14 Repositories
Swift initials-avatar Libraries
Alter SDK is a cross-platform SDK consisting of a real-time 3D avatar system, facial motion capture, and an Avatar Designer component built from scratch for web3 interoperability and the open metaverse.
Alter SDK is a cross-platform SDK consisting of a real-time 3D avatar system, facial motion capture, and an Avatar Designer component built from scratch for web3 interoperability and the open metaverse.
VTuber Cam, macOS app that displays an avatar using a virtual camera.
日本語 VCam macOS app that displays an avatar using a virtual camera. You can display a virtual avatar on Zoom or Google Meet, or etc. This is useful for
The frontend (phone) code for the e-mission server
e-mission phone app This is the phone component of the e-mission system. ✨ This has now been upgraded to cordova android@9.0.0 and iOS@6.0.1 (details)
A single line of code for selecting the optional editing image from Camera or Photo Library, including handling the authorizations of Photo library and Camera.
AvatarImagePicker & AuthSettings & Description AvatarImagePicker is a photo library and camera Image Picker for iOS written in Swift, it's just a sing
Generate random user Avatars for apps.
Avatar Generate random user Avatars for apps. Works for iOS 9.3+ Installation Simply install using Cocoapods, add 'pod Avatar' to your podfile Simple
A simple UIImageView extension for using initials as a profile image, written in swift
InitialsImageView An easy, helpful UIImageView extension that generates letter initials as a placeholder for user profile images, with a randomized ba
iOS Swift class to create circular or rounded avatar images
SwiftyAvatar iOS Swift 3.0 UIimage class Create awesome circular avatar images! IBInspectable attributes accessible from the identity inspector. Round
Focus on avatar caching.
Navi Navi is designed for avatar caching, with style. The name of Navi from movie Avatar. Requirements Swift 3.1, iOS 8.0 Swift 2.3, use version 0.5.0
Easy customizable avatar image asynchronously with progress bar animated
JDSwiftAvatarProgress ##Objective-C JDAvatarProgress is available in Objective-C also, JDAvatarProgress Usage To run the example project, clone the re
Unique blocky identicons generator for Swift
⚗️ BlockiesSwift This library is a Swift implementation of the Ethereum fork of Blockies which is intended to be used in iOS, watchOS, tvOS and macOS
AYImageKit is a Swift Library for Async Image Downloading, Show Name's Initials and Can View image in Separate Screen.
AYImageKit AYImageKit is a Swift Library for Async Image Downloading. Features Async Image Downloading. Can Show Text Initials. Can have Custom Styles
Avatar provider for iOS tweak Contacy.
ContacyAvatarProvider Usage copy iphone_Contacy_avatar_provider.nic.tar to $THEOS/templates/ios/iphone/ $THEOS/bin/nic.pl and choose Contacy_avatar_pr
📦 An extension that generates letter-based avatars/placeholders
LetterAvatarKit LetterAvatarKit provides an UIImage extension for generating letter-based avatars/placeholders. There are a few images showing what yo
BlockiesSwift - Unique blocky identicons generator for Swift
⚗️ BlockiesSwift This library is a Swift implementation of the Ethereum fork of Blockies which is intended to be used in iOS, watchOS, tvOS and macOS