Swift implementation of Xiaomi's BLE authentication

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Bluetooth miauth


Xiaomi M365/Mi Authentication library written in Swift.


  • M365 Authentication
  • Mi Authentication (WIP - Login doesn't work reliably yet)
  • Ninebot Authentication


Swift Package Manager

MiAuth currently only supports Swift Package Manager.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/nouun/MiAuth.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.1.0"))



Below is a small example using MiClient to connect to a scooter named "MIScooter4565", register, print the token, and then get the serial number.

class MiClientTest {
    let client: MiClient

    init() {
        self.client = MiClient()
        self.client.delegate = self

extension MiClientTest: MiDeviceDelegate {
    func didDiscover(device: CBPeripheral) {
        if device.name == "MIScooter4565" {
            self.client.connect(to: device)

    func didRecieve(value: MiValue) {
        switch value {
        case .serial(number: let serial): print("Serial Number: " + serial)
        default: return

    func didUpdate(miState: MiState) {
        switch miState {
        case .authenticationReady:
        case .waitingForButtonPress:
            print("Press power button within 5 seconds")
        case .registered(token: let token):
            let tokenHex = toxen
                .map { String(format: "%02hhX", $0) }
                .joined(separator: " ")
            print("Token: \(tokenHex)")

            client.login(withToken: token)
        case .authenticated:
            self.client.write(payload: MiPayload.escSerialNumber)
        default: return


Below is a small example using M365Client to connect to a scooter named "MIScooter4565", authenticate, and then get the serial number.

class M365ClientTest {
    let client: M365Client

    init() {
        self.client = M365Client()
        self.client.delegate = self

extension M365ClientTest: MiDeviceDelegate {
    func didDiscover(device: CBPeripheral) {
        if device.name == "MIScooter4565" {
            self.client.connect(to: device)

    func didRecieve(value: MiValue) {
        switch value {
        case .serial(number: let serial): print("Serial Number: " + serial)
        default: return

    func didUpdate(miState: MiState) {
        switch miState {
        case .authenticated:
            self.client.write(payload: MiPayload.escSerialNumber)
        default: return


For any support regarding MiAuth feel free to contact me on Discord at nouun#0246.


This would not have been possible without help from dnandra and his MiAuth documentation.

Also VPCCMCrypt for AES/CCM encryption implementation in Objective-C which is what AESCCM.swift is based on.

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