Voice Notifications
Create notifications for your iPhone that play a short message in your own voice sent at a time of your choosing.
Time spent: 10 hours spent in total
User Stories
The following functionality is completed:
- First time user sees a welcome message
- User asked for permission to use microphone and notifications
- User directed to settings if permission was previously denied
- User can set notification to be sent after chosen amount of time
- User recieves notification after a set amount time
Features in development:
- User can record voice clip (30 seconds or less)
- User can play voice clip
- User can re-record voice clip
- User hears own voice when notification received
Future Features:
- User can set title for notification
- User can set message for notification
- User can have more than one notification set at a time
- User can view list of notifications
- User can remove a scheduled notification
- User can set notification for a date/time
- User can view voice clips as images
- User can edit voice clips
- User can set recurring notifications