Swift minion for simple and lightweight XML parsing

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Swift 5.3 Platforms iOS | watchOS | tvOS | macOS CocoaPods Carthage Swift Package Manager License MIT


Swift minion for simple and lightweight XML parsing

I made this for personal use, but feel free to use it or contribute. For more examples check out Sources and Tests.



This is not a robust full featured XML parser, but rather simple, lightweight and easy to use utility for casual XML handling.


  • Read XML data
  • Write XML string
  • Covered with unit tests
  • Covered with inline docs


Read XML

Let's say this is some XML string you picked up somewhere and made a variable data: Data from that.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <cat breed="Siberian" color="lightgray">Tinna</cat>
        <cat breed="Domestic" color="darkgray">Rose</cat>
        <cat breed="Domestic" color="yellow">Caesar</cat>
        <dog breed="Bull Terrier" color="white">Villy</dog>
        <dog breed="Bull Terrier" color="white">Spot</dog>
        <dog breed="Golden Retriever" color="yellow">Betty</dog>
        <dog breed="Miniature Schnauzer" color="black">Kika</dog>

This is how you can use AEXML for working with this data:
(for even more examples, look at the unit tests code included in project)

guard let
    let xmlPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "example", ofType: "xml"),
    let data = try? Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: xmlPath))
else { return }

do {
    let xmlDoc = try AEXMLDocument(xml: data, options: options)
    // prints the same XML structure as original
    // prints cats, dogs
    for child in xmlDoc.root.children {
    // prints Optional("Tinna") (first element)
    // prints Tinna (first element)
    // prints Optional("Kika") (last element)
    // prints Betty (3rd element)
    // prints Tinna, Rose, Caesar
    if let cats = xmlDoc.root["cats"]["cat"].all {
        for cat in cats {
            if let name = cat.value {
    // prints Villy, Spot
    for dog in xmlDoc.root["dogs"]["dog"].all! {
        if let color = dog.attributes["color"] {
            if color == "white" {
    // prints Tinna
    if let cats = xmlDoc.root["cats"]["cat"].all(withValue: "Tinna") {
        for cat in cats {
    // prints Caesar
    if let cats = xmlDoc.root["cats"]["cat"].all(withAttributes: ["breed" : "Domestic", "color" : "yellow"]) {
        for cat in cats {
    // prints 4
    // prints Siberian
    // prints <cat breed="Siberian" color="lightgray">Tinna</cat>
    // prints Optional(AEXML.AEXMLError.elementNotFound)
catch {

Write XML

Let's say this is some SOAP XML request you need to generate.
Well, you could just build ordinary string for that?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <m:Trans xmlns:m="http://www.w3schools.com/transaction/" soap:mustUnderstand="1">234</m:Trans>

Yes, but, you can also do it in a more structured and elegant way with AEXML:

// create XML Document
let soapRequest = AEXMLDocument()
let attributes = ["xmlns:xsi" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", "xmlns:xsd" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"]
let envelope = soapRequest.addChild(name: "soap:Envelope", attributes: attributes)
let header = envelope.addChild(name: "soap:Header")
let body = envelope.addChild(name: "soap:Body")
header.addChild(name: "m:Trans", value: "234", attributes: ["xmlns:m" : "http://www.w3schools.com/transaction/", "soap:mustUnderstand" : "1"])
let getStockPrice = body.addChild(name: "m:GetStockPrice")
getStockPrice.addChild(name: "m:StockName", value: "AAPL")

// prints the same XML structure as original



AEXML is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

  • Swift 3 Support

    Swift 3 Support


    I installed the latest Xcode with Swift 3.0, and AEXML generates numerous errors. Would appreciate a new release which supports.

    Thanks much, Brian.

    opened by appsird 27
  • receive Bound value in a conditional binding must be of Optional type

    receive Bound value in a conditional binding must be of Optional type

    line 223 of AEXML.swift has:

              if let parser = NSXMLParser(data: xmlData) {

    Though, it appears as of the most recent Xcode, the following is required:

    if let parser = NSXMLParser(data: xmlData) as NSXMLParser! {

    Can you please validate my change is correct, and why you are not seeing this issue.

    Thanks, Brian

    opened by appsird 15
  • Escaping special characters

    Escaping special characters

    It seems that AEXML's xmlstring property does not escape characters like "greater than", "less than" and "ampersand". This in turn leads to invalid XML being returned if an element's value contains such a character. Alternatively escaping could also be done when adding an element. Nor sure which is the better way...

    opened by ghowen 14
  • Why aren't double, int, bool and string properties of AEXMLElement optionals?

    Why aren't double, int, bool and string properties of AEXMLElement optionals?

    Let's say I've created an AEXMLElement object from API data and I assume its value is a double but I'm obviously not sure, since it's coming from an external source.

    If I then use the AEXMLElement object's double property, I have no way of knowing if the data was invalid, I will just get 0.0 if it's invalid, but that may be valid data. Why isn't double an optional, so I can check if it's actually valid? As far as I can see I would have to check if value is non-nil and can be cast to Double myself.

    opened by mattsson 11
  • Memory consumption

    Memory consumption

    Actually, your parser consume a lot of memory in Xcode 9 beta (both 1 and 2) with Swift 4. The problem is with appending string during parsing XML in Parser.swift. Appending founded string into currentValue allocate new memory, but still hold old one. I'm not sure if it's problem of implementation of calling delegate from XMLParser or they changed something and transfer responsibility of management into implementation of the delegate. Solution is fold processing of func parser(_ parser: XMLParser, foundCharacters string: String) into autoreleasepool closure.

    Does have anybody else that problem with Swift 4?

    bug help wanted 
    opened by milanhorvatovic 10
  • Parsing Element within Another element loses the value of the first Element

    Parsing Element within Another element loses the value of the first Element

    I'm parsing some Shakespeare xml files with AEXML (which is working great for me otherwise BTW) when I experience some problems getting the correct values out of elements from the following xml:

    SAMPSON Aside to GREGORY Is the law of our side, if I say ay?

    I'm running through the SPEECH element (speechElement:AEXMLElement)

    for child in speechElement.children { // when child equals the the first LINE element child.value // should equal "Is the law of our side, if I say" but is nil }

    The LINE element contains the STAGEDIR element correctly, but loses anything after the STAGEDIR.

    I've also moved the STAGEDIR element in the line, like so: Is the law of Aside to GREGORY our side, if I say and " our side, if I say" is lost.

    I've worked around it by modifying the xml files, but I wanted to file a bug and let you know.

    opened by willchen 9
  • "Cast from AEXMLElement to unrelated type ___ always fails"

    I'm not sure if this is somehow a problem with AEXML or a bug in XCode, or some other weird thing, so pardon me if it has nothing to do with this library.

    Somehow, I'm getting an error on a file that doesn't use AEXML that there is a cast from AEXMLElement. If I comment out the #import AEXML line (in a totally unrelated file) then the project builds. Then when I uncomment the import, it builds fine.

    I put together a simple sample project to illustrate this.


    opened by aaronpk 8
  • Subscript Returns Error String as Value of AEXMLElement is Surprising (To Me)

    Subscript Returns Error String as Value of AEXMLElement is Surprising (To Me)

    It cramps my style. :smile_cat: It also feels awkward having to type:

    let element = elementList["MyElement"]
    if element.name != AEXMLElement.errorElementName {
        let string = element["MyString"].stringValue

    as opposed to something like:

    let element = elementList["MyElement"]
    let string = element["MyString"].stringValue // I would expect string == ""

    because 99% of the time I don't want the string, "element <MyString> not found", because I use stringValue. Was under the assumption that stringValue would return an empty string upon lookup error, not an error string.

    This is coming from having used SwiftyJSON. So that is where my expectations are coming from. Feel free to disagree if that's how you feel.


    opened by bhendersonizeni 7
  • Build error: `error: instance member 'document' cannot be used on type`

    Build error: `error: instance member 'document' cannot be used on type`

    Sources/Parser.swift:18:20: error: instance member 'document' cannot be used on type 'AEXMLParser'
            let trim = document.options.parserSettings.shouldTrimWhitespace

    It appears this regression was added recently in this commit: https://github.com/tadija/AEXML/commit/506c15df3160f720b58b543fa7b42226e21e1463

    opened by rahul-malik 6
  • Updated project settings and podspec targets to use SWIFT_VERSION 3

    Updated project settings and podspec targets to use SWIFT_VERSION 3

    This fixes the problem where Xcode pops a warning that it needs to convert the project source into Swift 3, since it isn't sure that the code's been converted already.

    opened by vicng 6
  • Swift package

    Swift package

    I added the Package.swift configuration file in order to work with the new Swift Package Manager.

    I only had to do one change in the code and that was to remove the var keyword in the indentation function declaration. All tests kept on running, so this shouldn't be a problem.

    opened by fousa 6
  • Error while parsing large files on linux

    Error while parsing large files on linux

    Hello, I got an issue when parsing large files on linux. I got the following issue : Error Domain=NSXMLParserErrorDomain Code=1 "(null)"

    When I compile and run on MacOS everything runs fine

    opened by JeanRomain 0
  • Question


    Hello! I have a question When I parse an e-book, I get a mass of XML files Then I do as in your example and combine everything in one line

    let document = try AEXMLDocument (xml: data) var parsedText = String () // parse unknown structure for child in document.root.children { parsedText + = child.xml + "\ n" } After that I get one long line of code, realizing that this is XML, how can I convert it to HTML to display it in the WebView, or how to convert it to tex to display it in TextView?

    help wanted question 
    opened by rastaman111 0
  • Support for DTDs?

    Support for DTDs?

    I would like to specify the correct DTD for the XML file used. How should I do this? Right now I consider enhancing AEXMLOptions.DocumentHeader with 3 additional optional values which would allow specifying the correct settings for the DTD (see eg. https://xmlwriter.net/xml_guide/doctype_declaration.shtml). Any better idea?

    Many thanks in advance!

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by Vithanco 4
  • Not reading all nodes

    Not reading all nodes

    Didn't see this issue in the documentation but it's only hitting the first node in my XML document. For example I have multiple "Alert" nodes

    <TimeStamp>20171127 11:47</TimeStamp>

    Even though I'm using a for loop it only returns the value I want from the first node and ignores the rest. Am I missing a feature that's not mentioned?

    help wanted question 
    opened by millerrob1000 2
  • How to access declared namespaces?

    How to access declared namespaces?

    I'm trying to understand the preferred way to access declared namespaces. I can get a dictionary of the declared namespaces from the root element's attributes. Is there a more direct way?

    Also, if process namespaces is set to true, I can't find anywhere where the namespace is saved. #34 covers this; am I correct in understanding that the namespace is just removed and discarded?

    help wanted question 
    opened by siegesmund 1
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