Shows FPS, CPU and memory usage, device model, app and iOS versions above the status bar and report FPS, CPU and memory usage via delegate.



Shows FPS, CPU and memory usage, device model, app and iOS versions above the status bar and report FPS, CPU and memory usage via delegate.

Carthage compatible Pod Version Swift Version Swift Version Swift Version Plaform License MIT

Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text


Simply add GDPerformanceMonitoring folder with files to your project, or use CocoaPods.


Create a Cartfile that lists the framework and run carthage update. Follow the instructions to add $(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/iOS/GDPerformanceView.framework to an iOS project.

github "dani-gavrilov/GDPerformanceView-Swift" ~> 2.1.1

Don't forget to import GDPerformanceView by adding:

import GDPerformanceView


You can use CocoaPods to install GDPerformanceView by adding it to your Podfile:

platform :ios, '8.0'

target 'project_name' do
	pod 'GDPerformanceView-Swift', '~> 2.1.1'

Don't forget to import GDPerformanceView by adding:

import GDPerformanceView_Swift

Usage example

Simply start monitoring. Performance view will be added above the status bar automatically. Also, you can configure appearance as you like or just hide the monitoring view and use its delegate.

You can find example projects here.

Start monitoring

By default, monitoring is paused. Call the following command to start or resume monitoring:



self.performanceView = PerformanceMonitor()
self.performanceView?. start()

This won't show the monitoring view if it was hidden previously. To show it call the following command:


Pause monitoring

Call the following command to pause monitoring:


This won't hide the monitoring view. To hide it call the following command:


Displayed information

You can change displayed information by changing options of the performance monitor:

self.performanceView?.performanceViewConfigurator.options = .all

You can choose from:

  • performance - CPU usage and FPS.
  • memory - Memory usage.
  • application - Application version with build number.
  • device - Device model.
  • system - System name with version.

Also you can mix them, but order doesn't matter:

self.performanceView?.performanceViewConfigurator.options = [.performance, .application, .system]

By default, set of [.performance, .application, .system] options is used.

You can also add your custom information by using:

self.performanceView?.performanceViewConfigurator.userInfo = .custom(string: "Launch date \(Date())")

Keep in mind that custom string will not automatically fit the screen, use \n if it is too long.


You can change monitoring view appearance by changing style of the performance monitor:

Call the following command to change output information:

self.performanceView? = .dark

You can choose from:

  • dark - Black background, white text.
  • light - White background, black text.
  • custom - You can set background color, border color, border width, corner radius, text color and font.

By default, dark style is used.

Also you can override prefersStatusBarHidden and preferredStatusBarStyle to match your expectations:

self.performanceView?.statusBarConfigurator.statusBarHidden = false
self.performanceView?.statusBarConfigurator.statusBarStyle = .lightContent


You can interact with performance view via gesture recognizers. Add them by using:

self.performanceView?.performanceViewConfigurator.interactors = [tapGesture, swipeGesture]

If interactors is nil or empty point(inside:with:) of the view will return false to make all touches pass underneath. So to remove interactors just call the following command:

self.performanceView?.performanceViewConfigurator.interactors = nil

By default, interactors are nil.


Set the delegate and implement its method:

self.performanceView?.delegate = self
func performanceMonitor(didReport performanceReport: PerformanceReport) {
	print(performanceReport.cpuUsage, performanceReport.fps, performanceReport.memoryUsage.used,


  • iOS 9.0+
  • xCode 12.0+


Wanna say thanks? You can do it using Patreon.


Daniil Gavrilov - VK - FB

I will be pleased to know that your project uses this framework. You can send a link to your project in App Store to my email -


GDPerformanceView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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    Compiler complains Cannot force unwrap value of non-optional type 'thread_act_array_t?.Type' (aka 'Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>>.Type').

    For a simpler explanation, the type of the object is Optional<T>.Type which is not optional itself, as opposed to Optional<T>

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    Using the pod-file and updating my project given the example is fairly easy, but I'm missing instructions on how to get it running?! I tried adding the start-monitoring to my AppDelegate.swift

    private func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool { // Override point for customization after application launch. }

    and the stop-monitoring to my AppDelegate.swift

    func applicationWillTerminate(_ application: UIApplication) { // Called when the application is about to terminate. Save data if appropriate. See also applicationDidEnterBackground:. gdpMonitoringStop() }

    but getting compile-errors. Do I need to add 'import GDPMonitoring' after 'import UIKit' in my AppDelegate.swift ?

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  • Swift 5 migration

    Swift 5 migration

    Hi there, I did some minor modifications in order for the project to be Swift 5 compatible. No source changes involved. Maybe you'd be so kind to incorporate these changes back into your master repo.

    Thanks Tino

    opened by tinora 2
  • Add custom info

    Add custom info

    Is it possible to add custom info info in the performance view?

    For example, I would like to add the date when the user started the application.

    Thank you a lot !

    opened by jeryTymate 2
  • App crashes using iPhone with iOS 12.4.8

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    Hello, when trying to run my app with the latest GDPerfomanceView-Swift 2.1.0 on an iPhone with iOS 12.4.8 it crashes upon start at:

    extension UIApplication {
        var keyWindow: UIWindow? {
            if #available(iOS 13, *) {
                return { $0.isKeyWindow }
            } else {
                return UIApplication.shared.keyWindow

    this results in an endless getter loop:

    #2	0x00000001087ab9b4 in UIApplication.keyWindow.getter at Example/Pods/GDPerformanceView-Swift/GDPerformanceView-Swift/GDPerformanceMonitoring/Extensions.swift:28
    #5309	0x00000001087abb2c in UIApplication.keyWindow.getter at Example/Pods/GDPerformanceView-Swift/GDPerformanceView-Swift/GDPerformanceMonitoring/Extensions.swift:31
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  • fix memory usage not equal Xcode Debug Gauge

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    resident_size does not get accurate memory, and the correct way is to use phys_footprint, which can be proved from the source codes of WebKit and XNU.Webkit Source

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  • Would be nice to expose a public variable to know whether or not a monitor view has been created.

    Would be nice to expose a public variable to know whether or not a monitor view has been created.

    For cases where you don't want to call start monitoring while there is already a monitor view active.

    Or at least expose a read only performanceView property...

    opened by lemonkey 1
  • iOS 9 status bar style

    iOS 9 status bar style "lightContent" not working

    Now that the status bar is visible on iOS 9 I recognized that the status bar style set by the view controller is ignored. My code is pretty simple:

    ` override var prefersStatusBarHidden: Bool { return false }

    override var preferredStatusBarStyle: UIStatusBarStyle { return isDarkMode ? .lightContent : .default } `

    The status bar style is switching on iOS 10 but not on iOS 9 (where it is always default).

    opened by 1024kilobyte 1
  • Support for Interface Orientation

    Support for Interface Orientation

    It would be nice if this library supported interface rotation gracefully.

    Currently, if I start the app in portrait and rotate to landscape, the performance view becomes centered on the top left corner.

    Tested on iPhone 6, iOS 10.2

    opened by bizz84 1
  • Carthage support

    Carthage support

    opened by TofPlay 1
  • Does the FPS measurement detect dropped frames during compositing?

    Does the FPS measurement detect dropped frames during compositing?

    I've got a performance tool that similarly uses CADisplayLink to try and measure the framerate / dropped frames. But in my tests back during iOS 7 and 8, CADisplayLink's callback timing was only affected when a frame drop happened due to slowness in-process, for example if there's a lot of auto layout work. My understanding of UIKit's drawing is that after the layers are all prepared, they are composited out-of-process in iOS's equivalent of the WindowServer, as OpenGL / Metal rectangles. So if compositing is too slow, say because you have a bunch of expensive layers with blurring and rounded corners, the display link callback will still happen right on time. You'll see a slow frame rate, but the meter will show 60.

    I did an ugly hack to solve this that worked in iOS 7 and 8, but doesn't work anymore in iOS 9 and 10. Did you have a way to address this? If we can figure it out, we can improve both our projects. If not, you may want to write some kind of disclaimer in your readme. :)

    If you want to test this out, the repo I linked to has an example project, and you can add your meter to it. You'd want to use the ios9 branch.

    opened by kconner 1
  • rename PerformanceCalculator to fix stranger character displayed as name

    rename PerformanceCalculator to fix stranger character displayed as name

    The previous version contains file named GDPerformanceView-Swift/GDPerformanceMonitoring/Performance\320\241alculator.swift that prevent the build from success that showed on the attached image. I renamed it to normal. Hope that you can create a new release for it. Thank you Screen Shot 2021-08-17 at 09 37 08

    opened by hieupham9809 0
  • Performance not show on ipad device

    Performance not show on ipad device

    Hello, I have a problem on ipad, after start PerformanceMonitor, there are nothing show on screen about monitoring. This issue cause when run app on ipad without debugging mode.

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