A powerful Circular Slider. It's written in Swift, it's 100% IBDesignable and all parameters are IBInspectable.



A powerful Circular Slider. It's written in Swift, it's 100% IBDesignable and all parameters are IBInspectable.


Slider demo


CircularSlider is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

Swift 3:

pod 'CircularSlider'

Swift 2.2:

pod 'CircularSlider' ', '~> 0.2'


You can use this slider by declaring programmatically or by placing it in your Storyboard file. All the paramters are IBInspectable, so you can configure the slider directly in the Storyboard file (in the attribute inspector tab) without write any line of code!


Optionally you can conforms to the methods of the CircularSliderDelegate protocol.

If you want to admit only certain values you can implement this methods:

optional func circularSlider(circularSlider: CircularSlider, valueForValue value: Float) -> Float

With this method you override the actual slider value before the slider is updated. Example: you want only rounded values:

func circularSlider(circularSlider: CircularSlider, valueForValue value: Float) -> Float {
return floorf(value)

The other methods you can implement are:

optional func circularSlider(circularSlider: CircularSlider, didBeginEditing textfield: UITextField)
optional func circularSlider(circularSlider: CircularSlider, didEndEditing textfield: UITextField)


taglia3, matteo.tagliafico@gmail.com

LinkedIn, Matteo Tagliafico


CircularSpinner is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Add the ability to remove decimals from the textField

    Add the ability to remove decimals from the textField

    Hey @taglia3! Great component! I love it ❤️

    It would be great if you can expose a configurable property to allow the use of it without the decimals. Thanks in advance!

    opened by eliasturbay 5
  • How do I get values?

    How do I get values?

    How do I get values from the value range that I defined in interface builder?

    I installed CircularSlider from CocoaPods and added it in my main.storyboard, then I set the range from 1 to 1000, but I cannot get the values in the range 1-1000... I always get values in the following delegate functions from -2.X to 1.6... to 3.14....

    func circularSlider(circularSlider: CircularSlider, didBeginEditing textfield: UITextField) {
        //print("\(String(describing: textfield.text))")
    func circularSlider(circularSlider: CircularSlider, didEndEditing textfield: UITextField) {
        print("asdf \(String(describing: circularSlider.title))")


    // MARK: - CircularSliderDelegate extension ViewController: CircularSliderDelegate { func circularSlider(_ circularSlider: CircularSlider, valueForValue value: Float) -> Float { return floorf(value) } }

    0.0 -1.64434761728344 ... 2.98358034030751 3.07363463664357 -3.07239637497121 ... -2.38914958780664 ... -1.53983277461192 -1.460139105621 -1.40709587429103 ... -1.87021156844839 ... 2.73103520554794

    opened by phishstang65 2
  • Update to Swift 4

    Update to Swift 4

    I updated project to swift 4, and I checked basically functionality. You can accept for update a project wich requires this library. I make a pull request to Develop branch Thanks

    opened by litoarias 0
  • Bitcode Processing Failed

    Bitcode Processing Failed

    While processing your iOS app, errors occurred in the app thinning process, and your app couldn’t be thinned. If your app contains bitcode, bitcode processing may have failed. Because of these errors, this build of your app will not be able to be submitted for review or placed on the App Store.

    opened by ghost 0
  • How can we set steps that how many steps slider need to be moved while Drag?

    How can we set steps that how many steps slider need to be moved while Drag?

    I need to use this slider as a Day viewer Like showing records of 7 Days So basically I need to create 7 Steps in slider if I drag slider it should move according to steps like we do in UISlider Any idea to achieve this


    opened by iOSDevGarg 0
  • BUG Fix: Changing color values in IB has no effect

    BUG Fix: Changing color values in IB has no effect

    Changing either the colors pgNormalColor or pgHighlightedColor in IB does not have any effect in IB and the app when it is executed.

    Adding these two lines fixes that problem.

    opened by franck-nadeau 0
  • Pull request: fix Swift warnings, add TextColor as IBDesignable ?

    Pull request: fix Swift warnings, add TextColor as IBDesignable ?

    Hello taglia3,

    Thanks for this fine CircularSlider library. I get a couple of swift warnings with newest xcode, 8.3.3, mainly M_PI usage and unused runtime attribute 'type'.

    I want to fix this. Also I want to add a IBDesignable for the text color of the value label. Is this project still active? Do you accept a pull-request for these changes? Thanks, Tom

    opened by TomMajor 1
Matteo Tagliafico
I'm an Electronic Engineer with the passion for iOS development
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