OutRun is an iOS app for recording and viewing your outdoor workouts



OutRun is an iOS app for recording and viewing your outdoor workouts. Despite the name it supports not just running, but also walking, hiking, cycling and skating.

This project is fully open-source and ad-free.


OutRun has a rich feature set centered around customisation and privacy. The list of features includes:

  • Keep full control over your data
  • Record your outdoor workouts (Running, Walking, Hiking, Cycling and Skating)
  • View detailed statistics
  • Export your workouts as GPX or OutRun-Backup (.orbup)
  • Fully customise the recording process
  • Synchronise with Apple Health


You want to make this app even better? No problem! There are lots of ways you can contribute even if you cannot code yourself:

  • Share this project. The simplest way of contributing is by sharing this project with your friends and family. Once more people see that it exists, it is more likely to get support and people interested and capable of adding to it.
  • Join the beta. Sometimes features need to be tested before being rolled out to all users, that is where beta testers come in. They receive early and sometimes unstable versions of the app and test them thoroughly, to make sure that others get a more polished product. You can join here.
  • Report Issues. If you see some parts of the app not working as expected, if you want to give any kind of feedback or if you just have a question you can submit an issue on the issue page of this project.
  • Write Code. And then there is the standard way of contributing to an open-source project. You can always write code that advances the app. To see how to contribute look at the Contribution Guidelines.
  • Translate. Last but definitely not least there is translation which is an integral part to make this project available to more people in more countries. For more information on contributing read the following section.


OutRun uses Weblate as a tool to make translation easier. Once languages are fully translated on said platform they will be added to the project and published to the AppStore.

So far the following languages are supported:

Language Translation Status
Catalan ca translation status
Croatian hr translation status
Czech cs translation status
Danish da translation status
Dutch nl translation status
English en translation status
Finnish fi translation status
French fr translation status
German de translation status
Italian it translation status
Polish pl translation status
Spanish es translation status
Swedish sv translation status

If you want to add languages or improve already translated ones you can do this here.


This project currently does not accept any kinds of donation, neither in-app nor through external methods. For now the only ways to contribute can be found under Contribution.

If you cannot contribute in any other way than financially or just feel really generous at the moment you could consider supporting the folks at Weblate. They are providing their services to OutRun for free, because they are great believers in open-source development, it still costs them money to host the project on their website though, so supporting them also directly benefits OutRun.


OutRun is published under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 (GLPv3):

Copyright (C) 2020 Tim Fraedrich 

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see 

  • Spanish and Catalan translation

    Spanish and Catalan translation

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I would like to contribute translating this app into Spanish and Catalan but I can't enable any language in Weblate.

    Describe the solution you'd like I want to ask @timfraedrich to enable those languages in Weblate.

    Describe alternatives you've considered None. I love using this app. I want to contribute so that more friends who don't speak English can use it.

    Additional context I used to translate open source projects with similar websites (crowdin.net). Also, I speak the three languages I mentioned.

    opened by lpla 16
  • Cycling Distance don't sync to Apple Health

    Cycling Distance don't sync to Apple Health

    The app stopped syncing Cycling Distance to Apple Health after version 1.2 even it having write permission to Cycling Distance category on Apple Health.

    bug duplicate 
    opened by arthurpereira 8
  • Unable to Compile

    Unable to Compile

    XCODE 12.0.1

    Have done sudo gems update cocoapods pod update (on the downloaded files directory)

    Update all pods
    Updating local specs repositories
    Adding spec repo `trunk` with CDN `https://cdn.cocoapods.org/`
    Analyzing dependencies
    Downloading dependencies
    Installing Cache (6.0.0)
    Installing Charts (3.6.0)
    Installing CoreGPX (0.8.1)
    Installing CoreStore (6.3.2)
    Installing SnapKit (5.0.1)
    Generating Pods project
    Integrating client project
    [!] Please close any current Xcode sessions and use `OutRun.xcworkspace` for this project from now on.
    Pod installation complete! There are 5 dependencies from the Podfile and 5 total pods installed.

    trying to run it locally on simulator churned out quite a few build issue.

    Screenshot 2020-10-17 at 3 38 45 PM

    Would appreciate some guidance on what's happening.

    /// the disk storage as basis of the caching system
        private let diskStorage: DiskStorage<UIImage>?

    clicking no the error declaration points to this

    /// Save objects to file on disk
    final public class DiskStorage<Key: Hashable, Value> {
      enum Error: Swift.Error {
        case fileEnumeratorFailed

    is there a missing "value"?


    opened by mjunkmyjunk 3
  • No altitude data recorded

    No altitude data recorded

    Describe the bug OutRun is not recording altitude data - when viewing a workout, that section is blank.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Record and save a workout
    2. View it in history
    3. Ascending and Descending both say "0m" and the graph is blank.

    Expected behavior Altitude data should be recorded and viewable.

    Screenshots AC7FE7A3-2D53-46B1-B8BC-58D5B8ABDC35

    Device Information (please complete the following information):

    • iPhone: X
    • OS: 13.6
    • Version 1.2

    Additional context This seems to have worked for the very first workout I recorded with OutRun but hasn't worked since. Location permission is set to "While Using".

    opened by nano9g 3
  • resolved timfraedrich#8

    resolved timfraedrich#8

    when synchronizing a workout with the Health app, it could happen that some workout samples do not synchronize, even if the user has granted write permission for these categories

    opened by arthurpereira 2
  • Topmost map in History doesn't change when dark mode toggled

    Topmost map in History doesn't change when dark mode toggled

    Describe the bug When dark mode is toggled, the very first map in History doesn't switch like the others. If going from light to dark, it will stay light, and vice versa.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to History
    2. Toggle Dark Mode
    3. The first map will stay in the previous mode

    Expected behavior The first map should change like the others.

    Screenshots 78CC9164-F1B9-43D1-9CCE-EBA36B83CD22

    Device Information (please complete the following information):

    • iPhone: iPhone X
    • OS: 13.6.1
    • Version: 1.2 (6) beta
    opened by nano9g 2
  • Beta expires next week

    Beta expires next week

    Describe the bug Beta version linked in Readme expires next week, so it could create regressions or inconsistencies in the stored data for users using betas that revert to sn old stable release after the expiring date.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to the beta link
    2. Open in TestFlight
    3. Check app details

    Expected behavior Another beta or stable release should fix that.

    opened by lpla 1
  • Fix: Burned Energy is not calculated when workout type gets altered

    Fix: Burned Energy is not calculated when workout type gets altered

    • Resolve #26
    • Add improvements
      1. Enum allCases array to be synthesized
      2. Dynamically fill with enum options
      3. Fill right option in picker instead of the first
    opened by RoberthSiqueira 1
  • Add a decimal point (or two) in the home screen of a workout

    Add a decimal point (or two) in the home screen of a workout

    At the moment the home screen shows the list of workouts and a round-up distance. I would like to have it at least round-up to a decimal point. So instead of 2km to 2.4km. I feel 400 meters is quite a difference.


    duplicate enhancement 
    opened by Duckbilled 1
  • More detailed values for duration and distance

    More detailed values for duration and distance

    In the workout summary the workout duration and distances are only shown as rounded values. E.g. if my workout took me 1:39h it is shown as 2hours. Same goes for distances being shown as full kilometer values.

    I don't see a reason why durations should not show the precise value and distances are not represented by at least one or maybe two decimal places.

    Changing this should not be an issue as there is enough space and it would help comparing workouts to each other.

    opened by FelixMoelder 1
  • Improve History display of multiple workouts on the same day

    Improve History display of multiple workouts on the same day

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Currently the History view displays the same information header (Today, Yesterday, etc.) above every workout, even when there are multiple workouts on the same day. In my opinion, this adds visual noise without much benefit.

    Describe the solution you'd like I could see two ways to address this.

    1. A single header for each day with all that day's workouts below:

    Today [Workout 1] [Workout 2]

    1. Continue to have a header for each workout, but add the time.

    Today 7:30 AM [Workout 1] Today 3:00 PM [Workout 2]

    I'm personally partial to option 1 (although I would like to see start time displayed somewhere in the History view, I'm not sure the header is the right place for it).

    I'd be happy to mock this up if the text-based examples aren't clear. Thanks!

    opened by nano9g 1
  • Full Apple HealthKit Support / Full Data Write to Apple Health

    Full Apple HealthKit Support / Full Data Write to Apple Health

    Would be very nice, if the app will provide full Apple HealthKit intgeration or let's say the app should write full data to Apple Health App. For example the GPS Data will not be written to Apple Health. If i go inthe the Health App and look for the trainings (activities) the gps route is not shown.

    opened by matthiasballreich 0
  • Live Activity for home screen

    Live Activity for home screen

    Describe the solution you'd like In iOS 16, later this year, there will be a thing called live activities. It would be pretty nice if we could pull out our iPhone and could see some basic details from the lockscreen.

    Additional context https://developer.apple.com/documentation/activitykit


    enhancement future 
    opened by Duckbilled 1
  • Weight number changes after being set by user

    Weight number changes after being set by user

    Firstly, thanks for open sourcing this app! It's quite nice :)

    Describe the bug When users enter a value for weight it will change after the value is set. Eg: When I enter 135lbs it changes to 134.99lbs. This also happens when I tried entering a value in kilograms though I had to add more decimals for it to change. If I had to guess what the issue is, I would say that the app calculates things in kilos and rounds them nicely which causes values entered in pounds to be rounded strangely. For what it's worth, I think the imperial system is very dumb but we generally use it for weight in Canada for.... some reason. 🙃

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to app Settings
    2. Change the weight value
    3. See error

    Expected behavior I expect the value I set to be the value that is displayed / used.

    Device Information (please complete the following information):

    • iPhone: iPhone Xr
    • OS: iOS 15.5
    • Version: 1.3
    opened by Shrinks99 0
  • Add totals feature. Miles cycled this week/month/year, miles ran this week/month/year. All time totals, etc.

    Add totals feature. Miles cycled this week/month/year, miles ran this week/month/year. All time totals, etc.

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I would like to be able to track my totals over time. I use OutRun to track all of my cycling, and it would be nice to know what the total miles tracked is, total miles this week, total for the year, etc.

    Describe the solution you'd like Potentially a button that would open up a new screen, maybe another tab on the bottom. Display totals by category (walking, hiking, cycling, running, etc, maybe a combined one) and then within each category, totals for the week/month/year/all time. Maybe a period-to-period comparison as well? That's 12 more miles than last month! (+10%) but defo not required. Maybe some kind of history so you could review totals from past periods?

    Describe alternatives you've considered I've tried using the Apple health integrations, but I can't seem to find an easy way to get totals out of it either. The best I can do is per day and then adding them all up, or taking the month average and multiplying by the number of days cycled in that month. Not ideal.

    Did also consider exporting and using Python to figure it out, but that sounded like a lot of effort that would probably be better a dev doing once and integrating into the solution rather than me messing around every time I want to total up my miles.

    enhancement future 
    opened by DanCousins 1
  • Shortcuts Support

    Shortcuts Support

    Describe the solution you'd like It would be great to have functionality of the OutRun app available from the Apple Shortcuts app so that I could automatically start a walk for example.

    opened by finnoprey 1
  • Crashes constantly

    Crashes constantly

    The app has become unusable on both iOS 14.8.1&15.2.1. Crashes on both versions within 5-20 mins. Definitely no way to record my 2 hour daily work outs. Both my iPhone X and 13 Pro Max have the issue.

    opened by ScalableCodex 0
  • v1.2.2(Oct 17, 2020)

    This version mainly addresses legal issues connected to the registration of a trademark in the UK, for more info see #33 or contact me directly.

    It also fixes the following bugs:

    • some AppleHealth samples were not added properly to the HealthStore (#8)
    • ascending and descending altitude were swapped (#16)
    • style issues occurred because of changes in iOS 14 (#27)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.1(Aug 25, 2020)

    This version fixes the following bugs:

    • logic error when rounding (#13)
    • app crashes due to inconsistencies in the data (#12)
    • map images had the wrong appearance (#9)
    • the app wrongfully showed an error when trying to start a workout (#2)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2(Aug 8, 2020)

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