An application focused on managing men's haircuts. It has never been so easy to keep the cut on time

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Utility swiftui


An application focused on managing men's haircuts. It has never been so easy to keep the cut on time

Tags: #swift #XCode #SwiftUI


💻 Requirements

Before starting, check the following requirements:

  • MacOS
  • Xcode installed
  • Git installed

🚀 Installing app

if you have ssh configured, run the command

git clone

if you don't have ssh configured, run the command

git clone

After installing, open the installed folder with XCode and run command + R

📫 Contributing

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Create a new branch: git checkout -b .
  3. Make changes and commit: git commit -m ''
  4. Send to base branch: git push origin naRegua /
  5. Create a pull request.

see the GitHub documentation on how to create a pull request

🤝 By

Foto de Yago Marques no GitHub
Yago Marques

README inspired by JoanWilson

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