BeautyAlert - BeautyAlert provides alerts with custom shapes, colors, buttons


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BeautyAlert helps you can easily design by determining the color, shape, and shadow direction of the alert according to your app style.


  • swift: 4.0 or higher
  • iOS: 13.0 or higher



BeautyAlert is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'BeautyAlert'


In the Xcode 13.0+ enter BeautyAlert URL in Add Package Dependency


1. Create Alert

create BeautyAlert instance

let beautyAlert = BeautyAlert()

2. Configure your alert style

You can choose the title and content messages, their color, and the color of the entire background.

    title: "BeautyAlert Title ✨",
    titleColor: .black,
    message: "BeautyAlert helps to make custom alert easily", 
    messageColor: .black, 
    backgroundColor: .white

3. Add custom buttons with custom actions

You can create a confirmation and cancel button, and you can also specify an action for each button.

// Cancel Button
    title: "Cancel",
    titleColor: .black,
    backgroundColor: .lightGray, 
    style: .cancel, 
    action: cancelAction
// OK Button
    title: "OK",
    titleColor: .white,
    backgroundColor: .orange, 
    style: .confirm,
    action: confirmAction

// Actions 
func confirmAction() {
    // do confirm actions

func cancelAction() {
    // do cancel actions
    self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

4. Present it!

Just present and use it!

self.present(beautyAlert, animated: true, completion: nil)

5. Simulation

case1 case2 ...

Make a alert style that you want!




BeautyAlert is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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    chore: Update pod version and README


    1. tag 버전과 cocoaPods 버전 통일성을 위해 pods version을 0.1.2로 버전업
    2. #1 PR에서 반영된 파라미터 코드 컨벤션을 README에도 적용

    해당 PR 머지 후 코코아팟 새버전으로 업데이트 시키려합니다🙌 어프로브된다면 앞으로는 Squash and Merge로 진행하겠습니다! (커밋메시지를 대표적으로 하나만 가져감으로 추적이 편리합니다.) 추가로, PR을 위해 만들어진 브랜치는 머지 후 삭제되도록 설정하겠습니다🙃

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  • chore: Support SPM

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    1. Support SPM

    • SPM 지원 설정 및 이에 관하여 podspec의 소스파일 경로 변경
    • SPM install에 대한 README 업데이트

    2. Examples 내 코드 로직 변경

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