3931 Repositories
Swift ios-notifications Libraries
DevSwitch - An iOS app for switching between countries on the App Store with ease.
Archived as of 24/04/2021. Apple has again broken the URLs required for storefront switching. I've decided to archive DevSwitch due to this. If Apple
Dash-iOS - Dash gives your iPad and iPhone instant offline access to 200+ API documentation sets
Discontinued Dash for iOS was discontinued. Please check out Dash for macOS instead. Dash for iOS Dash gives your iPad and iPhone instant offline acce
CodeBucket is the best way to browse and maintain your Bitbucket repositories on any iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad device!
CodeBucket Description CodeBucket is the best way to browse and maintain your Bitbucket repositories on any iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad device! Keep
Buglife-iOS - Awesome bug reporting for iOS apps
Buglife is an awesome bug reporting SDK & web platform for iOS apps. Here's how it works: User takes a screenshot, or stops screen recording User anno
Bitrise-iOS - Client iOS app for bitrise.io 🚀
🎨 SwiftUI version is available as beta 👶 Bitrise iOS Client app 🚀 Features ✅ App List GET /me/apps Shows last visited app page on launch ✅ Build Li
BaseConverter-iOS - The fast and easy way to convert numbers with tons of possibilities!
BaseConverter-iOS The fast and easy way to convert numbers with tons of possibilities! With BaseConverter, convert your numbers from and to: Decimal B
Awesome-ML - Discover, download, compile & launch different image processing & style transfer CoreML models on iOS.
⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ IMPORTANT: I'm no longer maintaining Awesome-ML. Awesome ML is an iOS app that is made to demonstrate different image processing CoreML model
AppLove - View iOS app reviews in multiple selected territories with translation option.
App Love Note: Swift Version 2.2 currently, will update to Swift 3/XCode 8 after cocoapods are updated to Swift 3. Features View iOS Customer App Revi
Xcode-developer-disk-image-all-platforms - A repo which shares all developer disk images for iOS, tvOS, watchOS
Disclaimer: The available resources and files from this repo are uploaded from many contributors. The files are unverified, untested, and could have n
ViperC - Xcode template for VIPER Architecture for both Objective-C and Swift.
ViperC Xcode template for VIPER Architecture for both Objective-C and Swift. ViperC creates modules for you when you want to use VIPER architecture in
Swift-project-template - 🍪 Easily generate Swift projects with Cookiecutter
swift-project-template 🍪 Cookiecutter template for Swift iOS projects. Features: Xcode 11 and Swift 5.0 support AppCode support Custom project struct
TableViews - Emoji Table View For iOS With Swift
TableViews Hello! This is EmojiTableView. Let me introduce you my first app when
Tapper - simple app for iOS and iPadOS allows a user to tap a button as many times as possible in 20 seconds
Tapper Table of Contents Description Screenshots Installation Usage Code Contact
Fluetooth - Flutter library for sending bytes to Bluetooth devices on Android/iOS
A Flutter library for sending bytes to Bluetooth devices. Available on Android a
CoreML-Face-Parsing - how to use face-parsing CoreML model in iOS
CoreML-Face-Parsing The simple sample how to use face-parsing CoreML model in iO
Red Torch is a very very (very) simple iOS app that allows you to have a red torch using your screen.
RED Torch Red Torch is a very very (very) simple iOS app that allows you to have a red torch using your screen. The App is based on storyboard, so the
Budget - Income, Expense & Transfer Tracker + Budgeting app for iOS made with SwiftUI.
Budget Income, Expense & Transfer Tracker + Budgeting app for iOS made with SwiftUI. Roadmap This is a work in progress. I'm working on the following
Appfiguratesdk - Appfigurate provides the ability to change configuration properties in iOS and watchOS, apps and app extensions, securely, at runtime.
Appfigurate™ Appfigurate provides the ability to change configuration properties in iOS and watchOS, apps and app extensions, securely, at runtime. Do
Fastlane - 🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps
fastlane is a tool for iOS and Android developers to automate tedious tasks like generating screenshots, dealing with provisioning profiles, and relea
ViperServices - Simple dependency injection container for services written for iOS in swift supporting boot order
ViperServices Introduction ViperServices is dependency injection container for iOS applications written in Swift. It is more lightweight and simple in
StoryboardBuilder - Simple dependency injection for generating views from storyboard.
StoryboardBuilder Simple dependency injection for generating views from storyboard. Description StoryboardBuilder is framework to help simply and easi
Alchemic - The most advanced iOS DI framework available
Alchemic By Derek Clarkson Alchemic is a Dependency Injection (DI) framework for iOS. It's goal is to help you manage object creation, object properti
Pilgrim - Dependency injection for Swift (iOS, OSX, Linux). Strongly typed, pure Swift successor to Typhoon.
pilgrim.ph Pilgrim is a dependency injection library for Swift with the following features: Minimal runtime-only library that works with pure Swift (s
Model2App - Turn your Swift data model into a working CRUD app.
Model2App is a simple library that lets you quickly generate a CRUD iOS app based on just a data model defined in Swift. (CRUD - Create Read Update De
MMBarricade - Runtime configurable local server for iOS apps.
MMBarricade Why Barricade? MMBarricade is a framework for setting up a run-time configurable local server in iOS apps. This works by creating a NSURLP
Store-App - Store app made for IOS using Swift programming language
Store-App Store app views products, cart, and using login from https://fakestore
FaceLibrary - Challenge on day 77/78, creating an application where you can name a photo from library so, you wont forget the peoples name
FaceLibrary Challenge on day 77/78, creating an application where you can name a
SwiftUI iOS application allowing users to create profiles and meet and chat with people
FindR SwiftUI iOS application allowing users to create profiles and meet and cha
Resume-app - A simple iOS app to showcase Swift development skills using Xcode
resume-app A simple iOS app to showcase Swift development skills using Xcode. Pr
Voice-Notifications - Create notifications for your iPhone that play a short message in your own voice sent at a time of your choosing
Voice Notifications Create notifications for your iPhone that play a short messa
Adventures-with-Swift - Building Native iOS Apps with UIKit and SiwftUI
Adventures with Swift, UIKit, & SwiftUI As I have experience working with React Native and have dabbled a bit with Flutter, I've decided to dive in th
Boring-example - Using boring crate from iOS application
BoringSSL example Using boring crate from iOS application. Checkout git clone gi
PillboxView - A Pillbox informational view for iOS written in UIKit
Pillbox View Pillbox View shows a small bubble, pill looking box that sides from
Neomorphism - Neomorphism Design for ios
Neomorphism This is package for deigning the view of an IOS applction in the neo
Olvid-ios - Olvid client application for iOS
Olvid Olvid is a private and secure end-to-end encrypted messenger. Contrary to
TwilioChat_iOS - Twilio iOS SDK Implementaion Chat one-one Chat One-Many (Group)
TwilioChat_iOS - Twilio iOS SDK Implementaion Chat one-one Chat One-Many (Group) - Add Participant - Remove Participant Send Attachment Image Android - iOS Tested iOS - iOS Tested iOS - Android Tested React to Message, Delete a Message Read, Delivered, Sent Delete a Conversation Unread Messages Filter
Valorem-demo - Demonstration code and video of Valorem, a bespoke portfolio recommendation platform to be created as an iOS mobile app.
valorem-demo Demonstration code of Valorem, a bespoke portfolio recommendation platform to be created as an iOS mobile app. The included code demonstr
Boardy - Boardy serves as a digital bulletin board on iOS platforms built for high schoolers to share and view information from others in a convenient manner.
Boardy Boardy serves as a lightweight digital bulletin board on iOS platforms built for high schoolers to share and view information from others in a
IOS-Prework - CodePath intro to iOS prework.
Hello World App Submitted by: Emmanuel Assumang Time spent: 1.5 hours spent in total App Description This is a simple mobile app programmed in Swift t
CS193p---Assignments - Assignment Solutions for Stanford CS193p - Developing Apps for iOS
Assignment Solutions for Stanford CS193p - Developing Apps for iOS Note: This is ongoing work Task done Programming Assignment 1 x Programming Assignm
Delta is an all-in-one classic video game emulator for non-jailbroken iOS devices.
Delta Delta is an all-in-one classic video game emulator for non-jailbroken iOS devices. Delta is an iOS application that allows you to emulate and pl
IOS-IntegratedPhotoCapture - Integrated photo capture framework use podspec
IOS-IntegratedPhotoCapture integrated photo capture framework use podspec ======
BucketServer - Small API with SQLite database that saves notes for an iOS appliction called Bucket list
BucketList Server-Side Small API with SQLite database that saves notes for an iO
BulbapediaIOS - The home for Kiwix apps on iOS and macOS
Kiwix for iOS & macOS This is the home for Kiwix apps on iOS and macOS. Mobile a
This repository is for the new ARGear SDK library for the iOS platform
This repository is for the new ARGear SDK library for the iOS platform. The library is not official yet. The library will be updated frequently by applying user feedback. When the APIs are fixed, the official library will be released.
Furniture E-Commerce Augmented Reality(AR) app in iOS powered by ARKit
HomeMax-iOS Furniture E-Commerce Augmented Reality(AR) app in iOS powered by ARKit and SceneKit. Inspired by IKEA place app. Description Experience on
This repository is for the iOS sample application using ARGear SDK.
ARGear sample application for iOS (c) Copyright 2021 Seerslab. All rights reserved. This repository contains an iOS sample application that uses ARGea
Xplat Automating Version Tool
Xplat Automating Version Tool Command-line utility to automatically increase iOS / Android / UWP applications version written in Go. It follows Semant
A tool to convert Xcode .xib to .storyboard files
xib2Storyboard • xib2Storyboard is a handy tool to easily convert .xib files to .storyboard without the hassle of manually copying views, losing your
Quick Look plugin for apps and provisioning profile files
ProvisionQL - Quick Look for ipa & provision Inspired by a number of existing alternatives, the goal of this project is to provide clean, reliable, cu
A tool for generating immutable model objects
Plank Plank is a command-line tool for generating robust immutable models from JSON Schemas. It will save you time writing boilerplate and eliminate m
Find retain cycles / memory leaks sooner.
LifetimeTracker Bar style Circular style LifetimeTracker can surface retain cycle / memory issues right as you develop your application, and it will s
An easy way to fine-tune, and adjust parameters for iOS apps in development.
Tweaks Tweaks is an easy way to fine-tune an iOS app. Why The best way to improve an app is to use it every day. Even when ideas can be tested out in
AppDevKit is an iOS development library that provides developers with useful features to fulfill their everyday iOS app development needs.
AppDevKit AppDevKit is an iOS development library that provides developers with useful features to fulfill their everyday iOS app development needs. Y
A license list generator of all your dependencies for iOS applications
LicensePlist LicensePlist is a command-line tool that automatically generates a Plist of all your dependencies, including files added manually(specifi
Micro library to unify XIB and its code.
Gluten Unify XIB with its code. Background We always try to generalize some views that would be used in different places throughout the app. And one a
Modify your native iOS app in real time.
Traits - Modify your native iOS app properties in real time. What are Traits? Traits allows you to modify the design and behavior of native iOS apps w
Shows FPS, CPU and memory usage, device model, app and iOS versions above the status bar and report FPS, CPU and memory usage via delegate.
GDPerformanceView-Swift Shows FPS, CPU and memory usage, device model, app and iOS versions above the status bar and report FPS, CPU and memory usage
👮Sanitize your Assets.xcassets files
AssetChecker AssetChecker is a tiny run script that keeps your Assets.xcassets files clean and emits warnings when something is suspicious. Because Im
Meta-programming for Swift, stop writing boilerplate code.
There is now a new powerful way to both write and integrate Sourcery functionality: Sourcery Pro provides powerful Stencil editor and extends Xcode wi
A template for new Swift iOS / macOS / tvOS / watchOS Framework project ready with travis-ci, cocoapods, Carthage, SwiftPM and a Readme file
Swift Framework Template A template for new Swift Framework. What's in the template? Deployment Targets - iOS 9.0 / Mac OS X 10.10 / tvOS 9.0 / watchO
idb is a flexible command line interface for automating iOS simulators and devices
The "iOS Development Bridge" or idb, is a command line interface for automating iOS Simulators and Devices. It has three main priniciples: Remote Auto
Execute tests in parallel on multiple iOS Simulators
Deprecation Warning Xcode 9 perfectly supports executing tests in parallel without any 3rd party tool like pxctest. We suggest moving to xcodebuild fo
Ecno is a task state manager built on top of UserDefaults in pure Swift 4.
By Xmartlabs SRL. Introduction Ecno was inspired by Once Android library. It's a task state manager built on top of UserDefaults in pure Swift 4. This
Import assets from Pixabay or from your OS X file system with their metadata to your iOS simulator
MBAssetsImporter Description MBAssetsImporter enables you to import an entire directory full of videos and photos to your iOS simulator including thei
All new design. Inspect your iOS application at runtime.
Peek: All new design Peek 5 with an all new design and all new features. Whether you're a developer, designer or QA/tester, Peek can help you at all s
Simple PBXProj Verifier
Kin Kin is a minimalistic tool to check whether your project.pbxproj file is correct. What does it do? Have you ever found yourself undoing a merge du
Shows your current framerate (fps) in the status bar of your iOS app
WatchdogInspector Shows your current framerate (fps) in the status bar of your iOS app Be a good citizen! Don't block your main thread! WatchdogInspec
Command line program that detects unused resource strings in an iOS or OS X application.
Abandoned Resource String Detection This command line program detects unused resource strings in an iOS or OS X application. Updated to Swift 3, thank
Xcode .appiconset generator for Adobe Illustrator.
Creating AppIcon sets from Adobe Illustrator This repo is rewrited from original repo https://github.com/CaryChamplin/CreatingIconsFromAI. Just genera
A super simple retina (2x, 3x) image converter.
Retini A super fast and simple retina (@2x, @3x) image converter. How to use? You can download the prebuilt application from the releases, or just dow
SwiftGen is a tool to automatically generate Swift code for resources of your projects
SwiftGen SwiftGen is a tool to automatically generate Swift code for resources of your projects (like images, localised strings, etc), to make them ty
Strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects
R.swift Get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects Why use this? It makes your code that uses resources
Carthage cache for S3, Minio, Ceph, Google Storage, Artifactory and many others
Rome Rome is a tool that allows developers on Apple platforms to use: Amazon's S3 Minio Ceph other S3 compatible object stores or/and a local folder y
A sample project how to use YOLOv5 in iOS
CoreML-YOLOv5 A sample project how to use YOLOv5 in iOS. You can run model on yo
An iOS App which shows live AQI (Air quality index) data for different cities using Web-socket
AQI - Assignment This is an iOS App which shows live AQI (Air quality index) dat
An iOS app build with SpriteKit
Gravity Zen This is an iOS app build with SpriteKit. It shows a gravitationals f
How to build and sign your iOS application using Azure DevOps
How to build and sign your iOS application using Azure DevOps Sample source code
Example of using TOTP with iCloud Keychain in iOS 15
Installation This example needs Ngrok and Ruby 3.0.3+. Setup project with Makefi
Simple application to manage your task in IOS
ToDoList-in-IOS Simple application to manage your task in IOS Functional Require
Universal (iOS & macOS) weather app
The Weather A simple Universal (iOS and macOS) weather app that can take a locat
This app demonstrates how to use the Google Cloud Speech API and Apple on-device Speech library to recognize speech in live recorded audio.
SpeechRecognitionIOS This app demonstrates how to use Google Cloud Speech API and Apple on-device Speech library to recognize speech in live audio rec
a playground app using `MultipeerConnectivity` to transfor data wirelessly between iOS / iPadOS
README An example app using MultipeerConnectivity to transfor data wirelessly between iOS / iPadOS. Both using Data and Stream to transfer data are su
This Project is extremely useful for beginners who want to learn only SwiftUI.
This Project is extremely useful for beginners who want to learn only SwiftUI.In this project have used navigation between views, SignIn page view, Sign Up page view, Tab Bar view,
This a simple swiftui app where i used mvvm architecture, coredata swiftui and so on..
SwiftUI MVVM COREDATA NOTE APP This a simple swiftui app where i used mvvm architecture, coredata swiftui and so on... #FEATURES SWIFTUI MVVM COREDATA
Starter project for Mars rover photos iOS app.
MarzyPan is an app that allows users to view photos taken by Mars rovers during their time on the planet. This is a starter project that has some UI
Bill splitting and tip calculating app, build with UIKit and MVC pattern.
Split Check Bill splitting and tip calculating app, build with UIKit and MVC pattern. Features Enter bill total with number pad. Select tip % and betw
iOS app built with UIKit and programatic auto-layouts to learn and apply knowledge. Offline storage using CoreData and Caching
PurpleImage Search Pixabay for images and save them offline to share and view To use: Clone the GitHub project, build and run in Xcode. The API is com
A Swift library for documenting, isolating, and testing SwiftUI, UIKIt & AppKit components.
A Swift library for documenting, isolating, and testing SwiftUI, UIKit & AppKit components. Minimal Example An example demonstrated with the Slider ui
Android/iOS Apps created to practice with different iOS/Android Tech. These apps were built to have similar feature sets using native Android/iOS.
AgilityFitTodayApp Android/iOS Apps created to practice with different iOS/Android Tech. These apps were built to have similar feature sets using nati
An on-campus UCR auth app for iOS.
R'Scan Installation The app can be installed through the Apple App Store on compatible iOS devices: https://apple.co/3sGuxrM Usage Login Enter your R'
optimize UIKit such as UITableview, UIButton, UITextField, UISwitch with Blocks to make it easier to write
HWBlocksUI A set of utilities to make UIKit Easier to write 使用 CocoaPods source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git' platform :ios, '9.0' target
A library to present highly-customizable popovers.
Popovers A library to present popovers. Present any view above your app's main content. Attach to source views or use picture-in-picture positioning.
This library is a UIView that is capable of Picture-in-Picture (PiP) in iOS.
日本語 UIPiPView This library is a UIView that is capable of Picture-in-Picture (PiP) in iOS. Using this library, information that is updated in real
Tipculator is a tip calculator application for iOS.
Pre-work - Tipculator Tipculator is a tip calculator application for iOS. Submitted by: Jordan Sukhnandan Time spent: Prework- 3 hours Additional fea
Enzyme is a spm package for the make easier development on iOS
Enzyme Enzyme is a spm package for the make easier development on iOS. Installation For the installation you just need to add the url of the project t
Anime4K for Apple platforms based on Metal
Anime4KMetal Introduction This is a port of Anime4K to Metal. It dynamically translates GLSL shaders to Metal shaders and applies them during video pl
A Chinese keyboard for iOS that helps Chinese language learners remember tones.
ToneBoard ToneBoard is a Chinese keyboard for iOS that requires you to enter the correct tones while typing simplified Chinese with Pinyin. It is avai
Create a simple MVVM-C iOS architecture with Swift for starters
iOS-Architecture-MVVM MVVM+Coordinators IOS Architecture Tutorial By Bobby Pehtr
iOS Lead Essentials - essentialdeveloper.com
Singleton iOS Lead Essentials - essentialdeveloper.com What is a Singleton? The