A highly configurable and out-of-the-box-pretty UI library

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UI FlourishUI


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Preview of UI

We absolutely love beautiful interfaces! As an organization named Unicorn, we are obligated to be unique and majestic. That is why we have made this highly configurable, out-of-the-box-pretty, User Interface library/kit thingy. It has a minimal set of UI components now, but already packs quite a punch with the UIColor extension, animated Material-inspired buttons, and modal views.

Getting Started

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

Release Notes

Master contains the latest bleeding edge code. Currently master is supporting Swift 3.0 but there are releases for older versions of Swift.

This library was built on iOS 8.x, but does offer decent backwards compatibility. We haven't tested older devices thoroughly however, so if you find a breaking issue, please file an issue on the repo or submit a pull request!


This library was hand-written, but borrowed from concepts in ZFRipple, SLCAlertView and Material. We'd like to thank them for paving the way for some cool concepts and for contributing their code as MIT. Following suit, we have also made this open source and completely void of copyright or restrictions. Just use it already, and make your apps look like sexy unicorns!


FlourishUI is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "FlourishUI"

Or if you prefer to skip cocoapods, you can simply drag and drop the source files directly into your Xcode project.


Most of the code should be pretty self documenting. FlourishUI uses structs and enums heavily to make an easy-to-read and highly meta approach. Future updates will probably keep the API mostly the same, but switch to a better underlying infrastructure of getters and setters.


The Button class is ready to go with Interface Builder and IBDesignable, just inherit! You can check the demo to see this configured with IB.


Modals are heavily based on configurations, and thus, are built and called in code. We plan on making them more robust in time, but for now, you'll want to simply treat them like you would an AlertView.

Modal.Overlay.blurStyle = .ExtraLight
Modal.Dialog.shadowType = .Hover
Modal.Dialog.shadowRadius = CGFloat(5)
Modal.Dialog.shadowOffset = CGSize(width: 0, height: 0)
Modal.Dialog.shadowOpacity = 0.1

Modal(title: sender.titleLabel?.text, body: body, status: .Warning).show()

Toggle Switch

Preview of UI

Flourish UI supports Toggle Switches as of 3.x and up! These are drawn entirely with core graphics and animated with UIKit, giving you vector scale and full customization.

// Customizing toggle switches
let greenColor = UIColor(hex: "#3D8C8E")

let toggle2 = ToggleSwitch()
toggle2.frame = CGRect(x: 20, y: view.frame.height - 100, width: view.frame.width - 40, height: 24)
toggle2.label.setTitle("Custom styled toggle", for: .normal)
toggle2.active = true

// Customize the label associated with the toggle switch
toggle2.label.frame.size.width = 200
toggle2.label.titleLabel?.textColor = .black

// Customize the background which the toggle button slides across
toggle2.slide.activeBackgroundColor = greenColor.adjustValue(percentage: 1.4)
toggle2.slide.activeBorderColor = greenColor.adjustValue(percentage: 1.0)
toggle2.slide.disabledBackgroundColor = UIColor(hex: "#99896F")
toggle2.slide.disabledBorderColor = UIColor(hex: "#99896F").adjustValue(percentage: 0.5)

// Customize the round toggle button
toggle2.button.activeBackgroundColor = greenColor.adjustValue(percentage: 1.3)
toggle2.button.activeBorderColor = greenColor.adjustValue(percentage: 1.1)
toggle2.button.disabledBackgroundColor = UIColor(rgba: [153, 137, 111, 0.8])
toggle2.button.disabledBorderColor = UIColor(rgba: [153, 137, 111, 0.8]).adjustValue(percentage: 0.5)


UIColor Extension

1 is lighter and < 1 is darker red.adjustValue(percentage: 1.5)">
// Create colors with hex value in string
let red = UIColor(hex: "#ff0000")

// Darken or lighten the value (lightness)
// 1 = 100% therefore > 1 is lighter and < 1 is darker
red.adjustValue(percentage: 1.5)


FlourishUI is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Add button programmatically?

    Add button programmatically?

    Hi, how do i create a FlourishUI button programmatically with rounded corners and the effects. I currently have the following:

            let button   = Button.buttonWithType(UIButtonType.System) as! Button
            button.frame = CGRectMake(10, 10, 355, 32)
            button.backgroundColor = UIColor(rgba: "#C2784D")
            button.tintColor = UIColor(rgba: "#ffffff")
            button.setTitle("Logout", forState: UIControlState.Normal)
            button.addTarget(self, action: "logoutBtnTouched:", forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside)

    I appreciate any help. Thanks

    opened by wstudios 2
  • Can't get it working in my app - no errors, just no modal display either

    Can't get it working in my app - no errors, just no modal display either

    Ran the pod install and it's in my project fine, but with this block of code on a button and the import FlourishUI, nothing is happening. I do register a button click on print, but this is very basic setup...

    @IBAction func showModalButtonTapped(sender: UIButton) {
            print("This button actually works")
            let title = "TESTING PLEASE"
            let body = "This is the body copy."
            Modal(title: title, body: body, status: .Success).show()

    Any ideas? There are no errors, just no modal displaying. Am I missing something?


    opened by jakeatwork 1
  • Cannot show FlourishUI Modal

    Cannot show FlourishUI Modal


    I just encountered a problem with your control, when calling show(), there is nothing happened. After debugging, I think the problem is in this line:

    Modal.swift - show() - line 250 if let rv = UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow?.subviews.first

    It should be subviews.last in order to make it work for me. I guess maybe because of my view architecture is a bit different, I have showing FlourishUI on a ViewController which is root controller inside a NavigationController.. this NavigationController is presented modally from 2 more ViewControllers.

    Loading ViewController -- present --> Language Setting -- present --> NavigationController (root is SignUp) ---- FlourishUI is having problem on this SignUpViewController.

    I am using storyboard, running on iOS 9, XCode 7.2.1

    Temporarily, I edited your code to make it work for my project, but please fix this and I will use cocoapods to update the fix.

    Thank you for the nice control!

    opened by thanhn08 1
  • Hangs when Button is clicked

    Hangs when Button is clicked

    I did nothing, downloaded and run the demo app.

    Pressed on one of the buttons once and it wount detect anymore touches. This happens everytime I run the demo app

    opened by Jayvd 1
  • Tried compiling in Xcode 6.3 beta 4 and getting Initializer error

    Tried compiling in Xcode 6.3 beta 4 and getting Initializer error

    Getting the following errors on this line of code in modal.swift -

    required override public init() ------> Initializer does not override a designated initializer from its superclass { super.init() ------> Must call a designated initializer of the superclass 'UIViewController'

    opened by lokeuei 1
Clayton (McIlrath) Unicorn
I'm a contractor and consultant available for hire through @Unicorn. I work on my own products such as @UnicornTV and love teaching and writing!
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