Home / Swift SwiftUI App
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Spiro Swift Playgrounds 4 app created on the iPad^. ^ Xcode also used as explained below. 🏙 Screenshots 🤔 What is Spiro? An interactive animating sp
Yeshivat-Torat-Shraga Official repository for the Yeshivat Torat Shraga app. What is this repository? This is where all code written for the Torat Shr
Swift Weather App About A simple weather app utilizing Google Places API for sea
Programmer's Calculator This is a simple calculator program which implements operators commonly used in discrete logic such as AND, OR, Bit Shifting,
CollectionComposer2 This is a small tool to copy a random number of image files from different source folders to a destination folder. As an additiona
#Registro de Problemas do Bairro Projeto desenvolvido na atividade 3 da disciplina de Desenvolvimento Nativo para iOS do curso de pós-graduação Unyley
iOS QNApp Documentation Built for iOS 14 and above in XCode 13.1 Takes user input and stores in a note, can be modified at any time Dark mode and acce
NetFun-ios-app iOS app using BFF service to display processed data. The iOS demo developed in SwiftUI and it uses BFF service to show expected UI comp
RED Torch Red Torch is a very very (very) simple iOS app that allows you to have a red torch using your screen. The App is based on storyboard, so the
weather-swiftui An example of using SwiftUI Installation Get openweather api key
Todoey ✓ Our Goal The objective of this tutorial is to understand how to save data in iOS. We'll look at various choices and learn to use UserDefaults
Memorize I am learning Swift UI. This app is in learning process from Standford
TicTacToe This is Tic Tac Toe game :) There are two players, Player X and Player
DronePhotoChecker iOS App that allows a pilot to check drone photo collection after a mapping mission for any issues. Features: Connects to DJI drone
WhisperChain Project developed for study purpose. This app uses Whisper API to display a scrolling list of whispers from the “Popular” feed. When a wh
The Weather A simple Universal (iOS and macOS) weather app that can take a locat
WeatherApp What was created Based on App Brewery code I've made a beautiful, dark-mode enabled weather app. It's possible to check the weather for the
frases_do_dia Aplicativo desenvolvido em Flutter que gera Frases aleatórias Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application
SwiftUI-PictGen Icons generator for XCode assets project. Small project in Swift
gerador-de-senhas Esse é um aplicativo com o intuito de gerar senhas fortes e seguras de acordo com as especificações que o usuário desejar. Podem ser
Artworks iOS Demo Application Architecture MVP Clean Architecture (check Known Issues) Dependency Injection Features Localization Dark mode support Ba
My First iOS App Introduction This is my first iOS App from my CSSE337 Enterprise Mobile Apps class for college. Here was the objective of the assignm
Clima (a weather app) Dreaming about going on vacation somewhere? Use Clima to find real time weather from around the world or use your GPS to get loc
GXPhotoPicker SwiftUI + PHPicker. 🔷 Требования ✅ Xcode 12.0 ✅ Swift 5+ ✅ iOS 14
SpotifyClone An iOS app that visually clones Spotify's app and consumes the official Spotify's Web API to show(and play) songs, podcasts, artists and
WishList Tracking: An exploration with SwiftUI Simple iOS app written with SwiftUI (and, of course, Swift) to begin exploring it. Goal: Get used to Vi
Coinz_App_iOS A demo app to showcase testable, modern iOS development with SwiftUI and Combine on MVVM-C architecture. Tech Stack: Swift, SwiftUI, Com
[This repository is no longer being maintained] InstagramClone A detailed clone
WeatherSearchiOS Assignment 9 - Weather Search iOS App This is my implementation of assignment 9 for csci 571 for fall 2021. Requirement In this exerc
Combine - POC Este projeto destina-se a fazer um estudo introdutório sobre o framework Combine. Baseado neste tutorial do Tibor Bödecs. A funcionalida
Twelve Months Seasonal regional fruit and vegetable calendar Table of Contents O
Goaf-Happy-Fishing A macOS app to simulate the system update. Turn on the app, t
ChopChop ChopChop is an application on the iPad for people who cook. It comes with features such as smart recipes, recipe management and ingredient in
XcodeReleases Simple macOS app for xcodereleases.com ✅ new Async Await API with URLSession to fetch the data ✅ Codables instead of SwiftyJson to decod
DEVOTE In this SwiftUI tutorial, we will develop a task manager iOS application with Core Data integration. This is not a project with a boring user interface. This iOS and iPadOS application provides a personal touch and feel.
Logo Comet Scout Inspiration The first week at UTD was a terrible experience for us. We were late for most of our classes as we couldn't remember wher
NutriRecipes Recipe app for IOS Development class. User Stories A user can Land
MovieOmdbApp Firebase Analytics Firebase Notification Alamofire KingFisher Ombdb
Project 3 - Twitter App Part 1 *Twitter Clone is a basic twitter app to read your tweets. Time spent: 3 hours spent in total User Stories The followin
ToDoFirebase Приложение ToDoList с использовавнием FireBase позволяет зарегистри
The Light Project The Light homework #1 1. App icon added 2. When the applicatio
Travel App Its an app build using swift 5 and Xcode 11. It contains a UI containing 3 different views and one combined content view. Deployment To dep
VKNewsFeed VKNewsFeed - application for displaying VK news feed with dynamic cells and a collection of images in the post. Data request occurs from th
"Create a weather app from scratch with this SwiftUI Crash Course" https://youtu
AoC-2021 Advent Of Code (AoC) 2021 This are my solutions to the Advent Of Code 2021 event. This year I've been playing along with timsearle and SFrost
AR MultiPendulum: AR Headset Experience AR MultiPendulum allows users to interact with virtual objects directly with their hand instead of tapping an
ServerSync for iOS Apps Sometimes your app can't rely on the device's date and time settings being correct. This library will help you calibrate your
ClimaApp Clima App é um iOS App desenvolvido em Swift. Clima é um incrível app que mostra o clima da localidade que você deseja saber, esse app foi fe
Example iOS Apps A curated list of Open Source example iOS apps developed in Swift. How to Use Example-iOS-Apps is an amazing list for people who are
NativeEmote BTTV and Twitch Emotes App Their API is not documented and is not supported (officially) Usage Download and open the the app from releases
Water Simulation TODOs Make dynamic color based on pressure Make half-filled textures Integrate phone velocity to change gravity Tweak parameters Clea
WebKit User Agent Requirements iOS 9.0+ macOS 10.11+ Installation See the subsec
A Weather information can be searched by a city name and added into a favorite list. The list can be refreshed with pull to refresh. Move func exists.
Description: A mobile application intended for everyone with the aim of making life easier for the referee and the players. This application allows th