Swift-project-template - ๐Ÿช Easily generate Swift projects with Cookiecutter



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๐Ÿช Cookiecutter template for Swift iOS projects.



  • Xcode 11 and Swift 5.0 support
  • AppCode support
  • Custom project structure (the same in the project and on the disk)
  • Configurations and schemes:


  • Custom scripts for Carthage and SwiftLint
  • iOS Deployment Target - 12.0
  • Optional integrations:
  • Template for Github pull requests
  • Settings.bundle with app version
  • Disabled automatic code signing (sorry, Apple ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ )
  • -Xfrontend -debug-time-function-bodies flags for profiling compilation times
  • .gitattributes for correct repo language detection via linguist


  1. Install Cookiecutter:

    brew install cookiecutter

  2. Run cookiecutter gh:artemnovichkov/swift-project-template. No need to create project folder manually, cookiecutter does it for you.

For future runs you can shorten the command to cookiecutter swift-project-template. However, if you want to use the most recent template you should still run the full command above. Or just create an alias:

alias template="cookiecutter gh:artemnovichkov/swift-project-template"


Artem Novichkov, novichkoff93@gmail.com


swift-project-template is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Add project name to scheme names

    Add project name to scheme names

    There are some schemes with names like "Adhoc Debug" or "AppStore". The names are used for archive names. Please append a project name, for example, "MyProject AppStore".

    enhancement hacktoberfest 
    opened by artemnovichkov 9
  • Created project doesn't build in AppCode

    Created project doesn't build in AppCode

    Just create project via this template and try to build it on simulator in AppCode. Build will be failed. After small investigations I found out that fail happens because of

    The following build commands failed:
    	Check dependencies
    opened by Antowkos 5
  • Create a project and script for template updating

    Create a project and script for template updating

    It's hard to update the template. I have to create a new project, make needed changes and copy diffs to the template. I want to create a base project and a Swift script, for example https://github.com/Raizlabs/ios-template.

    enhancement hacktoberfest 
    opened by artemnovichkov 3
  • Carthage is an undocumented dependency

    Carthage is an undocumented dependency

    Running cookiecutter failed for me:

    Initialized empty Git repository in ...
    /var/folders/yd/38lbvn4x4d52x1jxtk2q5lf40000gn/T/tmpHfaQHP.sh: line 6: carthage: command not found
    ERROR: Stopping generation because post_gen_project hook script didn't exit successfully
    Hook script failed (exit status: 127)

    Resolved by running brew install carthage.

    opened by caipre 2
  • Add DEBUG and ADHOC flags

    Add DEBUG and ADHOC flags

    Sometimes it's needed to add logic for all debug schemes, for instance:

    #if DEBUG || ADHOC
            let fingerTipWindow = MBFingerTipWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
            fingerTipWindow.alwaysShowTouches = UserDefaults.standard.isFingertipsEnabled
            window = fingerTipWindow
            Deboogger.configure(with: MeasurementPlugin(), HeightPlugin(), WeightPlugin(), FingertipsPlugin())
            window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)

    I would like to add common flags for those scheme types.

    opened by artemnovichkov 1
  • Bootstrap


    Add Makefile and scripts to simplify steps during initializing and bootstrapping:

    • Check required dependencies
    • Using Fastfood to add last fastlane lanes from RSBFastlane
    • Uncomment correct flags from fastlane/.env
    opened by artemnovichkov 0
  • Update Swiftlint

    Update Swiftlint

    Add Swiftlint rules:

        - case
        - associated_type
        - type_alias
        - subtype
        - [type_property, instance_property]
        - [initializer, type_method, view_life_cycle_method, subscript, other_method, ib_action]
      required_pattern: |
                        \/\/  Copyright ยฉ \d{4}\ .*?. All rights reserved.
    opened by artemnovichkov 0
  • Add Build Phase script for SwiftGen

    Add Build Phase script for SwiftGen

    Something like that:

    if [ -f "$SRCROOT"/Resources/Assets.swift ]; then
        chmod +w "$SRCROOT"/Resources/Assets.swift
    if [ -f "$SRCROOT"/Resources/Strings.swift ]; then
        chmod +w "$SRCROOT"/Resources/Strings.swiftt
    chmod -w "$SRCROOT"/Resources/Assets.swift
    chmod -w "$SRCROOT"/Resources/Strings.swift

    Add it before Compile Sources phase to check errors during builds. Don;t forget to check use_swiftgen flag.

    opened by artemnovichkov 0
  • Fix `accessors_and_observers_on_newline` swiftlint rule

    Fix `accessors_and_observers_on_newline` swiftlint rule

    Fixed wrong triggering of accessors_and_observers_on_newline SwiftLint rule.

    Rule is no longer triggering for following code:

    settingsButton.configureFrame { maker in

    Regex tested here.

    opened by nzatsepilov 0
  • Add support of Xcode 9.x

    Add support of Xcode 9.x

    Xcode 9.3 breaks Codable inits. I have an idea of supporting multiple versions of Xcode. My suggestion is to support all minor versions of current and previous major versions, for instance, 8.x-9.x. It's available via --checkout flag with name of branch:

    cookiecutter gh:artemnovichkov/swift-project-template --checkout xcode-9.3
    opened by artemnovichkov 0
Artem Novichkov
Bearded iOS developer from Siberia ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿ’ป
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