Amazing animations available with MagicPie!

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Charts MagicPie


Powerful pie layer for creating your own pie view. PieLayer provide great animation with simple usage.

The main advantage of that control that there is no worry about displaying of animation. Animation will display correctly even if you will add new elements during execution of another slice deleting animation. That's amazing! And here is no delegates. I like delegates, but in this case I think they are excess.



Be creative =)




Edit your PodFile to include the following line:

pod 'MagicPie'

Then import the main header.

#import <MagicPieLayer.h>

Have a fun!

Swift Swift Swift Swift Swift

Okay, now when you are reading this, I recommend to you look the example #2 in Swift.

Example Usage

Create pie:

PieLayer* pieLayer = [[PieLayer alloc] init];
pieLayer.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 200, 200);
[self.view.layer addSublayer:pieLayer];
let pieLayer = PieLayer()
pieLayer.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 200, 200)

Add slices:

[pieLayer addValues:@[[PieElement pieElementWithValue:5.0 color:[UIColor redColor]],
                      [PieElement pieElementWithValue:4.0 color:[UIColor blueColor]],
                      [PieElement pieElementWithValue:7.0 color:[UIColor greenColor]]] animated:YES];
pieLayer.addValues([PieElement(value: 5.0, color: UIColor.redColor()),
                    PieElement(value: 4.0, color: UIColor.blueColor()),
                    PieElement(value: 7.0, color: UIColor.greenColor())], animated: true)

Change value with animation:

PieElement* pieElem = pieLayer.values[0];
[PieElement animateChanges:^{
	pieElem.val = 13.0;
	pieElem.color = [UIColor yellowColor];
let pieElem = pieLayer.values[0]
PieElement.animateChanges {
	pieElem.val = 13.0
	pieElem.color = UIColor.yellowColor()

Delete slices:

[pieLayer deleteValues:@[pieLayer.values[0], pieLayer.values[1]] animated:YES];
pieLayer.deleteValues([pieLayer.values[0], pieLayer.values[1]], animated: true)


Alexandr Graschenkov:


MagicPie is available under the MIT license.

Copyright © 2013 Alexandr Graschenkov.

  • Problems starting angle of a pie chart

    Problems starting angle of a pie chart


    `PieLayer *pieLayer = [[PieLayer alloc] init]; pieLayer.frame = CGRectMake(100, 100, 200, 200); pieLayer.maxRadius = 60; pieLayer.minRadius = 30; pieLayer.startAngle = 0; pieLayer.endAngle = 360; pieLayer.showTitles = ShowTitlesNever;

    PieElement *elem1 = [PieElement pieElementWithValue:1 color:[self randomColor]];
    PieElement *elem2 = [PieElement pieElementWithValue:3 color:[self randomColor]];
    [pieLayer addValues:@[elem1] animated:NO];
    [pieLayer addValues:@[elem2] animated:NO];
    [self.view.layer addSublayer:pieLayer];`

    This is not a problem!


    But, Starting angle is not starting from pieLayer.startAngle = 0; , PieElement *elem1 = [PieElement pieElementWithValue:3 color:[self randomColor]];


    What should I do? Thanks!

    opened by duxinfeng 3
  • Added indexing ability to pie elements

    Added indexing ability to pie elements

    Recently when we were using this awesome library we found that it'll be more convenient to know what's the exact pie element that is tapped being mapped with the input array index. That is if the the input values are in an array as below, float vals[] = {505.0,505.0,0.0,70.0,0.0}; then when the relative pie element is tapped there's no way to identify which pie element is mapped with the index of the above array elements. It gets worse when the there are identical values in the array as above. for example which 505.0 is the user tapped in the pie chart? is it the element at 0th index or at index 1.

    For that reason I have added another overload init method that will map the array index as well.

    • (instancetype)pieElementWithValue:(float)val indexValue:(NSInteger_)index color:(UIColor_)color;

    Hope this may be convenient to others in their developments.

    opened by maduperera 3
  • pie layer not drawing iOS objective c

    pie layer not drawing iOS objective c

    code in view did load

    #import <MagicPieLayer.h>

    PieLayer* pieLayer = [[PieLayer alloc] init]; pieLayer.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 200, 200); [self.view.layer addSublayer:pieLayer]; [pieLayer addValues:@[[PieElement pieElementWithValue:5.0 color:[UIColor redColor]], [PieElement pieElementWithValue:4.0 color:[UIColor blueColor]], [PieElement pieElementWithValue:7.0 color:[UIColor greenColor]]] animated:YES];

    there was pie chart created at times but now totally I am not getting any pie chart.what is the issue here?

    opened by akshay1318a 1
  • Is there swift version for pie chart example 2?

    Is there swift version for pie chart example 2?

    I found that there's swift version only for example 4. How can I have swift version for the whole project? Especially for example 2. Example 2 suits for my project. I don't like bridging. I do code in full swift.

    opened by jeslinjohnson 1
  • Added animatable maxRadius on PieElement

    Added animatable maxRadius on PieElement

    I wanted to animate the max radius of a PieElement, without moving the center. So I added the property "maxRadius" to PieElement.

    Check-out the example 2 to see the effect.

    Cheers !

    opened by wes-nz 1
  • Wrong include in PieElement.h

    Wrong include in PieElement.h

    In PieElement.h you include Foundation.h while UIColor is used, which is part of UIKit.h . This can product problems when using MagicPie with Swift.

    Can you replace

    import <Foundation/Foundation.h>


    import <UIKit/UIKit.h>


    opened by werner-freytag 1
  • pieElemInPoint doesn't seem to work in Swift.

    pieElemInPoint doesn't seem to work in Swift.

    Hi Alexandr, thanks for your library and its really great. But I can't use the pieElemInPoint method to make one section of the pie to move like in your demo example 2.

    here are my codes (in Swift):

    import UIKit
    class BlockViewController: UIViewController {
    var pieLayer = PieLayer()
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        self.view.backgroundColor = UIColor(patternImage: UIImage(named: "Background"))
        pieLayer.frame = CGRectMake(55, 120, 200, 200)
        pieLayer.maxRadius = 80
        pieLayer.minRadius = 20
        pieLayer.animationDuration = 1.5
        var valuesToAdd : NSArray = [PieElement(value: 5, color: UIColor.redColor()), PieElement(value: 9, color: UIColor.blueColor())]
        pieLayer.addValues(valuesToAdd, animated: true)
        if pieLayer.self.respondsToSelector("setContentsScale:") {
            pieLayer.contentsScale = UIScreen.mainScreen().scale
        let tap = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: Selector("handleTap:"))
        tap.numberOfTapsRequired = 1
        tap.numberOfTouchesRequired = 1
    func handleTap (tap : UITapGestureRecognizer) {
        if tap.state != .Ended {
        var pos : CGPoint = tap.locationInView(tap.view)
        var tappedElem : PieElement? = pieLayer.pieElemInPoint(pos)
        if !tappedElem { return }
        if tappedElem?.centrOffset > 0 {
            tappedElem = nil
            PieElement.animateChanges( {for elem : PieElement in self.pieLayer.values as [PieElement] {
                elem.centrOffset = tappedElem==elem ? 20 : 0

    I printed the value of pos, and it really has values. I printed the tappedElem, and it always returns nil. Any idea on fixing this issue? Thanks for anyone's help ;)

    opened by HenryHins 1
  • Building for 64-bit architecture cause warnings about precision loss and format arguments

    Building for 64-bit architecture cause warnings about precision loss and format arguments

    Change project architecture to include 64-bit and build, see warning:

    Implicit conversion loses integer precision: 'long' to 'int'
    Implicit conversion loses integer precision: 'NSUInteger' (aka 'unsigned long') to 'int'
    Implicit conversion loses integer precision: 'NSInteger' (aka 'long') to 'int'
    Implicit conversion loses integer precision: 'NSInteger' (aka 'long') to 'int'
    Implicit conversion loses integer precision: 'NSUInteger' (aka 'unsigned long') to 'int'
    Implicit conversion loses integer precision: 'NSUInteger' (aka 'unsigned long') to 'int'
    Implicit conversion loses integer precision: 'NSInteger' (aka 'long') to 'int'
    Values of type 'NSUInteger' should not be used as format arguments; add an explicit cast to 'unsigned long' instead
    Values of type 'NSUInteger' should not be used as format arguments; add an explicit cast to 'unsigned long' instead
    Values of type 'NSUInteger' should not be used as format arguments; add an explicit cast to 'unsigned long' instead
    Values of type 'NSInteger' should not be used as format arguments; add an explicit cast to 'long' instead
    opened by gogopair 1
  • Titles do not display when adding values with animation

    Titles do not display when adding values with animation

    I've found that when I add values by calling -(void)addValues:animated: with YES, my titles do not display.

    I believe the issue is in the following lines:

    - (void)insertValues:(NSArray *)array atIndexes:(NSArray *)indexes animated:(BOOL)animated
        if(!animated || ![self performDelayedAnimation]){
            for(PieElement* elem in array){
                elem.titleAlpha = 1.0;
            [self removeAnimationForKey:_animationValuesKey];
            self.values = [NSArray arrayWithArray:newValues];

    It seems to me that the function should be setting elem.titleAlpha = 1.0 outside of the if statement (regardless of whether we're inserting values animated or not). Everything works with the following change:

    - (void)insertValues:(NSArray *)array atIndexes:(NSArray *)indexes animated:(BOOL)animated
        for(PieElement* elem in array){
            elem.titleAlpha = 1.0;
        if(!animated || ![self performDelayedAnimation]){
            [self removeAnimationForKey:_animationValuesKey];
            self.values = [NSArray arrayWithArray:newValues];
    opened by owen-yang 0
  • Quick fix previous fix

    Quick fix previous fix

    Do not commit at night. Do not commit at night. Do not commit at night. Do not commit at night. Do not commit at night. Do not commit at night. Do not commit at night.

    Check all commits before push. Check all commits before push. Check all commits before push. Check all commits before push. Check all commits before push. Check all commits before push.

    Always write test. Always write test. Always write test. Always write test. Always write test. Always write test. Always write test. Always write test. Always write test.

    opened by AlexandrGraschenkov 0
Alexandr Graschenkov
iOS and Computer Vision developer
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