A Swift library to provide a bouncy action sheet



Hokusai is a Swift library that provides a bouncy action sheet.
It will give the users a fancy experience without taking pains coding the cool animation.
Hokusai is compatible with Swift3.

Version Platform CI Status Carthage compatible


Drop in the Classes folder to your Xcode project.
You can also use cocoapods or Carthage.

Using cocoapods

Add pod 'Hokusai' to your Podfile and run pod install. Also add use_frameworks! to the Podfile.

pod 'Hokusai'

Using Carthage

Add github "ytakzk/Hokusai" to your Cartfile and run carthage update. If unfamiliar with Carthage then checkout their Getting Started section.

github "ytakzk/Hokusai"



Hokusai Usage

Import Hokusai import Hokusai then use the following codes in some function except for viewDidLoad.

let hokusai = Hokusai()

// Add a button with a closure
hokusai.addButton("Button 1") {

// Add a button with a selector
hokusai.addButton("Button 2", target: self, selector: Selector("button2Pressed"))

// Set a font name. AvenirNext-DemiBold is the default. (Optional)
hokusai.fontName = "Verdana-Bold"

// Select a color scheme. Just below you can see the dafault sets of schemes. (Optional)
hokusai.colorScheme = HOKColorScheme.Enshu

// Show Hokusai

// Selector for button 2
func button2Pressed() {

// Change a title for cancel button. Default is Cancel. (Optional)
hokusai.cancelButtonTitle = "Done"

// Add a callback for cancel button (Optional)
hokusai.cancelButtonAction = {

Add a title and message

// Init with title
let hokusai = Hokusai(headline: "Information")

// Init with title and message
let hokusai = Hokusai(headline: "Information", message: "This can be a long multi-lined message.")

// ...or add title and message later, but before you call `show()`
hokusai.headline = "Infomration"
hokusai.message  = "This can be a long multi-lined message."

Add a button with a closure

hokusai.addButton("Button Title") {
    // Do anything you want

Add a button with a selector

hokusai.addButton("Button Title", target: self, selector: Selector("buttonPressed"))

func buttonPressed() {
    // Do anything you want

Color schemes


public enum HOKColorScheme {
    case  Hokusai,

Or you can use your favorite color combination.

hokusai.colors = HOKColors(
    backGroundColor: UIColor.blackColor(),
    buttonColor: UIColor.purpleColor(),
    cancelButtonColor: UIColor.grayColor(),
    fontColor: UIColor.whiteColor()




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Hokusai is released under the MIT license.
See LICENSE for details.

  • Fix for rotation issue

    Fix for rotation issue

    There is an issue to the rotation Portrait -> Landscape To recreate the problem: Launch the app in portrait. do not rotate Open the menu when the device is still vertically Rotate the device

    • the shapeLayer.fillColor is drew with portrait dimensions ("background" half coloured, half transparent)

    My fix menuView. shapeLayer. frame = frame menuView. menuView. shapeLayer. bounds. origin = origin menuView. frame. menuView. updatePath () //ADD THIS LINE menuView. shapeLayer. layoutIfNeeded () menuView. layoutIfNeeded ()

    I don't know if it's the right time to call menuView.updatePath() Perhaps it would be better to call it somewhere else or change something else

    opened by rogomantik 7
  • HOKColors' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible: initializers

    HOKColors' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible: initializers

    Hi, I tried this simple code:

           let hokusai = Hokusai()
            // Add a button with a closure
            hokusai.addButton("Button 1") {
            // Add a button with a selector
            hokusai.addButton("Button 2", target: self, selector: Selector("button2Pressed"))
            // Set a font name. AvenirNext-DemiBold is the default. (Optional)
            hokusai.fontName = "Verdana-Bold"
            // Select a color scheme. Just below you can see the dafault sets of schemes. (Optional)
            hokusai.colorScheme = HOKColorScheme.Karasu
            hokusai.colors = HOKColors(
                backGroundColor: UIColor.blackColor(),
                buttonColor: UIColor.purpleColor(),
                cancelButtonColor: UIColor.grayColor(),
                fontColor: UIColor.whiteColor()
            // Show Hokusai
            // Selector for button 2
            func button2Pressed() {
            // Change a title for cancel button. Default is Cancel. (Optional)
            hokusai.cancelButtonTitle = "Done"
            // Add a callback for cancel button (Optional)
            hokusai.cancelButtonAction = {

    but i have this error, do you had never seen it before?

    HOKColors' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible: initializers

    opened by enricopiovesan 4
  • On Rotation issue

    On Rotation issue

    Hello, I have just used your library. It looks very convenient and great. But I found out, there is an issue, if I rotate a phone, menu will not adjust properly.

    opened by Vaberer 4
  • Swift 3.0 support

    Swift 3.0 support

    Added Swift 3.0 support.

    • Hokusai.dismiss() is now Hokusai.dismissHokusai() since it was conflicting with UIViewController's dismiss(animated:)

    I did not update the version in the podspec though. I think the owner should decide the new version

    opened by gkaimakas 1
  • Fix for cancel button title

    Fix for cancel button title

    line 351 // Add a cancel button self.addCancelButton("Done") ///here

        // Decide the menu size

    should be self.addCancelButton(cancelButtonTitle)

    opened by rogomantik 1
  • Add title and message to Hokusai action sheet

    Add title and message to Hokusai action sheet

    As promised I took some time to add my changes in a more general usable manner.

    You can initialize Hokusai with a headline and/or a message which will than be displayed in the action sheet. Both properties are public, so they can also be set and changed afterwards. To display the message I also introduced a lightFontName property which when set is used for the message.

    Unfortunately I did not find a easy way to use title as the property name, because it is already used by UIViewController. Maybe somebody else sees a neat way?

    Relates to: #10

    opened by limfinity 0
  • Hokusai.swift pulled from Cocoapods differs from Hokusai.swift in Github repo

    Hokusai.swift pulled from Cocoapods differs from Hokusai.swift in Github repo

    Swift Compiler Error after updating to Swift: "Argument of '#selector' refers to instance method 'tick' that is not exposed to Objective-C"

    Based on my research, adding @objc would expose these instance methods to Objective-C and I see that in the Hokusai.swift file of your latest Hokusai version (0.4.0) on Github you have those @objc attributes. However, when I install the latest Hokusai pod via Cocoapods, I do not see these attributes in the Hokusai file.

    Not sure why the Hokusai.swift pulled from Cocoapods differs from the Hokusai.swift here in the repo (the 6 missing @objc attributes seem to be the only difference). For example, in the Hokusai.swift file of the latest master branch, it correctly shows the attribute for example: @objc func tick(_ displayLink: CADisplayLink) But in the Hokusai.swift file in my Xcode project, I do not see this @objc attribute, even though I installed the latest Hokusai (0.4.0) (via pod Hokusai in my Podfile). @ytakzk

    opened by dnadri 0
  • Swift Compiler Error after updating to Swift 4

    Swift Compiler Error after updating to Swift 4

    I've encountered some compiler error after upgrading to Swift 4. Xcode Version 9.1

    Pods/Hokusai/Classes/Hokusai.swift:186:65: Argument of '#selector' refers to instance method 'tick' that is not exposed to Objective-C

    Pods/Hokusai/Classes/Hokusai.swift:285:64: Argument of '#selector' refers to instance method 'onOrientationChange' that is not exposed to Objective-C

    /Pods/Hokusai/Classes/Hokusai.swift:353:36: Argument of '#selector' refers to instance method 'buttonTapped' that is not exposed to Objective-C

    And counting...How can fix this?

    Thanks in advance

    opened by lucamicheli 3
  • Pop down from top of screen

    Pop down from top of screen


    Love your pod, super easy to implement! Only issue i'm having is that it's slightly hard to customize!

    What I am trying to do is make it so that instead of animating up from the bottom of the screen, it animates down form the top of the screen. I've been trying for a couple days now on and off, but if this is something that would be an easy tweak, please let me know!


    opened by stopitdan 0
  • Issue!!


    I have added Hokusai.show on a button Action and the problem that i have observed is that a cancel button gets added when ever I click on my Added button.Please suggest if this is an issue or implementation fault.

    I some how managed to resolve the issue too but I did that by manipulating a line of code in your class Hokusai.swift. Where i commented the code as follow:

    // Add a cancel button // self.addCancelButton(cancelButtonTitle)

    opened by Anurag171992 0
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