5 Repositories
Swift keypath Libraries
Fromswifttoswiftui - Swift and SwiftUI materials that cover the following topics - keypath, property wrapper, Combine and result builder
From Swfit to SwiftUI In this repository you can find materials related to the l
SwiftyJSON decoder for Codable
SwiftyJSONDecoder 功能 继承自 JSONDecoder,在标准库源码基础上做了改动,与其主要区别如下 使用 SwiftyJSON 解析数据,使用其类型兼容功能 废弃 nonConformingFloatDecodingStrategy 属性设置,Double 及 Float 默认解
Swift μ-framework for efficient array diffs and datasource adapters.
Buffer Swift μ-framework for efficient array diffs, collection observation and data source implementation. C++11 port here Installation cd {PROJECT_RO
Demonstration code for a simple Swift property-wrapper, keypath-based dependency injection system. The keypaths ensure compile-time safety for all injectable services.
Injectable Demo Preliminary musings and demonstration code for a simple Swift property-wrapper, keypath-based dependency injection system. The keypath
📦 KeyPath dynamicMemberLookup based syntax sugar for Swift.
DuctTape 📦 KeyPath dynamicMemberLookup based syntax sugar for Swift. let label: UILabel = UILabel().ductTape .numberOfLines(0) .textColor(.re