Customizable Dynamic Bottom Sheet Library for iOS



Powerd by Witi Corp., Seoul, South Korea.

Platform Language: Swift 5 SwiftPM compatible CocoaPods compatible Version License

Fully Customizable Dynamic Bottom Sheet Library for iOS.

This library doesn't support storyboards.

However, you can easily override variables in DynamicBottomSheetViewController and make the bottom sheet programmatically.




  • Swift 5

  • iOS 10.0 +

  • RxSwift 6.0

  • RxCocoa 6.0

  • RxGesture 4.0

  • SnapKit 5.0

  • Then 2.0



DynamicBottomSheet is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'DynamicBottomSheet'
$ pod install

Swift Package Manager(SPM)

In Xcode, add as Swift package with this URL:


  1. Import DynamicBottomSheet on top of your view controller file.

  2. Create a class for the bottom sheet where its super class is DynamicBottomSheetViewController.

  3. Put the view you want to show in the contentView of the super class DynamicBottomSheetViewController.

  4. Make constraints of the view you made to the contentView above.

  5. Present the bottom sheet view controller you made before in another view controller.


For more examples, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory.

import UIKit
import DynamicBottomSheet
import SnapKit
import Then

class MyStackViewBottomSheetViewController: DynamicBottomSheetViewController {

    // MARK: - Private Properties

    private let stackView = UIStackView()
        .then {
            $0.axis = .vertical
            $0.spacing = 32
            $0.alignment = .fill
            $0.distribution = .fillEqually


// MARK: - Layout

extension MyStackViewBottomSheetViewController {

    override func configureView() {

    private func layoutStackView() {

        stackView.snp.makeConstraints {

        Array(1...5).forEach {

            let label = UILabel()
            label.text = "\($0)"



import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {

        let bottomSheet = MyStackViewBottomSheetViewController()
        DispatchQueue.main.async {


/// The background color of the view controller below the content view.
/// - `` for others.
open var backgroundColor: UIColor

/// Background view
open var backgroundView: UIView

/// The background color of the content view.
/// Default value
/// - `UIColor.tertiarySystemBackground` for iOS 13 or later.
/// - `UIColor.white` for others.
open var contentViewBackgroundColor: UIColor

/// The height of the content view.
/// Default value is `nil`
/// If you set this value explicitly, the height of the content view will be fixed.
open var height: CGFloat?

/// Content view
open var contentView: UIView

/// Corner radius of the content view(top left, top right)
/// Default value is `16.0`
open var contentViewCornerRadius: CGFloat

/// Present / Dismiss transition duration
/// Default value is 0.3
open var transitionDuration: CGFloat

/// Dismiss velocity threshold
/// Default value is 500
open var dismissVelocityThreshold: CGFloat


Aaron Lee at Witi Corp., [email protected]


DynamicBottomSheet is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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