiftUI-WRNavigationBar is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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