A library to recreate the iOS Apple Music now playing transition



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DeckTransition is an attempt to recreate the card-like transition found in the iOS 10 Apple Music and iMessage apps.

Hereʼs a GIF showing it in action.



  • Swift 5.0
  • iOS 9 or later



To install DeckTransition using CocoaPods, add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'DeckTransition', '~> 2.0'


To install DeckTransition using Carthage, add the following line to your Cartfile:

github "HarshilShah/DeckTransition" ~> 2.0


You can find the docs here. Documentation is generated with Jazzy, and hosted on GitHub Pages.



Set modalPresentationCapturesStatusBarAppearance to true in your modal view controller, and override the preferredStatusBarStyle variable to return .lightContent.

Additionally, the UIScrollView instances which should be tracked for the swipe-to-dismiss gesture should have their backgroundColor set to .clear.


The transition can be called from code or using a storyboard.

To use via storyboards, just setup a custom segue (kind set to custom), and set the class to DeckSegue.

Hereʼs a snippet showing usage via code. Just replace ModalViewController() with your view controller's class and youʼre good to go.

let modal = ModalViewController()
let transitionDelegate = DeckTransitioningDelegate()
modal.transitioningDelegate = transitionDelegate
modal.modalPresentationStyle = .custom
present(modal, animated: true, completion: nil)


By default, DeckTransition has a swipe-to-dismiss gesture which is automatically enabled when your modalʼs main UIScrollView is scrolled to the top.

You can opt-out of this behaviour by passing in false for the isSwipeToDismissEnabled parameter while initialising your DeckTransitioningDelegate.

UIScrollView detection

DeckTransition has an internal heuristic to determine which UIScrollView should be tracked for the swipe-to-dismiss gesture. In general, this should be sufficient for and cover most use cases.

However there are some edge cases, and should you run into one, these can we worked around by making your modal view controller conform to the DeckTransitionViewControllerProtocol protocol. More information about this can be found in the documentation page about UIScrollView detection.


For a variety of reasons, and especially because of iOS 11's safe area layout, DeckTransition uses a snapshot of your presenting view controller's view instead of using the view directly. This view is automatically updated whenever the frame is resized.

However, there can be some cases where you might want to update the snapshot view by yourself, and this can be achieved using the following one line snippet:

(presentationController as? DeckSnapshotUpdater)?.requestPresentedViewSnapshotUpdate()

All this does is request the presentation controller to update the snapshot.

You can also choose to update snapshot directly from the presenting view controller, as follows:

(presentedViewController?.presentationController as? DeckSnapshotUpdater)?.requestPresentedViewSnapshotUpdate()

It's worth noting that updating the snapshot is an expensive process and should only be used if necessary, for example if you are updating your entire app's theme.

Apps Using DeckTransition

Feel free to submit a PR if you’re using this library in your apps


Written by Harshil Shah


DeckTransition is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • In-Call Status Bar Issue

    In-Call Status Bar Issue

    It seems there's two issues when there's an in-call status bar with a taller height. First, the status bar covers up the presented view controller's top part.

    Second, after dismissing the presented modal, the presented view controller isn't being reset correctly. To reproduce, on the demo toggle in-call status bar, present the modal, take the app to background and bring it back. Now the presented view controller's frame is wrong. It's something to do with the transform, but I haven't figured it out yet.. On my own app, the controller's frame is actually going off screen (e.g. too large) after the modal is dismissed

    opened by hamedh 21
  • Table view scroll

    Table view scroll

    I have implemented your scroll view code to my table view controller and it will dismiss when I’m not at the top. Do you have any suggestions?

    Also when it said set the scroll view delegate as self, I just made sure tableview.delegate equaled self. Is that correct?

    opened by carson-katri 12
  • Init method not visible to ObjC

    Init method not visible to ObjC

    You seem to be using optional parameters within the constructors which can't be bridged to ObjC. Thus this library is not usable in ObjC projects.

    See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26470771/swift-init-not-visible-in-objecitve-c

    opened by heyarny 11
  • Added presentedVC top offset customisation option

    Added presentedVC top offset customisation option

    I wanted to be able to customise the top offset of the presented ViewController, so I've added in a new property in the DeckTransitioningDelegate and DeckPresentationController, that allows for this.

    It is an optional argument to the existing constructors, that defaults to 28. Existing call sites will not be affected.

    Because the top offset could be large enough that the user could tap on the background, I've also added a tap gesture to dismiss the modal by tapping there.

    Regards, Arvindh

    opened by arvindhsukumar 10
  • Dragging past threshold closes view even if finger does not let go.

    Dragging past threshold closes view even if finger does not let go.

    I noticed that if you drag the view past the threshold to dismiss it, you can't drag your finger back if you don't let go to cancel it.

    It's a bit frustrating if you drag it down to "peek" underneath, and then it closes. Just running some tests here to examine the functionality and noticed this.

    opened by benguild 9
  • StatusBar appearance doesn't change using storyboards...

    StatusBar appearance doesn't change using storyboards...

    In your example file you are creating an object of ModalViewController and present this view controller via present(_:animated:completion:) after transitioningDelegate and modalPresentationStyle are set. This works as expected. The statusBar appearance changes with the transition from default to lightContent and then back to default again when dismissing.

    But creating a storyboard segue by following the instructions in your README file (line 51) and perform the segue by invoking performSegue(withIdentifier:sender) doesn't change the statusBar appearance as expected. It keeps its default value. I couldn't figure out why.

    Tested on Xcode 9GM simulator with iOS 11, iPhone 7+8.

    opened by Bem44 9
  • NavBar Glitch

    NavBar Glitch

    This glitch appends when the View Controller is not the top-level VC of a Navigation Controller (when you've got a Back Button in the navBar etc.) When the Modal Controller is pushed, the navBar of the previous ViewController is cropped from the top. glitch

    opened by sushimatou 9
  • Carthage support

    Carthage support

    Hey! Matt from WWDCSCholars here :)

    You sent me this library a few days ago. It looks neat! But we were wondering, could you please add Carthage support so we can actually implement it in the app, without too much hassle?

    opened by matthijs2704 9
  • Modal not appearing in segue

    Modal not appearing in segue

    Hi there.

    Really want to use DeckTransition but it isn't working for me. I'm using a dark background and an embedded UIView with a tap gesture recogniser.

    Please can you help me.

    opened by g30r93g 8
  • releasing scrollViewUpdater on pan .ended, to stop observing

    releasing scrollViewUpdater on pan .ended, to stop observing

    This prevents crashing if DeckPresentationController contains a table view, since scrollViewUpdater observes contentOffset and results in crash when table view displayed is eventually released while still having this KVO observer:

    Fatal Exception: NSInternalInconsistencyException An instance 0x132094a00 of class UITableView was deallocated while key value observers were still registered with it. Current observation info: <NSKeyValueObservationInfo 0x174626680> ( <NSKeyValueObservance 0x17485da60: Observer: 0x175e74cc0, Key path: contentOffset, Options: <New: NO, Old: NO, Prior: NO> Context: 0x0, Property: 0x170a50890> )

    opened by soreshko 7
  • Bug on hidesBarsOnTap

    Bug on hidesBarsOnTap

    Hello Harshil Shah! Thanks a lot of what are you doing!! In ios11 I found interesting bug. On hiding navigation bar on tap it disappears like on foto. Can you help with this?

    screen shot 2017-12-19 at 7 53 49 pm screen shot 2017-12-19 at 7 54 03 pm
    opened by Bronko44 7
  • Zombie


    Hello. I've used DeckTransition for a while, but I have ipod with ios 9.3.5. And I'v caught Zombie object. Снимок экрана 2020-07-09 в 12 20 02

    The same app on the simulator (ios >= 11.0) or iPhone (ios >= 11.0) works fine.

    opened by sapgv 2
  • Keyboard hide laggy when present deck

    Keyboard hide laggy when present deck

    I am integrating this lib into my project and it works perfect until I got this problem with keyboard:

    • setup a viewcontroller with textfield and keyboard is showing
    • click on a button to present this new viewcontroller with this decktransition. The keyboard will hide automatically but very laggy

    The keyboard is glitching/laggy when hiding. I am sure it is this lib because I compare this lib with ios default presenting modal view.

    I hope this one could be fixed because this glitching make smooth animation become glitchy

    opened by pvn-anh-pham 4
  • DeckTransition 3.0

    DeckTransition 3.0

    Hey all,

    Sorry it’s been a while, this took a bit longer than I’d expected, and then iOS 13 hit and that made it take a bit longer.

    Originally, I was planning address some different issues with this major update, however in light of the transition changes in iOS 13, I’ve had to made some changes to the plans. While custom transitions and variable height presentations were to be the main focus, I’ve decided to push those back in favour of prioritising bringing the design and implementation up to par with Apple’s.

    The goal for now is to essentially make DeckTransition functionally identical to the default iOS 13 transitions which will enable backporting the new UI for now, and then building in features which Apple doesn’t have yet such as the two mentioned above, better customisability on iPads, and so on.

    Here’s a list of all the changes I’m hoping to get in:

    • The swipe-to-dismiss gesture should use an interactive transition.
    • View controllers should be able to dynamically specify when a dismissal is allowed.
    • The corner radius handling needs improvement. On devices and features with rounded corners (so the X-series iPhones, newer iPad Pros, and split view on iPads) the presenting card should animate from the device’s corners.
    • The iPad UI needs a complete rethink. It should essentially be a 1:1 match of Apple’s designs which scales up from a page sheet to the current style based on the user’s dynamic type settings.

    The iPhone part of this changelog is relatively trivial. The iPad part will take significant work, especially given the smart things Apple is doing with handling corner radii in split view, for example.

    Additionally, I think I’ve found solutions to some prevalent bugs such as the weird transforms for certain UITableView rows and some others.

    It should be possible to retain support for upto iOS 11, however iOS 9 and 10 will likely have to be dropped.

    The plan is to have a draft of this change in within a few weeks, time permitting.

    I’d love to hear any thoughts people using this library have about these planned changes or any ideas.

    opened by HarshilShah 5
  • Rotation breaks the layout

    Rotation breaks the layout

    In my app I have a UISplitViewController as the base. Now, when I present a UIViewController as a card on top of it, the view will look like this.


    However, when I rotate the device and then rotate back, the layout breaks and it will look like this.


    When I then rotate once more and once more back, the app will crash, throwing this:

    Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Multiplier is not finite!  That's illegal.  multiplier:-inf'
    *** First throw call stack:
    0   CoreFoundation                      0x000000010759a6fb __exceptionPreprocess + 331
    1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x0000000106b3eac5 objc_exception_throw + 48
    2   CoreFoundation                      0x000000010759a482 +[NSException raise:format:arguments:] + 98
    3   Foundation                          0x000000010658c927 -[NSAssertionHandler handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description:] + 194
    4   Foundation                          0x000000010679255e -[NSLayoutConstraint _setMultiplier:] + 336
    5   Foundation                          0x000000010679949f +[NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithAnchor:relatedBy:toAnchor:multiplier:constant:] + 575
    6   DeckTransition                      0x000000010319992b $s14DeckTransition0A22PresentationControllerC29updateSnapshotViewAspectRatio33_71FA53A27BEAE2D482201C2CF371A196LLyyF + 1931
    7   DeckTransition                      0x000000010319a09a $s14DeckTransition0A22PresentationControllerC31containerViewWillLayoutSubviewsyyF + 298
    8   DeckTransition                      0x000000010319a644 $s14DeckTransition0A22PresentationControllerC31containerViewWillLayoutSubviewsyyFTo + 36
    9   UIKitCore                           0x0000000111070905 -[UIView(CALayerDelegate) layoutSublayersOfLayer:] + 1229

    Any ideas as to what could be causing this? I have a feeling it's a layout issue in the library, but I have no clue where to start looking...

    opened by Sjoerdjanssenen 2
  • 2.2.0(Sep 1, 2019)

  • 2.1.0(Sep 17, 2018)

  • 2.0.0(Dec 8, 2017)

    DeckTransition is now at version 2.0! 🎉

    This is a major API upgrade. The previous API which required UIScrollViewDelegate conformance has been entirely removed, and is replaced by an automatic UIScrollView detection mechanism.

    API Breaking Changes

    • The isDismissEnabled property on DeckTransitioningDelegate is removed. This behaviour is now managed automatically, which means that your old dismissal code is no longer needed and can be removed entirely, and your existing view controllers should "just work" in most cases.

      There exist some edge cases with the new mechanism, more about which, including workarounds, can be found in the documentationʼs new UIScrollView detection guide.

    Other Changes

    • A new isSwipeToDismissEnabled parameter is added to the DeckTransitioningDelegate initializer, to disable the swipe-to-dismiss gesture entirely, if need be. This is set to true by default and requires no change to retain previous behaviour.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.4.2(Nov 12, 2017)

  • 1.4.1(Nov 8, 2017)

  • 1.4.0(Oct 21, 2017)

    • Updated animations to work much better when presenting mutliple view controllers using DeckTransition
    • Fixes an issue where the appearance method calls were sometimes unbalanced
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.3.4(Oct 13, 2017)

  • 1.3.3(Oct 13, 2017)

    This is the last version of this framework to support Swift 3.x. Further development will be done on Swift 4.x

    • Corner rounding is now animated
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.3.2(Sep 30, 2017)

  • 1.3.1(Sep 26, 2017)

  • 1.3.0(Sep 22, 2017)

  • 1.2.0(Sep 22, 2017)

  • 1.1.0(Sep 15, 2017)

  • 1.0.4(Sep 15, 2017)

  • 1.0.3(Sep 15, 2017)

  • 1.0.2(Aug 25, 2017)

  • 1.0.1(Aug 5, 2017)

  • 1.0.0(Aug 5, 2017)

    Here’s a summary of all the changes in this version

    • Vastly improved performance
    • Reorganized project structure
    • Support for Carthage
    • All “magic numbers” have been refactored out

    One small change needs to be implemented in pre-1.0 projects to maintain compatibility with this version of DeckTransition. The entirety of the change consists of replacing the following line of code in your modal view controller’s UIScrollViewDelegate implementation

    scrollView.transform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: 0, y: scrollView.contentOffset.y)

    with the block that follows below:

    scrollView.subviews.forEach {
        $0.transform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: 0, y: scrollView.contentOffset.y)

    The implementation example in the ReadMe has been updated to reflect this.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.4.0(Aug 2, 2017)

    API Breaking Changes

    • The DeckTransitioningDelegate initialiser now requires NSNumber arguments for animation duration
    • A snapshot of the presenting view controller is shown instead of the view itself

    Other Changes

    • Fixed Objective-C compatibility issues
    • Fixed a host of bugs related to the double height status bar and rotation
    • You can now use pod try to try the library
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.3.0(May 14, 2017)

    The transition can now be customised by passing in custom animation durations, other animations to be performed alongside the stock animation, and completion handlers

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.0(Aug 2, 2017)

  • 0.1.2(Aug 2, 2017)

  • 0.1.1(Aug 2, 2017)

Harshil Shah
I make apps and stuff
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