5 Repositories
Swift actor Libraries
**`withCheckedContinuation`'s body will run on background thread in case of starting from main-actor.**
ConcurrencyContinuationReproduce Differences of Concurrency behaviors between Xcode 14.0 and 14.1 Xcode 14.0 iOS 13+: Runs on main (inherited same con
Prototype actor and async/await toolkit for Swift 5.5+
Prototype actor and async/await toolkit for Swift 5.5+
Clean Actor Model Architecture
CAMA Eonil, 2021. CAMA is short for "Clean Actor Model Architecture". As like it says, its CA(Clean Architecture) + AM(Actor model). AM here means AM
An actor model library for swift.
Aojet Aojet is an actor model implemetion for swift. Features Asynchronous, non-blocking and highly performant message-driven programming model Safe a
🎭 Swift async/await & Actor-powered effectful state-management framework.
🎭 Actomaton 🧑🎤 Actor + 🤖 Automaton = 🎭 Actomaton Actomaton is Swift async/await & Actor-powered effectful state-management framework inspired by