This is a Swift port of Ruby's Faker library that generates fake data.


Fakery logo CI Status Carthage Version License Platform

This is a Swift port of Ruby's Faker library that generates fake data.

Are you still bothered with meaningless randomly character strings? Just relax and leave this job to Fakery. It's useful in all the cases when you need to use some dummy data for testing, population of database during development, etc.

NOTE: Generated data is pretty realistic, supports a range of locales, but returned values are not guaranteed to be unique.

Table of Contents


"Emilie" let lastName = //=> "Hansen" let city = //=> "Oslo" ">
import Fakery

let faker = Faker(locale: "nb-NO")

let firstName =  //=> "Emilie"
let lastName =    //=> "Hansen"
let city =         //=> "Oslo"


Fakery is quite powerful when it comes to generation of locale-specific data. In Resources/Locales you can find JSON files for more than 20 locales, and, of course, it's not a limit. Feel free to contribute and add more!

The default locale is English. When you use one of the available generators and the corresponding key is not found in a JSON file for the currently selected locale Fakery will also check if it exists in "en.json" file.



"North Avenue" faker.address.secondaryAddress() //=> "Apt. 123" faker.address.streetAddress(includeSecondary: Bool) //=> "12 North Avenue" faker.address.buildingNumber() //=> "123" faker.address.postcode(stateAbbreviation: String) //=> "0884" faker.address.timeZone() //=> "America/Los_Angeles" faker.address.streetSuffix() //=> "Avenue" faker.address.citySuffix() //=> "town" faker.address.cityPrefix() //=> "North" faker.address.stateAbbreviation() //=> "CA" faker.address.state() //=> "California" faker.address.county() //=> "Autauga County" //=> "United States of America" faker.address.countryCode() //=> "US" faker.address.latitude() //=> -58.17256227443719 faker.address.longitude() //=> -156.65548382095133 faker.address.coordinate() //=> CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 40.97868, longitude: 29.09306) "> //=> "Oslo"
faker.address.streetName() //=> "North Avenue"
faker.address.secondaryAddress() //=> "Apt. 123"
faker.address.streetAddress(includeSecondary: Bool) //=> "12 North Avenue"
faker.address.buildingNumber() //=> "123"
faker.address.postcode(stateAbbreviation: String) //=> "0884"
faker.address.timeZone() //=> "America/Los_Angeles"
faker.address.streetSuffix() //=> "Avenue"
faker.address.citySuffix() //=> "town"
faker.address.cityPrefix() //=> "North"
faker.address.stateAbbreviation() //=> "CA"
faker.address.state() //=> "California"
faker.address.county() //=> "Autauga County" //=> "United States of America"
faker.address.countryCode() //=> "US"
faker.address.latitude() //=> -58.17256227443719
faker.address.longitude() //=> -156.65548382095133
faker.address.coordinate() //=> CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 40.97868, longitude: 29.09306)


"0.1.1" //=> "Ida Adams" "> //=> "Namfix" //=> "0.1.1" //=> "Ida Adams"


"visa" //=> "2020-10-12" "> //=> "1234-2121-1221-1211" //=> "visa" //=> "2020-10-12"


"British Semipi-longhair" //=> "American Cat Fanciers Association" "> //=> "Shadow" //=> "British Semipi-longhair" //=> "American Cat Fanciers Association"


"Music" faker.commerce.productName() //=> "Awesome Wooden Hat" faker.commerce.price() // 90.5 ">
faker.commerce.color() //=> "black"
faker.commerce.department(maximum: Int, fixedAmount: Bool) //=> "Music"
faker.commerce.productName() //=> "Awesome Wooden Hat"
faker.commerce.price() // 90.5


"Inc" //=> "Universal software" //=> "implement innovative methodologies" // "" "> //=> "Adams Inc" //=> "Inc" //=> "Universal software" //=> "implement innovative methodologies" // ""

Zelda //=> "Ocarina of Time"   


"Male" ">
faker.gender.type() //=> "Agender"
faker.gender.binaryType() //=> "Male"


"" faker.internet.domainWord(alphaNumericOnly: Bool) //=> "domainword" faker.internet.domainSuffix() //=> "com" // => "[email protected]" faker.internet.freeEmail() //=> "" faker.internet.safeEmail() //=> "[email protected]" faker.internet.password(minimumLength: Int, maximumLength: Int) //=> "e2dddhwd1g5qhvhgfi" faker.internet.ipV4Address() //=> "" faker.internet.ipV6Address() //=> "ac5f:d696:3807:1d72:2eb5:4e81:7d2b:e1df" faker.internet.url() //=> "" faker.internet.image() //=> "" faker.internet.templateImage() //=> "" faker.internet.hashtag() //=> "#art" ">
faker.internet.username(separator: String?) //=> "ida4"       
faker.internet.domainName(alphaNumericOnly: Bool) //=> ""        
faker.internet.domainWord(alphaNumericOnly: Bool) //=> "domainword"        
faker.internet.domainSuffix() //=> "com" // => "[email protected]"
faker.internet.freeEmail() //=> ""
faker.internet.safeEmail() //=> "[email protected]"
faker.internet.password(minimumLength: Int, maximumLength: Int) //=> "e2dddhwd1g5qhvhgfi"
faker.internet.ipV4Address() //=> ""
faker.internet.ipV6Address() //=> "ac5f:d696:3807:1d72:2eb5:4e81:7d2b:e1df"
faker.internet.url() //=> ""
faker.internet.image() //=> ""
faker.internet.templateImage() //=> ""
faker.internet.hashtag() //=> "#art"


["dolores", "adipisci", "nesciunt"] faker.lorem.character() //=> "a" faker.lorem.characters(amount: Int) // Default = 255 faker.lorem.sentence(wordsAmount: Int) // Default = 4 faker.lorem.sentences(amount: Int) // Default = 3 faker.lorem.paragraph(sentencesAmount: Int) // Default = 3 faker.lorem.paragraphs(amount: Int) // Default = 3 ">
faker.lorem.word() //=> "repellendus"         
faker.lorem.words(amount: Int) //=> ["dolores", "adipisci", "nesciunt"]      
faker.lorem.character() //=> "a"        
faker.lorem.characters(amount: Int) // Default = 255
faker.lorem.sentence(wordsAmount: Int) // Default = 4
faker.lorem.sentences(amount: Int) // Default = 3
faker.lorem.paragraph(sentencesAmount: Int) // Default = 3
faker.lorem.paragraphs(amount: Int) // Default = 3


"Ida" //=> "Adams" //=> "Mrs." //=> "PhD" //=> "Lead" "> //=> "Ida Adams" //=> "Ida" //=> "Adams" //=> "Mrs." //=> "PhD" //=> "Lead"


faker.number.randomBool() //=> true or false
faker.number.randomInt() //=> some Int between 0 and 1000
faker.number.randomInt(min: -100, max:50) //=> some Int between -100 and 50
faker.number.randomFloat() //=> some Float between 0 and 1000
faker.number.randomFloat(min: -10.4, max:50) //=> some Float between -10.4 and 50
faker.number.randomCGFloat() //=> some CGFloat between 0 and 1000
faker.number.randomCGFloat(min: 42.42, max:86) //=> some CGFloat between -42.42 and 86
faker.number.randomDouble() //=> some Double between 0 and 1000
faker.number.randomDouble(min: 0, max:1) //=> some Double between 0 and 1
faker.number.increasingUniqueId() //=> every call returns an unique int

Phone number

"333-333-3333" faker.phoneNumber.areaCode() //=> "201" faker.phoneNumber.exchangeCode() //=> "201" faker.phoneNumber.subscriberNumber() //=> "1234" faker.phoneNumber.numberExtension(length: Int) // "123" ">
faker.phoneNumber.phoneNumber() //=> "1-333-333-3333"        
faker.phoneNumber.cellPhone() //=> "333-333-3333"
faker.phoneNumber.areaCode() //=> "201"
faker.phoneNumber.exchangeCode() //=> "201"
faker.phoneNumber.subscriberNumber() //=> "1234"
faker.phoneNumber.numberExtension(length: Int) // "123"


"Alabama bats" // => "Alabama" "> //=> "bats" //=> "Alabama bats" // => "Alabama"


"AAFMGB21" // => "NL45BUNQ2209931378" //=> ABNA0136468471 "> //=> "ABN AMRO CORPORATE FINANCE LIMITED" //=> "AAFMGB21" // => "NL45BUNQ2209931378" //=> ABNA0136468471


"Thorin Oakenshield" faker.hobbit.quote() // => "Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?" faker.hobbit.location() //=> "Bree" ">
faker.hobbit.character() //=> "Bilbo Baggins"         
faker.hobbit.thorinsCompany() //=> "Thorin Oakenshield"
faker.hobbit.quote() // => "Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?"
faker.hobbit.location() //=> "Bree"

Car //=> "BMW"

Programming language

"José Valim" "> //=> "Elixir"         
faker.programming_language.creator() //=> "José Valim"         


"BMW" faker.vehicle.colors() //=> "Red" ">
faker.vehicle.manufacture() //=> "Volkswagen" 
faker.vehicle.make() //=> "BMW"
faker.vehicle.colors() //=> "Red"

Ham //=> "Taylor Ham"         


"living room" "> //=> "chair" //=> "living room" 


Fakery is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Fakery'

Or alternatively using the Swift Package Manager:

let package = Package(
        .package(name: "Fakery", url: "", from: "5.0.0"))
    targets: [
        .target(name: "Foo", dependencies: ["Fakery"]

Use of the Swift Package Manager requires Swift >=5.3.


Please see our playbook for guidelines on contributing.


Vadym Markov, [email protected]


Fakery is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Date type conflicts with Foundation.Date

    Date type conflicts with Foundation.Date

    When I import Fakery and dry to define anything with Date type, Xcode gives an error 'Date' is ambiguous for type lookup in this context because both Foundation and Fakery define it. Maybe to rename it, or to create a scope Fakery and put all fakery types in this scope? This will allow avoiding any conflicts

    opened by ruben-samsonyan 9
  • Swift Package Support

    Swift Package Support

    From what I can tell, it is not currently possible to support bundled assets with swift packages, rendering this library incompatible with SPM based projects at the moment since it requires the .json files to generate localized data. (I am hoping to use this library on a server side project). Do you know of any ways to accomplish this with SPM or have any ideas on how to refactor this to be compatible? I made a quick proof of concept that it could technically work by simply maintaining the local source data as .swift files with static strings (in my fork here:, however I have a feeling this is not the best approach. Guessing it could have performance issues or simply maintainability issues since Xcode seems to sometimes choke on strings of that size.

    Any thoughts on this? If you think that is actually a viable approach I wouldn't mind refactoring and putting up a PR. Otherwise, maybe the best approach is to wait until SPM updates to support bundled assets, and I can just maintain my own fork with this approach as a stopgap until then.

    Anyway...thanks for the great library!

    opened by Strobocop 9
  • SwiftyJSON depency

    SwiftyJSON depency

    SwiftyJSON decency is not pointing to any specific release, though due to the new SwiftyJSON Release (Support for Swift 3.0) my project (Swift2.2) can't use Fakery anymore.

    Should be fixed with replacing s.dependency 'SwiftyJSON', '< 3.0.0' to pod-spec.

    opened by d3pwnd 7
  • Added the fake data to generate car brands names

    Added the fake data to generate car brands names

    Hello I would like to contribute adding the generated data for Car Brands it's update as far I saw, they have tesla so looks really update ;)

    Any change please let me know 👍

    opened by felipeflorencio 6
  • Update rangeAt so compatible with swift 4

    Update rangeAt so compatible with swift 4

    The following build commands failed: CompileSwift normal arm64 /Users/xxxxxx/xxxxx-ci/workspace/XCUITest/ios-xcuitest-run/Pods/Fakery/Sources/Fakery/Data/Parser.swift CompileSwiftSources normal arm64

    Testing failed: 'range(at:)' has been renamed to 'rangeAt(:)' 'range(at:)' has been renamed to 'rangeAt(:)' 'range(at:)' has been renamed to 'rangeAt(:)' 'range(at:)' has been renamed to 'rangeAt(:)'

    opened by ericlmartinezo 6
  • Add support for SwiftPM resources via Swift 5.3

    Add support for SwiftPM resources via Swift 5.3

    See also this WWDC 2020 session: Or read the related proposal:

    Note that I have only made this compatible when used with SwiftPM. Integration via other dependency managers might be broken.

    Fixes #129.

    To use this branch before it's merged, use this in your Package.swift:

    .package(name: "Fakery", url: "", .branch("master")),
    opened by Jeehut 4
  • Xcode 11 install via SPM won't compile because of Nimble

    Xcode 11 install via SPM won't compile because of Nimble

    When I try to install Fakery using Xcode 11 SPM it throws an error when trying to clone Nimble


    Is there something we could do or we just have to wait for Nimble to get fixed?

    opened by Henriquedrdc 4
  • 1.2.0 not available on cocoapods

    1.2.0 not available on cocoapods

    When i do pod 'Fakery' I keep have the 1.1.2 version. I need to force :path in my pod file. I guess pod spec has not been update in cocoa pods repo ?

    Analyzing dependencies Pre-downloading: Fakery from Installing Fakery 1.2.0 (was 1.1.2) Generating Pods project Integrating client project Sending stats

    opened by loicgriffie 4
  • Random Numbers

    Random Numbers

    I would love to easily generate random numbers and unique/continuously increasing Ids with this library, too. arc4random and co aren't kind a "swifty" to use so it would be nice to have a wrapper around it.

    Would you consider this to be part of this lib and would appreciate a pull request, since it's nothing that needs localisation?

    opened by FGoessler 4
  • ipV6Address() bug

    ipV6Address() bug

    ipV6Address() makes, in example, following String. "5EF8:D497:B05E:2E34:337C:38A2:6F7B" Components are just 7. I think it should be 8. The problem is 1..<8. It iterates only 7, not 8.

    And there is following code in ipV6Address() arc4random() % 65535 I think 65535 ( 0xFFFF) should be possible, but this code can't make 65535.

    opened by delixion 3
  • Add framework resources path

    Add framework resources path

    This pull request adds support for Fakery import by framework (Carthage).

    When Fakery is imported as Fakery.framework all the assets of the project are placed in the root folder, like the example shown below: screen shot 2015-11-23 at 15 15 51

    With this change Fakery will find for the json resources on the root folder and at the Resources/Locales folder. This will add support for both CocoaPods and Carthage.

    opened by diogoguimaraes 3
  • unable to find bundle named Fakery_Fakery

    unable to find bundle named Fakery_Fakery


    We have an Xcode project using Fakery (via Swift Package Manager). We define factories using Fakery in the app, and these are used in the unit tests. Now, we wanted to add these factories using Fakery to the UI test target.

    We've linked the Fakery binary to the UI tests (Build Phases -> Link Binary with Libraries), but when we try to run the tests we get this error

    Fatal error: unable to find bundle named Fakery_Fakery in resource_bundle_accessor.swift

    I'm conscious this could be a setup issue on our end, but we can't figure it out. Could this be a bug or a limitation in how the library can be used?

    Thanks in advance.

    Fakery 5.1.0 Xcode 13.4.1

    opened by grutts 0
  • Support seeded random number generators

    Support seeded random number generators


    I've added support for seeded RNG by allowing the passing of any RandomNumberGenerator to Faker.


    • I ignored Swift <= 4.2. It might not compile with the older swift versions; if it does, it won't used the RNG that was passed in. Not sure if dropping support for 4.2 is an option at this point.
    • I didn't write a unit test (I'm not familiar with QuickSpec and don't have more time to spend on this right now).

    That being said, you can use this like this:

    let faker = Faker(randomNumberGenerator: SomeAdvancedRandomNumberGenerator())

    Unfortunately, seeded RNG is somewhat hidden in iOS; my first idea was to use the RNG provided by GameKit:

     import GameKit
     extension GKMersenneTwisterRandomSource: RandomNumberGenerator {}
     let faker = Faker(randomNumberGenerator: GKMersenneTwisterRandomSource(seed: 42))

    We need to make GKMersenneTwisterRandomSource conform to RandomNumberGenerator, which is fortunately quite easy. We can then use it as the seeded RNG.

    However, this requires that GameKit is available. In the end, I didn't want introduce a GameKit dependency, and the whole thing is overkill anyway for my testing purposes, so I implemented a custom "RNG" which works fine for my case:

    public class AdvancedRandomNumberGenerator: RandomNumberGenerator {
        var currentIndex = 0
        // chosen by fair dice roll
        // guaranteed to be random
        lazy var randomValues: [UInt64] = [4151371853236615391, 7134936793715064765, 8637388537612094686, ...]
        public func next() -> UInt64 {
            currentIndex += 1
            return randomValues[currentIndex % randomValues.count]
    opened by julasamer 2
  • Set iOS deployment target to 9.0 on pbxproj

    Set iOS deployment target to 9.0 on pbxproj


    I use this lib thought Carthage, but once I updated from version 5.0.0 to 5.1.0 I noticed that the minimum deployment target has changed.

    This PR sets it to version 9.0, the same defined in the Package.swift file.

    opened by grsouza 0
  • Add ability to load a file from local bundle instead

    Add ability to load a file from local bundle instead

    Using this library with SPM will not bring in the resources (those lovely little json files)

    I've added an alternative initializer where you can specify a path.


    let locale = "en"
    let stringPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: locale, ofType: "json")
    let faker = Faker(locale: locale, path: stringPath!)

    BEFORE this is considered merge worthy...

    • [ ] Can only load base translation files: 'en, es, ru, etc...' Trying to load a .json with "-" will fail (en-GB) I couldn't be bothered yet to step through the parser to find where it loads the "en" after loading the extras from "en-gb"
    • [ ] I added some simple tests but better if the creator can review and amend to properly cover.
    opened by morgz 0
  • Random non-numeric or non-alphanumeric strings

    Random non-numeric or non-alphanumeric strings

    Hi @vadymmarkov,

    Fakery's been useful in my project so far. Very happy about it. It'd be nice to have some methods to generate strings that non-numerical and non-alphanumerical.


    opened by tony-hoang999 0
  • Invalid email addresses being generated

    Invalid email addresses being generated

    I am currently using Faker().internet.safeEmail(), and it's producing invalid results. Right now, I have an email address of returned from that method, so something is going awry.

    I've seen similar when using the plain Faker() method, except in that case it was missing everything after the @.

    I'm using Xcode 11.2b1 (although this happens under 11.0 and 11.1 GM as well).

    opened by tonyarnold 0
  • 5.1.0(Feb 23, 2021)

    • Update Quick and Nimble #146
    • Fix: update dependencies to fix building on XCode 12.4 and 12.5 #144
    • Fix: build warnings related to the compile sources phase including json files. #142
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 5.0.0(Nov 18, 2020)

  • 4.1.1(Jul 25, 2019)

  • 4.1.0(Jul 24, 2019)

    • Move all generators into namespace Faker
    • House generator
    • Zelda generator
    • Hobbit generator
    • Cat generator
    • Car brands generator
    • Gender generator
    • Vehicle generator
    • Hams generator
    • Programming language generator
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.4.0(Sep 14, 2018)

    • Create pt-BR.json
    • Update the project to recommended settings
    • Add NL postcode
    • Fix ipV6Address() bug
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.3.0(Nov 13, 2017)

  • 3.2.1(Nov 9, 2017)

  • 3.2.0(Oct 17, 2017)

    • Add SwiftPackageManager support
    • Look for the key in "en.json" if it's not found in the selected locale
    • Use https for output links
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.1.0(Oct 12, 2017)

  • 3.0.0(Oct 2, 2017)

    • Migrate source code to Swift 4
    • Generate BBAN numbers (only NL) by @dunyakirkali
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.1.0(Sep 21, 2017)

    • Support lowest possible versions of macOS and tvOS
    • Add tc locale
    • Add hashtags
    • tvOS & macOS Podspec Changes
    • Bank names and IBAN numbers
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.0.0(Sep 27, 2016)

  • 1.4.0(Sep 27, 2016)

  • 1.3.1(Sep 22, 2016)

  • 1.3.0(Jun 30, 2016)

  • 1.2.0(Apr 21, 2016)

    • Random numbers generator by @FGoessler
    • Improve fr locale by @ptsakyrellis

    Thanks guys for making this great release!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.2(Feb 9, 2016)

  • 1.1.1(Jan 28, 2016)

  • 1.1.0(Nov 25, 2015)

  • 1.0.0(Sep 20, 2015)

  • 0.5(Sep 20, 2015)

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