An open source library that lets your users draw on things - mark up images with text, shapes, etc.


Drawsana 0.12.0

Drawsana is a generalized framework for making freehand drawing views on iOS. You can let users scribble over images, add shapes and text, and even make your own tools.

Do you want to let your users mark up images? Are you writing a simple painting app? Drawsana might work for you!

Demo source code


Blog post: Let your users mark up images on iOS with Drawsana

Like what you see? Come work with us!


  • Built-in tools
    • Pen with line smoothing
    • Eraser
    • Ellipse, rect, line, arrow
    • Selection
    • Text
  • Undo/redo
  • Drawings are Codable, so you can save and load them
  • Extensible—make your own shapes and tools without forking the library



Add Asana/Drawsana to your Cartfile and update your project like you would for any other Carthage framework, or clone the source code and add the project to your workspace.

github "Asana/Drawsana" == 0.12.0


import Drawsana

class MyViewController: UIViewController {
  let drawsanaView = DrawsanaView()
  let penTool = PenTool()
  func viewDidLoad() {
    /* ... */
    drawsanaView.set(tool: penTool)
    drawsanaView.userSettings.strokeWidth = 5
    drawsanaView.userSettings.strokeColor = .blue
    drawsanaView.userSettings.fillColor = .yellow
    drawsanaView.userSettings.fontSize = 24
    drawsanaView.userSettings.fontName = "Marker Felt"
  func save() {
    let jsonEncoder = JSONEncoder()
    jsonEncoder.outputFormatting = [.prettyPrinted, .sortedKeys]
    let jsonData = try! jsonEncoder.encode(drawingView.drawing)
    // store jsonData somewhere
  func load() {
    let data = // load data from somewhere
    let jsonDecoder = JSONDecoder()
    let drawing = try! jsonDecoder.decode(Drawing.self, from: jsonData)
    drawsanaView.drawing = drawing
  func showFinalImage() {
    imageView.image = drawsanaView.render() 

Background images

Drawsana does not currently have a way to automatically show an image under your drawing. We recommend that, like in the example class, you add a UIImageView underneath your DrawsanaView and make sure your DrawsanaView's frame matches the image frame. When it's time to get the final image, use DrawsanaView.render(over: myImage).

Building docs

sudo gem install jazzy
make docs
open .docs/index.html

pip install ghp-import
make publish-docs



  • Undo operations are now accessible outside the framework to enable you to make undoable changes with your own UI.
    • AddShapeOperation
    • RemoveShapeOperation
    • ChangeTransformOperation
    • EditTextOperation
    • ChangeExplicitWidthOperation
  • Fix drawing view not being redrawn after being resized.
  • Fix bugs related to color serialization.
  • Fix bugs related to text entry.


  • DrawingOperationStack.clearRedoStack() clears all redo operations from the redo stack.
  • DrawingToolForShapeWithThreePoints and DrawingToolForShapeWithTwoPoints are declared open instead of public so they can be subclassed.
  • PenShape now works with the selection tool.
  • DrawsanaView.selectionIndicatorAnchorPointOffset allows Drawsana to keep working when you change the anchorPoint.
  • is now settable.
  • Fix bug that prevented character input of some languages, including Chinese.
  • Fix bugs in gesture recognizer.


  • Convert to Swift 5
  • Fix NgonShape and TextShape serialization bugs. Old data can't be fixed, but new data will be correct.
  • Deserialization error reporting is more detailed. Shapes that find a JSON object with the correct type will now throw errors instead of causing the whole operation to silently fail, as long as you enable Drawing.debugSerialization.
  • Replacing DrawingView.drawing now behaves correctly instead of being unusably buggy.
  • PenLineSegment's members are now public.
  • ShapeTransform and PenLineSegment are now Equatable.


  • Star, triangle, pentagon, and angle tools
  • DrawsanaView.render() accepts a scale parameter instead of always using zero


  • Convert to Swift 4.2
  • CocoaPods support


  • DrawsanaView.selectionIndicatorViewShapeLayer is exposed, allowing you to more easily customize the appearance of the selection indicator
  • Changes to DrawsanaView.selectionIndicatorView's style are animated in fewer cases, which more closely matches user intent
  • Improved text tool use in the demo app


Initial release

  • StarTool_PentagonTool_TriangleTool and related files are missing from pod version

    StarTool_PentagonTool_TriangleTool and related files are missing from pod version

    Hi first thanks for the library. Second, pod version have some files missing.

    StarTool_PentagonTool_TriangleTool StarShape NgonShape

    and can you open DrawingToolForShapeWithTwoPoints so i can manually add or create new shapes of needed? for now adding StarTool_PentagonTool_TriangleTool results in

    Cannot inherit from non-open class 'DrawingToolForShapeWithTwoPoints' outside of its defining

    opened by sameer4 8
  • Canvas view is not recognising touches after coming from background (device: iPad)

    Canvas view is not recognising touches after coming from background (device: iPad)

    When the app is sent to background via sliding from the bottom and then opening the app, the touches are not recognizing again and getting below crash.

    assert(false, "State not handled") (DrawsanaView.swift -> 302 line)

    opened by ghost 7
  • Text tool's bounding rect is lost in serialization roundtrip

    Text tool's bounding rect is lost in serialization roundtrip

    Loading a json file back in to the Drawing view works with the exception of Text objects and Ngon shapes. The text objects don't render and the Ngon shapes raise exception. It looks like the sides property is erroring on a nil exception.

    opened by jeffstay 7
  • Shapes not added to Decoded Drawing

    Shapes not added to Decoded Drawing

    Drawing (only tested pen strokes) on a decoded drawing does not add shapes to the shapes array of that drawing. The new shapes still appear on the drawing, but since they're not added to the array they're not encoded if you want to save the drawing.

    Edit: Never mind, they are being added to the drawing. But somehow, new shapes on a decoded drawing aren't being properly encoded.

    opened by eimlaymaire 4
  • Question: ViewWillAppear vs ViewDidAppear to load drawing

    Question: ViewWillAppear vs ViewDidAppear to load drawing

    I have stored the JSON string of the drawing and want to reload it back into DrawingView.

    func loadScratchText() {
            let jsonDecoder = JSONDecoder()
            let scratchText = self.viewModel.scratchText
            print("scratchText: \(scratchText)")
            guard let jsonData = .utf8) else {
            guard let drawing = try? jsonDecoder.decode(Drawing.self, from: jsonData) else {
                print("Unable to load scratch json")
            self.drawingView.drawing = drawing

    If I call this function in viewWillAppear - it prints the shapes but the drawing is NOT visible. But when I use viewDidAppear - it does nicely render back the drawing.

    Is this expected behavior?

    thanks Ram

    opened by ramjyroo 3
  • Added a scale parameter to the renderImage class with the default value of 1

    Added a scale parameter to the renderImage class with the default value of 1

    Added a scale parameter to the renderImage class with the default value of 1. This is to fix a problem where the output image was rendering way bigger than the original image. The reason is that if we pass 0 as the scale on the method UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions the output is set to the scale factor of the device’s main screen creating images that may be 2x or 3x bigger than the original (depending on the device used)

    opened by echamussy 3
  • Eraser tool doesn't work if drawing was loaded from JSON

    Eraser tool doesn't work if drawing was loaded from JSON

    Hello! Eraser tool doesn't work on drawing view if it's drawing property was set. do { self.drawingView.drawing = try JSONDecoder().decode(Drawing.self, from: data) } catch let error { print(error) } Any suggestions? Thank you!

    opened by StasMalinovsky 3
  • shapes not adding in the decoded drawing operation stack

    shapes not adding in the decoded drawing operation stack


    I am decoding drawing from data and adding them on the drawing view. When I added new pen stokes on the same same drawing view, those stokes are not added in the operation stack for me save decoded drawing + new pen stokes. If I saved, I am getting on old decoded layers only , new stokes are adding to the data.

    opened by SanjeevSundaravarathan 2
  • Add straight line tool

    Add straight line tool

    I just made straight line tool. That helps draw a line parallel to the screen edge. The line is horizontal or vertical depending on touch moved direction.

    opened by jwthanh 2
  • Ability to delete an object that has been selected

    Ability to delete an object that has been selected

    Firstly this is a great little library! I was just checking if there is an ability to delete an object once it has been selected using the "Selection" tool.

    opened by philgrida 1
  • Restore 'drawing' will get incorrect fillColor

    Restore 'drawing' will get incorrect fillColor

    It seems the alpha part of UIColor not encode/decode correctly. Says if I set the fillColor to clear, after encode/decode, the fillColor changed to black.

    opened by Horse888 1
  • Drawsana is not having feature of zooming image

    Drawsana is not having feature of zooming image

    We have integrated Drawsana inside our project and its working great....

    And we also would like to zoom that image while editing, but I can't find any way to zoom image while editing..

    Help will be appreciated...

    opened by saurabhc-ecsion 3
  • [Bug] Text tool + Orientation Change

    [Bug] Text tool + Orientation Change


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. open the app (the bug can be found in the sample app)
    2. activate the text tool
    3. use the resize & rotate
    4. change orientation of the device at least 2 times. (the more you do it, the more the bug is pronounced)

    Device: iPad (or on an app that are orientation free)

    Discovered on iPad Pro 11" iOS 15.4

    Hint: I guess the bug is at the handling of the drawing with the transform, and the anchor points make the box move

    Thanks !

    opened by clementnonn 1
  • 0.12.0(Aug 26, 2020)

    • Undo operations are now accessible outside the framework to enable you to make undoable changes with your own UI.
      • AddShapeOperation
      • RemoveShapeOperation
      • ChangeTransformOperation
      • EditTextOperation
      • ChangeExplicitWidthOperation
    • Fix drawing view not being redrawn after being resized.
    • Fix bugs related to color serialization.
    • Fix bugs related to text entry.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.11.0(Apr 22, 2020)

    • DrawingOperationStack.clearRedoStack() clears all redo operations from the redo stack.
    • DrawingToolForShapeWithThreePoints and DrawingToolForShapeWithTwoPoints are declared open instead of public so they can be subclassed.
    • PenShape now works with the selection tool.
    • DrawsanaView.selectionIndicatorAnchorPointOffset allows Drawsana to keep working when you change the anchorPoint.
    • is now settable.
    • Fix bug that prevented character input of some languages, including Chinese.
    • Fix bugs in gesture recognizer.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.9.2(Nov 5, 2018)

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