Get the current frequency of your Apple M1 GPU.



Get the current frequency of your Apple M1 GPU.

License Releases License

What It Does and How It Works

This project is designed to get the current frequency (or clock speed) of your Apple M1 GPU, without requiring sudo or a kernel extension. This near-impossible feat is achieved in a similar manner to how my osx-cpufreq project works, by accessing performance state information from IOReport and performing some calculations based on them during a specified time interval (default 1 second).



Download the precompiled binary from the releases, cd into your Downloads folder, and run these commands to fix the binary permissions:

chmod 755 ./M1-gpufreq
xattr -cr ./M1-gpufreq

Now you can simply run ./M1-gpufreq.


Here is an example running ./M1-gpufreq -l6 on an M1 Mac Mini during a Geekbench Compute run:

Name      Type      Max Freq     Active Freq    Freq %

GPU      Complex   1278.00 MHz     43.59 MHz     3.41%
GPU      Complex   1278.00 MHz   1153.91 MHz    90.29%
GPU      Complex   1278.00 MHz   1263.43 MHz    98.86%
GPU      Complex   1278.00 MHz    837.17 MHz    65.51%
GPU      Complex   1278.00 MHz     39.89 MHz     3.12%
GPU      Complex   1278.00 MHz   1235.26 MHz    96.66%


Available command line options are:

    -l <value> : loop output (0 = infinite)
    -i <value> : set sampling interval (may effect accuracy)
    -v         : print version number
    -h         : help

Bugs and Issues

Known Problems:

  • Support for M1 Pro/Max is unofficial

If any other bugs or issues are identified, please let me know!

Support ❤️

If you would like to support me, you can donate to my Cash App.

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