4 Repositories
Swift arcade Libraries
Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS (Catalyst)
MAME4iOS Original Author: David Valdeita (Seleuco) This is a port of MAME for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS and macOS. MAME4iOS is designed to run for modern iOS
The iOS game
Get in on the App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pizza-man/id931174800 Pizza-Man The iOS game Devour this devilishly difficult diversion. This g
DropColour - Open-Source Arcade Game for iOS
DropColour - Open-Source Arcade Game for iOS iOS project written in Swift 3.1 during several hackathons at EL Passion. DropColour is an arcade game in
A little arcade game that uses SwiftUI as a game engine.
SwiftUI Game A little arcade game that uses SwiftUI as a game engine :) Just copy the code into the Blank playgroundbook in Swift Playgrounds app on i