📦 An extension that generates letter-based avatars/placeholders



LetterAvatarKit provides an UIImage extension for generating letter-based avatars/placeholders. There are a few images showing what you can achive by using this framework:


  • iOS 8+
  • tvOS 9+
  • Swift 4.0+


  • Ease of use
  • Flexible API
  • Builder pattern
  • Circle/Square/Bordered image
  • Flat UI colors
  • tvOS support



LetterAvatarKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "LetterAvatarKit", "1.2.4" # Swift 5.0+, Xcode 12
pod "LetterAvatarKit", "1.2.3" # Swift 5.0+, Xcode 11
pod "LetterAvatarKit", "1.1.7" # Swift 4.2
pod "LetterAvatarKit", "1.1.5" # Swift 4.0


Add this to Cartfile

github "vpeschenkov/LetterAvatarKit" == 1.2.4 # Swift 5.0+, Xcode 12
github "vpeschenkov/LetterAvatarKit" == 1.2.3 # Swift 5.0+, Xcode 11
github "vpeschenkov/LetterAvatarKit" == 1.1.7 # Swift 4.2
github "vpeschenkov/LetterAvatarKit" == 1.1.5 # Swift 4.0
$ carthage update



Using LetterAvatarMaker:

// Square avatar image
let avatarImage = LetterAvatarMaker()
    .setUsername("Letter Avatar")
avatarImageView.image = avatarImage

// Circle avatar image with white border
let circleAvatarImage = LetterAvatarMaker()
    .setUsername("Letter Avatar")
    .setBackgroundColors([ .red ])
avatarImageView.image = circleAvatarImage

Using LetterAvatarMaker with closures:

let avatarImage = LetterAvatarMaker()
    .build { c in
        c.username = "Letter Avatar"
avatarImageView.image = avatarImage

let avatarImage = LetterAvatarMaker()
    .build { c in
        c.circle = true
        c.username = "Letter Avatar"
        c.borderWidth = 1.0
        c.backgroundColors = [ .red ]
avatarImageView.image = avatarImage

Using LetterAvatarBuilderConfiguration:

let configuration = LetterAvatarBuilderConfiguration()
configuration.username = "Letter Avatar"
avatarImageView.image = UIImage.makeLetterAvatar(withConfiguration: configuration)

Using UIImage extension:

avatarImageView.image = UIImage.makeLetterAvatar(withUsername: "Letter Avatar")


Using LKLetterAvatarBuilderCongiguration:

LKLetterAvatarBuilderCongiguration *configuration = [[LKLetterAvatarBuilderCongiguration alloc] init];
configuration.username = @"Letter Avatar";
self.avatarImageView.image = [UIImage lk_makeLetterAvatarWithConfiguration:configuration];

Using UIImage extension:

self.avatarImageView.image = [UIImage lk_makeLetterAvatarWithUsername:@"Letter Avatar"];


You can configure the following properties of LetterAvatarBuilderConfiguration:

/// The username.
open var username: String?
/// The size of an avatar image.
open var size: CGSize = CGSize(width: 80, height: 80)
/// The flag that indicates of using single only one letter, otherwise,
/// as much as wil be possible to obtain. But no more than 3 letters.
open var isSingleLettered: Bool = false
/// The letters font.
open var lettersFont: UIFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16.0)
/// The letters colors
open var lettersColor: UIColor = LKUIColorByRGB(red: 236, green: 240, blue: 241)
/// The background colors of an image.
open var backgroundColors: [UIColor] = UIColor.colors
/// The letters font attributes.
open var lettersFontAttributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any]?
/// Indicates whether to generate circle or square image.
open var circle: Bool = false
/// The border width of the image.
open var borderWidth: CGFloat = 0.0
/// The border color of the image.
open var borderColor: UIColor = UIColor.white
/// A Boolean flag indicating whether the avatar is opaque.
open var opaque: Bool = false


Questions, comments, issues, and pull requests are welcome!



Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.

  • Crash: Fatal error: cannot increment beyond endIndex

    Crash: Fatal error: cannot increment beyond endIndex


    If single Letter is passed as false but the string is a single char, this line fails due to out of bounds exception.

    I think it would be safer to avoid this crash inside the framework by checking the size of the string before subscripting.

    If the string is only 1 letter lenght, then the singleLetter configuration could be ignored

    opened by racer1988 3
  • Draw circle image

    Draw circle image


    First of all, thank you very much for this library. Great job :) I was wondering how I can draw a circular image instead of a rectangular one?


    opened by nawrasg 2
  • Compilation issue Xcode 8 - swift 3.0

    Compilation issue Xcode 8 - swift 3.0

    HI ,

    I am getting compilation issue on this line.

    if let letter = firstComponent.first  

    the issue says "'String' has no member 'first'"

    can you add this extension to make it work ? on swift 3.0 as well.

    extension String{
        func first()->String{
            return String(self.characters.prefix(1))
    enhancement question 
    opened by ijameelkhan 2
  • add support for tvos

    add support for tvos


    Add support for tvOS

    Requirements (place an x in each [ ])

    • [ x] I've read and agree to the Code of Conduct.
    • [ ] I've written tests to cover the new code and functionality included in this PR.

    Not apply above

    opened by matteocrippa 1
  • Can I add Transparent Background Color to View

    Can I add Transparent Background Color to View


    Describe your issue here.

    Requirements ( Add Transparent Color to BackgroundColor Array )

    • When I set the block Color with alpha (0,0,0,0.12) but it is showing black color instead of transparent color

    Hexcode -- 1F000000 is Used

    Bug Report

    Filling out the following details about bugs will help us solve your issue sooner.

    Reproducible in:

    LetterAvatarKit version:

    iOS version: 13.3.1

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by NatashaChhibber707 1
  • Single letter

    Single letter

    First of all: Thanks for the convenient library!

    I ran into an issue where my app crashed with a username that consists out of one letter only. Looking into your code, I saw that this is probably due to the fact that the single parameter in LetterAvatarBuilderConfiguration is always false. I changed it into:

    open var singleLetter: Bool {
            if let name = username, name.count == 1  {
                return true
            } else {
                return false

    in my local repo, but I can't push them to your repo to create a pull request. Would you mind giving me permission or changing this yourself?

    opened by joris1995 1
  • Initials Generation

    Initials Generation

    Currently if the name you pass to use for the initials has more than one space, there will be more than two characters in the abbreviated initials view. Can you modify the code to look for both the first and last word and then capture the first letters of those instead?

    opened by ghost 1
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