Swift library for JSON-RPC

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There are already a bunch of packages out there for doing JSON-RPC in Swift. This one is just very simple and makes no assumptions about the transport stream type.


Swift Package Manager

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/ChimeHQ/JSONRPC")

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  • Don't deliver responses out of band

    Don't deliver responses out of band

    Great library, thanks! I'd like to suggest this improvement:

    This change ensures that responses and notifications are dispatched in the order they are received with respect to each other. This is important especially for pubsub, where the response to the initial subscription request carries the subscription ID, knowledge of which is required to dispatch later subscription updates to the correct recipient.

    opened by jscheid 5
  • Implement `JSONValue` Decoder

    Implement `JSONValue` Decoder

    Here is a new feature that allows decoding a JSONValue into a Decodable.

    Its primary purpose is to allow casting an AnyJSONRPCNotification, or its payload, into a more specific type. This is useful when a type can be derived from partial notification data. For example, the notification might be a subscription update containing a subscription ID, which can be used to look up the expected payload type.

    There might be other use cases as well, for instance polymorphic responses.

    Decoding JSON first to JSONValue, then from JSONValue to the final type is somewhat inefficient compared to directly decoding to the target type. However, direct decoding can be relatively complicated depending on the use case and sacrifices flexibility. Since JSON-RPC already isn't the most efficient RPC format out there I think it's a trade-off worth making, what do you think?

    opened by jscheid 4
  • DataTransport protocol improvements

    DataTransport protocol improvements

    Hi, the current DataTransport protocol works but could be improved in some ways. (You might already have planned to do so as part of your async work?)

    1. The setReaderHandler function means that the constructor doesn't have access to the reader, which means the class variable holding the reader has to be declared optional, which means the code gets complicated by checks to see if it has been set.
    2. The write function isn't declared throws, meaning that it's forced to report errors through a side channel. It's also not compatible with async except with fire-and-forget or reporting back through a side channel.
    3. Errors during read also have to be reported through a side channel, meaning that ProtocolTransport or other objects taking a DataTransport as an input either have to be made aware of the side channel somehow, or will be oblivious to errors.

    One way of addressing the above might be to make the protocol look more like this:

    public protocol DataTransport {
        typealias ReadHandler = (Data) async throws -> Void
        func write(_ data: Data) async throws -> Void
        func readLoop(_ onData: @escaping ReadHandler) async throws -> Never

    write should be self-explanatory. readLoop would keep reading until the Task is cancelled, which would replace the close function in the current protocol version. And the reader, too, can throw if there's a problem. (I think it best for the function to never return and throw on EOF, to make EOF handling more explicit and so that there is only one way for the loop to exit, but this is more or less a matter of taste.)

    The ReadHandler in the proposal is also changed to allow throw and async. I think this would let us eventually remove the dispatch queue we talked about on #2 and enable adding backpressure. Implementing that change could be left for another time, but I figured it best to change the protocol already in the interest of keeping breaking changes to a minimum.

    All of this obviously isn't compatible with Swift <5.5, I'm not sure how big of a problem that is to you. Nothing speaking against dropping compatibility from my end, but you might have other plans.

    Curious to hear what you think about all this.

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