A Modern Concurrency and Synchronization for Swift.

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Concurrency Safe

Swift 2.2 Platforms OS X | iOS | Linux


  • Simple Atomic class for numbers and strings.
  • Uncomplicated dispatch keyword for firing off background routines.
  • Awesome Chan for concurrent communication.
  • Useful sync APIs. Mutex, Cond, Once, WaitGroup



Int, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, UInt, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, Float, Double, Bool, String


==, !=, &&, ||, <=, >=, >, <, !
+, -, *, /, %, <<, >>, ^, &, &+, &-, &*, ++, --, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, +=, <<=, >>=, ^=, &=

var anum = IntA(100)      // IntA is an alias for Atomic.
anum += 15                // Adds a value atomically.
let res = anum % 4        // Modulo operation atomically.
print("\(anum) \(res)")   // prints '115 3'.


Safe adds an uncomplicated method for dispatching routines.

dispatch {


A new Chan class provides a clean and simple model for concurrently sharing objects. Chan is modeled after Go channels.

Sharing Memory by Communicating


let jobs = Chan<Int>(5)  // buffered channel
let done = Chan<Bool>()  // unbuffered channel

dispatch {
    for ;; {
        if let j = <-jobs {
            print("received job \(j)")
        } else {
            print("received all jobs")
            done <- true

for var j = 1; j <= 3; j++ {
    jobs <- j
    print("sent job \(j)")
print("sent all jobs")



A channel can also be iterated through.

while let j = <-jobs {
    print("received job \(j)")
print("received all jobs")


The _select keyword is a multiway communications multiplexer that works on multiple channels. _select, _case, and _default start with underscores so that they do not conflict with the select, case, and default syscall and keywords. When a _select encounters multiple channels with data, the chosen _case is selected at random

let jobs1 = Chan<Int>()
let jobs2 = Chan<Int>()

dispatch {
    for ;; {
        _select {
            _case(jobs1){ j in
                print("received 1: \(j)")
            _case(jobs2){ j in
                print("received 2: \(j)")

for var j = 1; ; j++ {
    jobs1 <- (j * 1000)
    jobs2 <- (j * 2000)

Select with Default

A _select can contain a single _default for non-blocking operations.

_select {
    _case(jobs1){ j in
        print("received 1: \(j)")
    _case(jobs2){ j in
        print("received 2: \(j)")
    _default {
        print("channels not ready")

Mutex, Cond, Once, WaitGroup

Incredibly useful sync APIs.


let m = Mutex()
m.lock {
    // this block is locked


let c = Cond(Mutex())
c.wait()                // wait for signal.
c.wait(0.25)            // wait for signal or 250ms to pass.
c.signal()              // signal to one wait.
c.broadcast()           // signal to all waits.


func f(){
    print("hey there")

let o = Once()
o.doit(f)               // runs once
o.doit(f)               // noop: cannot run twice


let dosomething : (NSTimeInterval, WaitGroup)->() = { (delay, wg) in
    print("Function in background, duration: \(delay)")
let wg = WaitGroup()
dispatch { dosomething(0.40, wg) }
dispatch { dosomething(0.30, wg) }
dispatch { dosomething(0.15, wg) }
dispatch { dosomething(0.60, wg) }

##Installation (iOS and OS X)


Add the following to your Cartfile:

github "tidwall/Safe"

Then run carthage update.

Follow the current instructions in Carthage's README for up to date installation instructions.

The import Safe directive is required in order to access Safe features.


Add the following to your Podfile:

pod 'Safe'

Then run pod install with CocoaPods 0.36 or newer.

The import Safe directive is required in order to access Safe features.


Add the following to your Package.swift

    dependencies: [
        .Package(url: "https://github.com/tidwall/Safe", majorVersion: 1, minor: 2)

Then run swift build.

The import Safe directive is required in order to access Safe features.


Copy the Source/*.swift file into your project.

There is no need for import Safe when manually installing.


Josh Baker @tidwall


The Safe source code is available under the MIT License.

  • error using SPM - fix: move the file(s) inside a module

    error using SPM - fix: move the file(s) inside a module

    Fetching https://github.com/tidwall/Safe Cloning https://github.com/tidwall/Safe Resolving https://github.com/tidwall/Safe at 1.2.1 error: the package has an unsupported layout, unexpected source file(s) found: /Users/johndpope/Documents/tensorFlowWorkspace/tensorflow/tensorflow/swift/.build/checkouts/Safe-5061242610371348105/Tests/atomic-test.swift, /Users/johndpope/Documents/tensorFlowWorkspace/tensorflow/tensorflow/swift/.build/checkouts/Safe-5061242610371348105/Tests/bridge.m, /Users/johndpope/Documents/tensorFlowWorkspace/tensorflow/tensorflow/swift/.build/checkouts/Safe-5061242610371348105/Tests/chan-test.swift, /Users/johndpope/Documents/tensorFlowWorkspace/tensorflow/tensorflow/swift/.build/checkouts/Safe-5061242610371348105/Tests/dispatch-test.swift, /Users/johndpope/Documents/tensorFlowWorkspace/tensorflow/tensorflow/swift/.build/checkouts/Safe-5061242610371348105/Tests/sync-test.swift, /Users/johndpope/Documents/tensorFlowWorkspace/tensorflow/tensorflow/swift/.build/checkouts/Safe-5061242610371348105/Tests/test.swift fix: move the file(s) inside a module

    I included files - but am getting these errors - perhaps this PR will fix? https://github.com/tidwall/Safe/pull/15

    opened by johndpope 1
  • now swift3 builds and unit test runs, not know if it have some bugs h…

    now swift3 builds and unit test runs, not know if it have some bugs h…

    Now it builds with swift3 and unit test is working for OSX(didn't tested on linux yet).

    The pull request I've pushed is only swift3 adapted.

    Have changed a lot in atomic file, BooleanType protocol is removed so I used some brutal ways to get it fixed(value as! Bool) with all && and || functionalities, this might be a big problem here,but I'didn't came up with a good solution here. Also in displatch.swift file, I've get it running by copied part of Strand(pthread wrapper) codes into the file, otherwise I cannot get it running.

    I don't have much experience working on C bridge with swift before, so it would be real appreciated if anyone who have more experience on this part can take it look, the way I'm get it running I think might be somewhat real dangerous.

    Hope it helps :)

    opened by eminarcissus 1
  • Removed offending lines

    Removed offending lines

    I think these lines have been depreciated

    sources: https://guides.cocoapods.org/syntax/podspec.html#platform https://guides.cocoapods.org/syntax/podspec.html#deployment_target

    opened by lufthansa747 1
  • pod install errors

    pod install errors

    in my podfile i have

    use_frameworks! pod 'Safe', :git => 'https://github.com/tidwall/Safe.git'

    and when i run pod install i get

    Analyzing dependencies Pre-downloading: Safe from https://github.com/tidwall/Safe.git [!] Unable to find a specification for 'Safe'.

    [!] Unable to load a podspec from Safe.podspec, skipping:


    just using "pod 'Safe'" in the pod file doesn't work either

    opened by lufthansa747 1
  • Error handling

    Error handling

    First of all great work with this library!

    This is not really an issue, but more of a design problem. I typically use channels to coordinate the asynchronous corner of an app.

    My question is how do I design an async response (either succes or error) and put it on a channel? I came up with something like

    // renamed `dispatch` to `go`
    go {  
           let chans = fetchLogin(user)
           // fetch login calls my api and returns a tuple: fetchlogin(user: User) -> (Chan<Error>, Chan<User>)
           _select {
              _case(chans.0){ err in /*do stuff with the error*/}
              _case(chans.1){ resp in /*do stuff with the success response*/}

    I have no idea if this is an elegant solution, I'm coming from dynamic languages where I could just put both an error and a valid response on one channel, then I would determine if it was an error or valid response when taking the value from the channel. Here channels are typed, I can't put both on the same channel. I just put them on different channels.

    The current 'best practice' with Swift is designing an Enum:

    Enum Response<T> {
       case Success(T)
       case Failure(Error)

    I tried putting such an enum on a Channel, but Swift's type system doesn't accept it.

    Any ideas? Maybe I can make it into a recipe and put it in the docs of this repo.

    opened by IwanKaramazow 1
  • Swift 4

    Swift 4

    I think I've brought things up to date for Swift 4, from the Swift 3 patch ot-waku did, though I can't be sure I haven't accidentally created a memory leak in dispatch or something. I successfully ran a simple test, though, so it SEEMS to work.

    opened by Erhannis 0
  • Update README

    Update README

    • Removes Swift 2.0 badge
    • Adds Swift 2.2 badge
    • Adds Platform badge
    • New badges use resolution independent SVGs from img.shields.io
    • Add section on adding to Package.swift
    opened by ssoper 0
  • Reduce anyGenerator deprecation warning.

    Reduce anyGenerator deprecation warning.

    Swift 2.2+ replaced anyGenerator with AnyGenerator and prints a deprecation warning to the console during the build process.

    Source/chan.swift:119:16: warning: 'anyGenerator' is deprecated: renamed to 'AnyGenerator'
    Source/chan.swift:119:16: note: use 'AnyGenerator' instead

    Using AnyGenerator breaks 2.1 and below. I currently do not know of a backwards compatible way to suppress this warning.

    opened by tidwall 0
Josh Baker
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