Coordinators Essential tutorial



A lot of developers need to change navigation flow frequently, because it depends on business tasks. And they spend a huge amount of time for re-writing code. In this approach, I demonstrate our implementation of Coordinators, the creation of a protocol-oriented, testable architecture written on pure Swift without the downcast and, also to avoid the violation of the S.O.L.I.D. principles.

Based on the post about Application Coordinators and Application Controller pattern description

Coordinators Essential tutorial. Part I

Coordinators Essential tutorial. Part II

Example provides very basic structure with 6 controllers and 5 coordinators with mock data and logic.

I used a protocol for coordinators in this example:

protocol Coordinator: class {
    func start()
    func start(with option: DeepLinkOption?)

All flow controllers have a protocols (we need to configure blocks and handle callbacks in coordinators):

protocol ItemsListView: BaseView {
    var authNeed: (() -> ())? { get set }
    var onItemSelect: (ItemList -> ())? { get set }
    var onCreateButtonTap: (() -> ())? { get set }

In this example I use factories for creating coordinators and controllers (we can mock them in tests).

protocol CoordinatorFactory {
    func makeItemCoordinator(navController navController: UINavigationController?) -> Coordinator
    func makeItemCoordinator() -> Coordinator
    func makeItemCreationCoordinatorBox(navController: UINavigationController?) ->
        (configurator: Coordinator & ItemCreateCoordinatorOutput,
        toPresent: Presentable?)

The base coordinator stores dependencies of child coordinators

class BaseCoordinator: Coordinator {
    var childCoordinators: [Coordinator] = []

    func start() { }
    func start(with option: DeepLinkOption?) { }
    // add only unique object
    func addDependency(_ coordinator: Coordinator) {
        for element in childCoordinators {
            if element === coordinator { return }
    func removeDependency(_ coordinator: Coordinator?) {
            childCoordinators.isEmpty == false,
            let coordinator = coordinator
            else { return }
        for (index, element) in childCoordinators.enumerated() {
            if element === coordinator {
                childCoordinators.remove(at: index)

AppDelegate store lazy reference for the Application Coordinator

var rootController: UINavigationController {
    return self.window!.rootViewController as! UINavigationController
  private lazy var applicationCoordinator: Coordinator = self.makeCoordinator()
  func application(_ application: UIApplication,
                   didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    let notification = launchOptions?[.remoteNotification] as? [String: AnyObject]
    let deepLink = notification)
    applicationCoordinator.start(with: deepLink)
    return true
  private func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {
      return ApplicationCoordinator(
        router: RouterImp(rootController: self.rootController),
        coordinatorFactory: CoordinatorFactoryImp()
  • Coordinatable -> Coordinator

    Coordinatable -> Coordinator

    In Readme is written Coordinatable, the example Coordinator:

    protocol Coordinatable: class { func start() func start(with option: DeepLinkOption?) }

    correct it if mistake.

    opened by anatoliykant 2
  • Пара вопросов по работе паттерна

    Пара вопросов по работе паттерна

    Андрей, приветствую!

    Посмотрел Вашу версию реализации данного паттерна, все очень здорово, спасибо!

    Однако, у меня есть 2 вопроса:

    1. Почему за состояние авторизации пользователя в приложении отвечает ItemsListController? (собственно, свойство authCheck). Более того, переход к модулю авторизации происходит в переопределенном методе viewDidAppear (т.е. показали список айтемов на миллисеекунду, потом поняли, что "нет, чувак, ты не авторизован", и дернули опциональный метод authNeed). Я понимаю, что это пример, но все же (по моему скромному мнению) именно координатор отвечает за состояние приложения, причем конкретно за авторизацию - ApplicationCoordinator.

    2. Утечки памяти. Собственно, на днях, в очередной раз рассматривая различные реализации сего паттерна, отметил для себя удивительную вещь: паттерн неимоверно увеличивает риск утечек памяти. В каждой реализации я видел утечки. Собственно, и у Вас тоже :) Пруф:

    2017-03-03 22 58 13

    Последовательность была такая: Auth -> SignUp -> Terms -> Check -> SignUp -> Auth, и собственно, за 5 итераций убежало 2 МБ. Понятно, что 2 МБ при нынешних ресурсах - это ничто, но там и на экранах по одному UILabel, и будь это что-то посерьезнее, то утечки бы исчислялись уже в десятках, а потом и сотнях мегабайт.

    Так вот, вопрос, как вы с этим справляетесь? - я не имею ввиду процесс оптимизации работы с памятью (с Instruments->Allocations наперевес) :) я имею ввиду, что ссылки на UINavigationController'ы захватываются всеми, кому не попадя, например, при прокидывании последнего во вложенные координаторы (2го, 3го порядка, и т.д.). Т.е. как правильно останавливать работу координатора, чтобы после этого не оставить нерелизнутые объекты?


    opened by remenkoff 2
  • Fix a possible ARC bug & Dependency-cleaning upgraded

    Fix a possible ARC bug & Dependency-cleaning upgraded

    After I've played with this solution in local I've found that the TabbarCoordinator leaks because of the handler blocks. After I've found that the removeDependency only clears the top level parent if it has children.

    ps.: Thanks for the opportunity to be my first pull-request ;)

    opened by chosa91 1
  • Fix RouterMockImp

    Fix RouterMockImp


    RouterMockImp does not confirm to protocol Router, so I implement setRootModule(_:hideBar:) and it pass the Test.

    And your sample app is very helpful for me. Thank you.

    opened by ysk-tngc 1
  • Router and Navigation stack

    Router and Navigation stack

    Firstly definitely one of the best article series on Coordinator Pattern topic!

    Secondly I have one question. Why does not the router maintain the navigationStack? I think if you keep the stack view you can test your RouterImp more easy.

    opened by rafael-silva 0
  • Enum protocol

    Enum protocol

    • все взаимодействие через протоколы
    • у координатора появился отдельный роутер
    • фабрики помимо создания инжектят данные и возвращают tuple с нужными протоколами
    opened by AndreyPanov 0
  • Module/Coordinator leak on modal dismiss

    Module/Coordinator leak on modal dismiss

    If you summon a flow as a modal, and dismiss it by swiping down, the view and its corresponding coordinator remain in memory. In your app, if you click them + button to Create Item and then swipe down to dismiss that screen, instead of tapping "Hide", and do that several times, and then inspect the Object Graph, you'll see that you have multiple ItemCreateCoordinator/Controller/View open.

    You have to adapt Route to UIAdaptivePresentationControllerDelegate somehow.

    opened by adudenamedruby 0
  • Extending Router

    Extending Router

    Kudos for putting together. (This is not an issue but a recommendation per say)

    I think it would be useful if the following methods were part of Router's default implementation. It becomes vital when presenting new flows on top of existing flows.

    func presentOnVisibleModule(_ module: Presentable?, animated: Bool) {
          guard let controller = module?.toPresent() else { return }
          rootController?.visibleViewController?.present(controller, animated: animated, completion: nil)
    func dismissFromVisibleModule(animated: Bool) {
          rootController?.visibleViewController?.dismiss(animated: animated, completion: nil)
    opened by LamourBt 0
  • Deep link as source of memory leaks

    Deep link as source of memory leaks

    Hey! It seems that ApplicationCoordinator's func start(with option: DeepLinkOption?) is a source of memory leaks in case when we have some coordinators tree and some DeepLink action triggers this start function. No one child coordinator (and view controllers it holds) will be released, but the new ones will be created.

    opened by maxkazakov 0
  • Navigation via back button leak

    Navigation via back button leak

    In your RouterImp, you store a Dictionary of completions with the ViewController as the key. I think that there is a potential leak here.

    The leak will occur when you're using a Navigation Bar's back button instead of programmatically popping the view controller. The Router's dictionary still maintains a reference to the view controller because the back button is not hooked to the router.

    opened by jcyu0208 1
  • BaseCoordinator doubt

    BaseCoordinator doubt

    Hi, I want to create a nice architecture for a project I'm working on and I found your example on the use of coordinators.

    I just started as a Junior Developer and I have some questions if you have the time to answer them:

    • Why not include in the BaseCoordinator the router, coordinatorFactory and moduleFactory as optionals? This way you can inherit them in all coordinators, use the ones you need and leave the others with nil value.

    This is an example of the implementation I suggest:

    Coordinator protocol:

    protocol Coordinator: AnyObject {
        var router: Router? { get }
        var coordinatorFactory: CoordinatorFactory? { get }
        var moduleFactory: ModuleFactoryImp? { get }
        func start()

    BaseCoordinator class:

    class BaseCoordinator {
        private(set) var children: [Coordinator] = []
        var router: Router?
        var coordinatorFactory: CoordinatorFactory?
        var moduleFactory: ModuleFactory?
        init(router: Router?, coordinatorFactory: CoordinatorFactoryImp?, moduleFactory: ModuleFactoryImp?) {
            self.router = router
            self.coordinatorFactory = coordinatorFactory
            self.moduleFactory = moduleFactory
        open func start() {
            fatalError("This function must be overriden")
        final func add(child: Coordinator) {
            ... [Implementation]
        final func remove(child: Coordinator) {
            ... [Implementation]

    Then, all coordinators would be simplified because they don't need initializers, they just inherit the one from Coordinator. Finally, an example on how to initialize a Coordinator from the CoordinatorFactory:

    AuthCoordinator(router: router, coordinatorFactory: nil, moduleFactory: ModuleFactoryImp())
    ItemCoordinator(router: router(navController), coordinatorFactory: CoordinatorFactoryImp(), moduleFactory: ModuleFactoryImp())
    ItemCreateCoordinator(router: router, coordinatorFactory: nil, moduleFactory: ModuleFactoryImp())

    For the special case of the TabBarCoordinator:

    class TabbarCoordinator: BaseCoordinator {
      private let tabbarView: TabbarView
      init(tabbarView: TabbarView, coordinatorFactory: CoordinatorFactoryImp) {
        self.tabbarView = tabbarView
        super.init(router: nil, coordinatorFactory: coordinatorFactory, moduleFactory: nil)
    // Initialization:
    TabbarCoordinator(tabbarView: controller, coordinatorFactory: CoordinatorFactoryImp())

    I would appreciate if you could explain me the advantages of doing it your way instead of this way. Thank you in advance!!

    opened by 1397v 0
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