6 Repositories
Swift udp-broadcast Libraries
iOS ReplayKit Screen Share Broadcast Extension Frame Sharing
An iOS app that demonstrates how we can share CMSampleBuffer frames from SampleHandler of Broadcast Extension to the host app and how to pass callbacks to and fro from host app to SampleHandler and vice versa.
An *Unofficial* Uitzending Gemist application for Apple TV 4 (**deprecated, use TV Gemist ☝🏻**)
Uitzending Gemist UitzendingGemist is an unofficial native Uitzending Gemist and NPO Live application for the Apple TV 4 developed in Swift. It will a
A Combine-style wrapper around Network's NWConnection with a UDP protocol
A Combine-style wrapper around Network's NWConnection with a UDP protocol
Weatherflow-local - Basic frame-out of a SwiftUI macOS app to receive & display WeatherFlow UDP broadcast messages
WeatherFlow Local A very basic/skeleton SwiftUI macOS app for receiving and disp
UDPReader : a simple package for reading udp packets
UDPReader is a simple package for reading udp packets
Demonstrates how to build a live broadcast app(Swift 3)
This project is to demonstrate how to build a live broadcast app. It include these features: Create a room to broadcast your live stream Join a room t