A custom-designed reimplementation of the UIActionSheet control for iOS




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TOActionSheet is an iOS UI control providing a modal prompt control, similar to UIActionSheet. Unlike UIActionSheet, it can be very heavily re-themed, and avoids the delegate model by using blocks for each button.


  • Pre-defined light and dark themes.
  • Every colour is editable, and subscribes to UIAppearence.
  • A custom header view may be specified as the top element.
  • Plays a bubbly pop-up animation.
  • Button callback is provided via blocks.
  • Subscribes to sudden trait collection changes, such as split screen on iPad Air 2.

Technical Requirements

iOS 7.0 or above.


TOActionSheet is licensed under the MIT License, please see the LICENSE file. analytics

  • Added option for icons and content alignment

    Added option for icons and content alignment

    I added the option for icons and content alignment in the menu items. This adds three TOActionSheetContentStyles. TOActionSheetContentStyleDefault, TOActionSheetContentStyleLeft and TOActionSheetContentStyleRight.

    All this enables me, for example, to use a more pro-app like menu structure. Below is what it looks like: simulator screen shot jan 11 2017 10 17 42 pm

    opened by Sjoerdjanssenen 1
  • Added a dismiss block

    Added a dismiss block

    I added a dismiss block to TOActionSheet. This means you can, for example, disable the button that shows the action sheet and then reenable it when the view is dismissed by a tap on the background.

    opened by Sjoerdjanssenen 1
  • `TOActionSheet` pushes `navigationItem.titleView` up.

    `TOActionSheet` pushes `navigationItem.titleView` up.

    I have a UIView set as the title view of my UINavigationBar.

    self.titleView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10, 0, self.view.frame.size.width-20, 30)];
    self.titleView.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
    [self.titleView.layer setCornerRadius:5.0f];
    Adding some buttons to it
    self.navigationItem.titleView = self.titleView;

    I also use TOActionSheet, which is triggered by one of those buttons in the titleView. That's presented with the code below:

    - (IBAction)barButtonLeft:(id)sender {
        TOActionSheet *actionSheet = [[TOActionSheet alloc] init];
        actionSheet.title = @"What type of food do you like?";
        actionSheet.style = TOActionSheetStyleDark;
        for (int i = 0; i < [[self.restaurant foodTypes] count]; i++) {
            [actionSheet addButtonWithTitle:[[self.restaurant foodTypes] objectAtIndex:i] tappedBlock:^{
                [self selectedTypeFromExtension:[[self.restaurant foodTypes] objectAtIndex:i]];
        UIBarButtonItem *button = (UIBarButtonItem *)sender;
        [actionSheet showFromView:button inView:self.view];

    However, every time I press the button and the TOActionSheet appears, the titleView slides up against the status bar, whereas it was vertically centered before. I don't know what could be causing this. Any ideas?

    opened by Sjoerdjanssenen 0
  • Problem with button if title not setted

    Problem with button if title not setted

    Hello. I have installed TOActionSheet via CocoaPods

    With title (1 button + 1 Destructive button)


    let actionSheet = TOActionSheet(title: "Choose an action")!
    actionSheet.style = .light
    actionSheet.contentstyle = .default
    actionSheet.addButton(withTitle: "Rename", tappedBlock: { print("rename") })
    actionSheet.addDestructiveButton(withTitle: "Delete", tappedBlock: { print("delete") })
    actionSheet.show(from: sender, in: self.navigationController?.view)

    screen shot 2018-05-15 at 17 25 17

    Without title (1 button + 1 Destructive button)

    Not OK

    let actionSheet = TOActionSheet(style: .light)!
    actionSheet.contentstyle = .default
    actionSheet.addButton(withTitle: "Rename", tappedBlock: { print("rename") })
    actionSheet.addDestructiveButton(withTitle: "Delete", tappedBlock: { print("delete") })
    actionSheet.show(from: sender, in: self.navigationController?.view)

    screen shot 2018-05-15 at 17 24 02

    Without title (2 buttons + 1 Destructive button)


    actionSheet.contentstyle = .default
    actionSheet.addButton(withTitle: "Rename", tappedBlock: { print("rename") })
    actionSheet.addButton(withTitle: "Move", tappedBlock: { print("move") })
    actionSheet.addDestructiveButton(withTitle: "Delete", tappedBlock: { print("delete") })
    actionSheet.show(from: sender, in: self.navigationController?.view)

    screen shot 2018-05-15 at 17 32 36

    opened by kirillrybin 0
  • Wrong position of TOActionSheet view

    Wrong position of TOActionSheet view

    Hello. I have installed TOActionSheet via CocoaPods

    Swift code

    @IBAction func barButtonAction(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
            let actionSheet = TOActionSheet(title: "Choose an action")!
            actionSheet.style = .light
            actionSheet.contentstyle = .default
             #actionSheet.addButton(withTitle: "Rename", tappedBlock: {
            actionSheet.addDestructiveButton(withTitle: "Delete", tappedBlock: {
            actionSheet.show(from: sender, in: self.navigationController?.view)


    Bar Button Item is on the right side of navigation bar but actionsheet is on the left screen shot 2018-05-15 at 17 02 24

    opened by kirillrybin 0
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