RealmVideo - An iOS app to watch Realm videos and slides at the same time on your phone.


Realm Video

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Realm is an amazing resource to watch different talks from various conferences and meetups. They publish videos and slides of each talk and it's all great as long as you are not watching them from your iPhone or iPad. In that case, as soon as you start the video, a MPMovieViewController will take all the space on your screen and the slides are not visible. Video without slides is πŸ‘Ž

@realm is aware of the issue but there is no real workaround as you can see from this tweet. Until now.


Realm Video uses a UIWebView to take advantage of the great Realm website with the slides being automatically in sync with the video. A Javascript function is used to locate the video element on the page and scroll to it. The HTML element that takes care of showing the slides is also located by finding its id. A MPMovieViewController object is presented as soon as the video is started and a UIView is added on top of it by accessing the window hierarchy. A function runs in the background every second and renders a screenshot of the current slide in the UIWebView. In this way, we keep the video and slides always in sync. The rendered image is then added to the floating UIView to be always visible to the user.

A few cool features:

  • Single tap on the slides to hide them. Tap again to show them again. πŸ‘Œ
  • Double tap to change the position of the slides between top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right. πŸ”
  • Pause the video and start again whenever you want. ⏯
  • Skip forward or backward in the video and see the slides automatically syncing with the video. πŸ†’
  • Browse the latest videos from the Realm website 😎

This project was developed in ~7 hours. It was tested on an iPhone 6s Plus only and it could use some more work to turn it into a real app. Pull requests are very welcome!


Run pod install and open the workspace project in Xcode, build & run, enjoy. 😎


You are very welcome to add new features and fix bugs. Feel free to open as many issues and pull requests as you want. 😏


I'm Patrick Balestra. Email: Twitter: @BalestraPatrick.


RealmVideo is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Realm uses a few different video providers. The app was tested with Youtube videos a few a other services. If you find a page that is not compatible, please open an issue or submit a pull request.

More images

  • Resolve a few issues with videos and slides positioning off screen

    Resolve a few issues with videos and slides positioning off screen

    I noticed a few issues today with some of the newer videos positioning off screen. The slides were doing something similar. I put in a few changes to hopefully resolve the issue and protect against a couple of other issues.

    The new video browser is a great idea! πŸ‘

    opened by bbethke 6
  • Can't pod install with Cocoapods 1.0.0

    Can't pod install with Cocoapods 1.0.0

    I'm not a Cocoapods expert, but I assume the pod spec for this library needs to be updated to work with Cocoapods 1.0. In any event, I only got 'pod install' to work by using Cocoapods 0.39.

    opened by mbeaty 5
  • 'browse Videos' is broken

    'browse Videos' is broken


    Great app idea. Thanks for open sourcing it.

    The 'browse videos' button seems to break the app on an iPhone 6s. It works correctly in the simulator, but on a physical device - no luck.

    The issue seems to be when BrowseVideosViewController tries to load videos within the init function:

    videos = RealmParser().videos

    Eventually, the app crashes with the following error:

    fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value

    iPhone 6s iOS 9.3.1 Xcode 7.3.1

    opened by nextriot 5
  • Back out to list

    Back out to list

    I installed to both my iPad and iPhone. I can start the video and see the slides without a problem. How do I go back to the list of Realm videos? In order to go back to the list I have to force-quit the app and open it back up again. I think I'm missing how to go back.

    opened by fbara 3
  • Changes to keep welcome screen UI above keyboard. Pasteboard button.

    Changes to keep welcome screen UI above keyboard. Pasteboard button.

    I love this app idea. Thanks for putting this together. I noticed when I first ran it that it wasn't entirely clear how to get the video to start playing because the "Start Video" button was hidden behind the keyboard. I made some changes such that the UI lives above the keyboard and on really small screens (iPhone 4/4S), the keyboard appearing changes the content view of the scroll view so that you can scroll to view the buttons or gesture to close the keyboard.

    In addition, I added a button next to "Start Video" called "Paste Clipboard" which just saves the user a couple of taps by pasting the contents of the Pasteboard (Clipboard) straight into the text field. The keyboard also appears immediately when the WelcomeViewController is displayed on screen.

    opened by bbethke 1
Patrick Balestra
Infra Engineer at @spotify. Previously at @n26, @Scandit, BCG DV and FIFA TMS.
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