Swift Framework for TestRail's API

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Testing QuizTrain

QuizTrain πŸ“ πŸš†

QuizTrain is a framework created at Venmo allowing you to interact with TestRail's API using Swift. It supports iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

To use QuizTrain you must have a valid TestRail license and instance to access.


QuizTrain is open source software released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.



After upgrading to the latest version of Carthage add the following to your Cartfile or Cartfile.private file:

github "venmo/QuizTrain" ~> 2.1.0

See Adding frameworks to an application for further instructions. Once complete import QuizTrain in any Swift files you wish to use QuizTrain in.


In your Podfile add the following line to your target and save the file:

pod 'QuizTrain', '~> 2.1.0'

Run pod install, open your project .xcworkspace file, and you should now be able to import QuizTrain into your code.


Create an ObjectAPI to get, add, update, delete, and close items on your TestRail instance.

let objectAPI = ObjectAPI(username: "your@testRailAccount.email", secret: "your_api_key_or_password", hostname: "yourInstance.testrail.net", port: 443, scheme: "https")

Alternatively you can use API directly if you would rather work with basic Swift types. Generally it is better to use ObjectAPI as API is a lower level of abstraction. For differences see comments in API.swift and ObjectAPI.swift.

Example Project

See the QuizTrain Example project to view how you can integrate QuizTrain with your unit tests and UI tests on iOS.

Example Code

Below shows a limited number of examples. For all examples see ObjectAPITests.swift.

Get all Cases in a Project

    objectAPI.getCases(inProjectWithId: 5) { (outcome) in
        switch outcome {
        case .failure(let error):
        case .success(let cases):
            print(cases) // Do something with cases.

Add a Case

    let section: Section = ...
    let newCase = NewCase(estimate: nil, milestoneId: nil, priorityId: nil, refs: nil, templateId: nil, title: "New Case Title", typeId: nil, customFields: nil)
    objectAPI.addCase(newCase, to: section) { (outcome) in
        switch outcome {
        case .failure(let error):
        case .success(let `case`):
            print(`case`.title) // Do something with the newly created `case`.

Update a Suite

    var suite: Suite = ...
    suite.description = "Updated description for this suite."
    suite.name = "Updated name of this suite."
    objectAPI.updateSuite(suite) { (outcome) in
        switch outcome {
        case .failure(let error):
        case .success(let updatedSuite):
            print(updatedSuite.description) // "Updated description for this suite."
            print(updatedSuite.name) // "Updated name of this suite."

Delete a Section

    let section: Section = ...
    objectAPI.deleteSection(section) { (outcome) in
        switch outcome {
        case .failure(let error):
        case .success(_): // nil on successful deletes
            print("The section has been successfully deleted.")

Close a Plan

    let plan: Plan = ...
    objectAPI.closePlan(plan) { (outcome) in
        switch outcome {
        case .failure(let error):
        case .success(let closedPlan):
            print(closedPlan.isCompleted) // true
            print(closedPlan.completedOn) // timestamp

Get a Relationship

    let milestone: Milestone = ...
    milestone.parent(objectAPI) { (outcome) in
        switch outcome {
        case .failure(let error):
        case .success(let optionalParent):
            if let parent = optionalParent {
                print("Milestone \(milestone.id) has a parent with an id of \(parent.id).")
            } else {
                print("Milestone \(milestone.id) does not have a parent.")

Get Completed Runs in a Project using a single Filter

    let filters = [Filter(named: "is_completed", matching: true)]
    objectAPI.getRuns(inProjectWithId: 3, filteredBy: filters) { (outcome) in
        switch outcome {
        case .failure(let error):
        case .success(let completedRuns):
            for completedRun in completedRuns {
                print(completedRun.isCompleted) // true

Get Plans in a Project using multiple Filters

    let project: Project = ...
    let filters = [Filter(named: "offset", matching: 3),
                   Filter(named: "limit", matching: 5)]
    objectAPI.getPlans(in: project, filteredBy: filters) { (outcome) in
        switch outcome {
        case .failure(let error):
        case .success(let plans): // There will be 5 or less plans.
            for plan in plans {


See the Errors document.


See the QuizTrainTests Readme.


Image of Entities

  • Can't find how to update current run with test cases ?

    Can't find how to update current run with test cases ?

    Any help how to update current run with test cases ? I suppose it should be really easy , but

    var run: Run?

        run.case_ids = [77]
        localApi.updateRun(run!) { _ in return }

    And it says Value of type 'Run?' has no member 'case_ids'

    opened by VasilijSviridov 3
  • Add support for the new Bulk API Endpoint data structure

    Add support for the new Bulk API Endpoint data structure

    It seems that the latest TR release came with some changes to the GET API endpoints:

    E.g get_cases "These bulk endpoints will no longer return an array of all entities, but will instead return an object with additional pagination fields and an array of up to 250 entities."

    New response content:

    {"offset": 0,
      "limit": 250,
      "size": 250,
        "next": "/api/v2/get_cases/1&limit=250&offset=250",
        "prev": null
    	{ "id": 1, "title": "..", .. },
    	{ "id": 2, "title": "..", .. },

    Any plans to add support for the new data structure in QuizTrain?

    opened by georgev21 1
  • Repair Carthage usability by removing erroneous submodule reference

    Repair Carthage usability by removing erroneous submodule reference

    In order to be able to use Carthage to manage QuizTrain as a dependency, it can't have any missing or broken submodules references in the .gitmodules file. As there are no submodules for QuizTrain as it currently stands, we removed the entire file to get it to work.

    h/t to https://davidwalsh.name/git-remove-submodule for the instructions for proper submodule cleanup

    opened by dlewanda 1
  • Add support for new APIs introduced in TestRail 5.7

    Add support for new APIs introduced in TestRail 5.7

    TestRail 5.7 introduced some new APIs which QuizTrain currently does not support. This includes:

    QuizTrain should add support for these new endpoints.

    opened by dgallagher-venmo 1
  • Added URL Path and Skip SSL init params

    Added URL Path and Skip SSL init params

    • Resolve issue #20 and #21

    Adding 'path' as optional params allows for QuizTrain to be used in more customized TestRail configuration environments

    Adding ability to skip SSL certification validation allows users to add QuizTrain into in-house projects protected by internal network.

    opened by shaneong 0
  • Add ability to skip SSL certificates as optional initialisation parameter

    Add ability to skip SSL certificates as optional initialisation parameter

    Most TestRail instances are hosted in an internal network, using internally signed server certificates that does not work well with URLSession's internal cert checker.

    Optional parameter should be provided to skip SSL certs through approving URLSessionDelegate

    opened by shaneong 0
  • Bump version from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0.

    Bump version from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0.

    • Increased version from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0 for Cocoapods support.
    • Updated README installation instructions.
    • Updated QuizTrain.podspec spec.version to 2.1.0.
    opened by dgallagher-venmo 0
  • Added support to create new CaseField's over the API.

    Added support to create new CaseField's over the API.

    • Added addCaseField() to API and ObjectAPI.
    • Added NewCaseField models.
    • Added end-to-end and model tests for NewCaseField.
    • Bumped version to 1.2.1.
    • Bumped example project to use 1.2.1.
    opened by dgallagher-venmo 0
  • Accessing files from expired URL

    Accessing files from expired URL


    I'm trying to access the following files documented here but the url appears to have expired: http://blog.venmo.com/engineering/2018/10/19/quiztrain-a-swift-framework-for-testrails-api

    TestManager.swift XCTContextExtensions.swift

    opened by craig-jamieson 1
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