An ambient light accessibility framework for iOS.

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Styling Ambience


Brightness aware accessibility theme switching without coding.

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Ambience States

Special thanks

I'd like to thank Meng To and Marcos Griselli and all the Design+Code team for the support given to this project. Design+Code app is the place to go if you want to learn more about design and iOS development. The app is also the App Store debut of Ambience.

You may also follow the Ambience tutorial on Design+Code.

Thanks a lot guys!


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

If you find that pod install responds Unable to find a specification for Ambience, you may pod repo update.


Ambience is available through CocoaPods and it's highly recommended you use it. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Ambience'

To enable it you have to call the Ambience singleton on your App Delegate like this:

import UIKit
import Ambience

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

    var window: UIWindow?

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

        _ = Ambience.shared

        return true

Pretty standard stuff, right?

Ambience is so very convenient because it does a little bit of black magic under the hood. If you feel curious about how this work, scroll down to the Nitty-Gritty section.

Built-in support

Ambience has built-in support for the background color for the following Interface Builder objects:

  • View and all its children;
  • Search, Navigation and Tab bars and all of its children;
  • Text View, Button, and Label and all of its children.

There is also support for the text color for:

  • Text View, Button, and Label and all of its children.

And there is also support for dark and light bar styles on:

  • Search, Navigation and Tab bars and all of its children.

Customizing a view

To customize an Interface Builder view, use the Inspectable Properties on the Attributes Inspector. Don't forget to turn Ambience On for that view.

Attributes Inspector

Search, Navigation, and Tab need to be turned on but their respective styles are not customizable.

Custom Behaviors

It's also possible to define custom Ambience behavior on any Object that inherits from NSObject. Follow the instructions.

Define an Override of the Ambience Method

In this example, we are implementing the current behavior for Search, Navigation and Tab bars. It guards the notification data for the current state as an Ambience State and sets the bar style accordingly.

public override func ambience(_ notification : Notification) {


    guard let currentState = notification.userInfo?["currentState"] as? AmbienceState else { return }

    barStyle = currentState == .invert ? .black : .default

The notification user info dictionary also comes with the previous state so that more complex stateful behaviors can be implemented. It may also come with an animated boolean attribute the is usually set to true and, at the first run, set to false so as not to have animation upon view appearance.

Turning Ambience On

If your object is set on Interface Builder, use the Attributes Inspector and set to On the Ambience value.

In case you are setting this object programmatically, just set its ambience boolean value to true before placing it.

Known issues

Text View inside collection

If you are using a Text View inside a Table View Cell or a Collection View Cell and, in the process of dequeuing it you set its attributed text, beware. Right after assigning the new Attributed Text will need to write a mandatory single line of code to have Ambience work in the Text View properly.

Follow the example:

// Inside the respective Table View Controller

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {

    let cell : TextTableCell! = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "Cell with text") as! TextTableCell


    return cell

It's simple yet mandatory.

I could have set some observers inside Text View so it could perform it on its own, but I won't do it at the risk of referencing cycles and swizzling madness.


Yes. You need only a line of code to have Ambience work right out of the box. But there is a detail. For this to work, Awake From Nib is swizzled when you call Ambience.shared.

If you don't know what swizzling is, here goes a little explanation.

Swizzling two methods is nothing but swapping two method addresses. What do I mean by address? Why did I do this?

I wanted every UIView to have access to Ambience. To have that, I had to do some configuration in the UIView before it reaches the device's screen. I chose to do this in the Awake From Nib method because it's guaranteed to be called right before the view hits the screen and on most of the UIView objects, such as Navigation Bar, Search Bar and Tab Bar, that have a different lifecycle from a regular UIView.

static let classInit : Void = {

    swizzling(forClass: UIView.self, originalSelector: #selector(awakeFromNib), swizzledSelector: #selector(swizzled_awakeFromNib))

@objc open func swizzled_awakeFromNib () {

    let name = String(describing:type(of: self))

    guard !NSObject.forbiddenNames.contains(name) else { return }


    if ambience {
        _ = notificationManager

The swizzling is going to happen to the address of Awake From Nib but will not affect inner calls. Let me explain. When UI Kit calls awakeFromNib on a UIView, what is actually going to happen is view.swizzled_awakeFromNib. Nonetheless, when swizzled_awakeFromNib is called inside swizzled_awakeFromNib, it actually calls awakeFromNib, thus, giving us access to the default implementation.

In another word, this is a complicated way of adding this few lines to every single UIView and any of its children:

if ambience {
    _ = notificationManager

Final note

If you have a nice idea or think that some edit of it might apply to a larger audience, feel free to create a pull request.

I'd like Apple to open the Trait Environment API so I may apply for my Trait Collection extension and delete a few hundred lines of code. If you are there Apple: please, open it.




Ambience is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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  • Localization



    First of all thanks for the library 👍

    How can i set opitons titles of AmbienceObject ActionSheet, programmatically?

    I dont want to localize the storyboards. I already have one localization file and all localizations are handled programmaticly in my project.


    opened by ergunkocak 1
  • Not working in code

    Not working in code

    It is not working when i tried it with my views written programmatically

    label.ambience = true
    label.contrastColor = .blue
    label.invertColor = .green
    opened by sagaya 3
  • public override func ambience(_ notification : Notification) method not called

    public override func ambience(_ notification : Notification) method not called

    Hi , i am trying implementing the above method and in contrast to the example you gave, in my project it is not called but the color do change accordingly to what i fixed in the story board, any suggestions? (using swift 4 and xcode 9.3 ) thanks in advanced !

    opened by roei46 4
  • 0.1.0(Jan 13, 2018)

    Ambience persists over app sessions using UserDefaults and also anchors its Ambience Object popover to the sender being it either a UIView or a Bar Button Item

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.0.6(Jan 10, 2018)

  • 0.0.5(Jan 6, 2018)

    Known issues

    Text View inside Collection

    If you are using a Text View inside a Table View Cell or a Collection View Cell and, in the process of dequeuing it you set its attributed text, beware. Right after assigning the new Attributed Text will need to write a mandatory single line of code to have Ambience work in the Text View properly.

    Follow the example:

    // Inside the respective Table View Controller
    override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
        let cell : TextTableCell! = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "Cell with text") as! TextTableCell
        return cell
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.0.2(Jan 4, 2018)

    This release adds support for user control using forced states.

    This is procured using a UI Alert View Controller associated to a Storyboard Scene or by simply instantiating a Ambience Object, setting it's view controller and asking it to present the Alert View Controller.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.0.1(Jan 3, 2018)

    0.0.1 Bare minimal

    Ambience has built-in support for the background color for the following Interface Builder objects:

    • View and all its children;
    • Search, Navigation and Tab bars and all of its children;
    • Text View, Button, and Label and all of its children.

    There is also support for the text color for:

    • Text View, Button, and Label and all of its children.

    Custom Behaviors

    It's also possible to define custom Ambience behavior on any Object that inherits from NSObject. Follow the instructions.

    Define an Override of the Ambience Method

    In this example, we are implementing the current behavior for Search, Navigation and Tab bars. It guards the notification data for the current state as an Ambience State and sets the bar style accordingly.

    public override func ambience(_ notification : Notification) {
        guard let currentState = notification.userInfo?["currentState"] as? AmbienceState else { return }
        barStyle = currentState == .invert ? .black : .default

    The notification user info dictionary also comes with the previous state so that more complex stateful behaviors can be implemented. It may also come with an animated boolean attribute the is usually set to true and, at the first run, set to false so as not to have animation upon view appearance.

    Turning Ambience On

    If your object is set on Interface Builder, use the Attributes Inspector and set to On the Ambience value.

    In case you are setting this object programmatically, just set its ambience boolean value to true before placing it.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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