An easy-to-use Objective-C wrapper for the Uber API (no longer supported)



UberKit is a simple Objective-C wrapper for the new Uber API .



UberKit is available through Cocoapods. To install it, simply add the following to your Podfile. ``` pod 'UberKit' ```


Alternatively, you can always just drag and drop the folder 'UberKit' into your project and ``#import "UberKit.h"`` and you're good to go.

Basic API Implementation

This is to implement the Uber API without having users sign in to their Uber account.

To implement UberKit, first initialize it with your server token.

You can get your server token from Uber Developers.

  UberKit *uberKit = [[UberKit alloc] initWithServerToken:@"YOUR_SERVER_TOKEN"];

Alternatively, you can set your server token to a shared instance of UberKit as follows:

    [[UberKit sharedInstance] setServerToken:@"YOUR_SERVER_TOKEN"];

To get all products available from a particular location

 [uberKit getProductsForLocation:location withCompletionHandler:^(NSArray *products, NSURLResponse *response, NSError *error)
             //Got the array of available products for the location.
             NSLog(@"Error %@", error);

To get the time for arrival of a product to a particular location

[uberKit getTimeForProductArrivalWithLocation:location withCompletionHandler:^(NSArray *times, NSURLResponse *response, NSError *error)
             //Got the array of available products and the time they'll take to reach the mentioned location.
             NSLog(@"Error %@", error);

To get the price for a trip between two locations

[uberKit getPriceForTripWithStartLocation:location endLocation:endLocation  withCompletionHandler:^(NSArray *prices, NSURLResponse *response, NSError *error)
             //Got the array of available products and the price of a trip from the start location to the end location.
             NSLog(@"Error %@", error);

To get the available promotion for a trip between two locations

[uberKit getPromotionForLocation:location endLocation:endLocation withCompletionHandler:^(UberPromotion *promotion, NSURLResponse *response,  NSError *error)
            //Got the promotion as an UberPromotion
            NSLog(@"Error %@", error);

OAuth implementation


This is to implement the Uber API with endpoints that require user authorization such as user history and profile. The authorization process is implemented by:

  1. Allowing the users to sign in to their Uber accounts.

  2. Obtaining an access token on user approval of app's permissions.

  3. Using this access token to make calls to the Uber API.

UberKit automatically redirects to Safari where users enter their Uber login credentials to allow access to their profiles.


Before you can get started using UberKit with login parameters, you must first create an Uber application at Uber Developers and fill in all necessary fields.

[Note: To gain access to the user's profile and history, ensure that you have these permissions enabled in your app's dashboard]

To implement UberKit with authorization from the user first initialize it with your client id, client secret, redirect URI and application name from the application you made on Uber Developer.

UberKit *uberKit = [[UberKit alloc] initWithClientID:@"YOUR_CLIENT_ID" ClientSecret:@"YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET" RedirectURL:@"YOUR_REDIRECT_URL" ApplicationName:@"YOUR_APPLICATION_NAME"]; //Set these fields from your app on Uber Developers.
uberKit.delegate = self; //Set the delegate (only for login)

Add the UberKit delegate to the @interface of your view controller to detect when an Uber access token becomes available for use after successful authorization. Then, you must add the following methods to your view controller:

- (void) uberKit: (UberKit *) uberKit didReceiveAccessToken: (NSString *) accessToken
    //Got the access token, can now make requests for user data
- (void) uberKit: (UberKit *) uberKit loginFailedWithError: (NSError *) error
    //An error occurred in the login process

You can also retrieve the access token when it is available by using NSString *token = [[UberKit sharedInstance] getStoredAuthToken];

To begin the login process, call the method 'startLogin' using [uberKit startLogin];

Once you've successfully retrieved an access token, you can then make the following calls to the Uber API :

To get all activity by the user

[uberKit getUserActivityWithCompletionHandler:^(NSArray *activities, NSURLResponse *response, NSError *error)
                 //Got an array of the history of activities performed by the user
                 NSLog(@"Error %@", error);

To get the profile of the user

[uberKit getUserProfileWithCompletionHandler:^(UberProfile *profile, NSURLResponse *response, NSError *error)
                 //Got the user's profile as an UberProfile
                 NSLog(@"Error %@", error);

For more help, check out the Demo !

For any assistance, reach out to me on Twitter @sachinkesiraju

Featured In

Let me know where you use UberKit so I can add it here!


If you feel that you can contribute to improving UberKit or add a new feature, feel free to raise an issue/submit a PR.


UberKit is available under the MIT License. See the LICENSE for more information.

  • Correct the spelling of CocoaPods in README

    Correct the spelling of CocoaPods in README

    This pull requests corrects the spelling of CocoaPods 🤓

    Created with cocoapods-readme.

    opened by ReadmeCritic 1
  • SIG ABORT problem when lowEstimate is not returned

    SIG ABORT problem when lowEstimate is not returned

    I got response where estimated prices were not available. It caused app to crash. Log:

    2014-08-30 15:22:08.236 UberKitDemo[5996:4007] Object being sent to price { "currency_code" = USD; "display_name" = UberSUV; estimate = "$118-150"; "high_estimate" = 150; "localized_display_name" = UberSUV; "low_estimate" = 118; "product_id" = "8920cb5e-51a4-4fa4-acdf-dd86c5e18ae0"; "surge_multiplier" = 1; } 2014-08-30 15:22:08.237 UberKitDemo[5996:4007] Object being sent to price { "currency_code" = ""; "display_name" = uberTAXI; estimate = Metered; "high_estimate" = ""; "localized_display_name" = uberTAXI; "low_estimate" = ""; "product_id" = "3ab64887-4842-4c8e-9780-ccecd3a0391d"; "surge_multiplier" = 1; } 2014-08-30 15:22:08.237 UberKitDemo[5996:4007] -[NSNull intValue]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1940068 2014-08-30 15:22:08.245 UberKitDemo[5996:4007] *** Terminating

    My fix: UberPrice.m, line 40: _lowEstimate = -1; _highEstimate = -1; NSString *lowE = [dictionary objectForKey:@"low_estimate"]; NSString *highE = [dictionary objectForKey:@"high_estimate"]; if ( ![lowE isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]] ) _lowEstimate = [lowE intValue]; if ( ![highE isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]] ) _highEstimate = [highE intValue];

    UberKit.m, line 92: for(int i=0; i<prices.count; i++) { NSLog(@"Object being sent to price %@", [prices objectAtIndex:i]); UberPrice *price = [[UberPrice alloc] initWithDictionary:[prices objectAtIndex:i]]; if ( price.lowEstimate > -1) //added this [availablePrices addObject:price]; }

    opened by pirtil 1
  • Use CLLocation instead of lat, long

    Use CLLocation instead of lat, long

    UberKit uses lat and long as seperate float values which makes code messy. iOS has a CLLocation type for this (which is what CoreLocation uses when you get user location).

    • (void) getProductsForLocationWithLatitude:(float)latitude longitude:(float)longitude ....

    Should be:

    • (void) getProductsForLocationWithLocation:(CLLocation*) location ...

    You can then get lat, long from the CLLocation object.

    opened by jashsayani 1
  • Major updates in the UberKit and UberKitDemo

    Major updates in the UberKit and UberKitDemo

    Updates in the UberKit:

    • Added the Uber API methods: request, request detail, cancel, receipt and map
    • Removed the local folder of the UberKit and add the reference
    • Added the option to switch between the sandbox and production base url path
    • Added more models
    • Added comments
    • Minor improvements in the UberKit class

    Updates in the UberKitDemo:

    • Your can show the products, promotions, price estimates and time estimates in a table view
    • Added the class 'UberRequestViewController'
    • Added the possibility to make a request and show the detail of the request
    • Driver and vehicle detail are displayed
    • You can contact the driver
    • You can cancel the request
    • You can see the visual representation of the request
    • You can see the completed request receipt
    opened by ghost 0
  • Payment and map issue

    Payment and map issue

    Hi, just want to consult you on two points.

    1. Can I use my own app to do the payment without Uber?
    2. Can I use my own map to locate customers and drivers during the trip?


    opened by borischou 0
  • init with server token?

    init with server token?

    The UberKit.m file needs the developer to put the server token in the string const. It would be better to have:

    UberKit *uberKit = [[UberKit alloc] initWithServerToken:@"MY_TOKEN"];

    opened by jashsayani 0
  • Single completion handler?

    Single completion handler?

    iOS convention has a single completion handler for async calls, instead of a success and failure callback.

    [uberKit getPriceForTripWithStartLatitude:START_LAT startLongitude:START_LONG endLatitude:END_LAT endLongitude:END_LONG success:^(NSArray *prices) failure:^(NSError *error, NSHTTPURLResponse *response)];

    Would become:

    [uberKit getPriceForTripWithStartLatitude:START_LAT startLongitude:START_LONG endLatitude:END_LAT endLongitude:END_LONG withCompletionHandler:^(NSArray *prices, NSError *err)];

    If there is an NSError, then the message in the error can be displayed, otherwise the prices array can be accessed.

    I believe this would clean the code and make it concise.

    opened by jashsayani 0
  • Improved data model safety

    Improved data model safety

    Added if conditions to make sure app wouldn't crash when returned data was instance of NSNull and you were trying to send "intValue/integerValue etc." to the objects.

    opened by borischou 0
  • How to get access token after authorisation redirect and callback

    How to get access token after authorisation redirect and callback

    I'm authorising users of my app using Oauth 2.0 following the documentation

    After the user authorises the app, it's hitting my web server which then redirects to app using the internal url uberkit://.

    I detect this redirect in my app. I have the following function in UberKitDemoAppDelegate.m.

    - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation{
        NSLog(@"Callback URL received");
        return YES;

    What function do I need to call once the user is back in the app to get the access token?

    Do I need the function in UberKitDemoAppDelegate.m or should the code to get the access token be triggered automatically?

    Thanks, Pete

    opened by pxg 7
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