The CITPincode package provides a customizable pincode view


Coffee IT - Aroma CITPincode Component

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The CITPincode package provides a customizable pincode view. It includes an optional resend code button with a built-in cooldown and an optional divider to be placed anywhere between the cells.



To install the Swift Package, go to Project > Package Dependencies > + > Search or Enter Package URL > Fill in:


Import CITPincode and add a CITPincodeView to your SwiftUI view.

import SwiftUI
import CITPincode

struct CITPincodeExampleView: View {
    @State private var code = ""
    @State private var error: String?
    @State private var forceCooldownOnce = false
    var body: some View {
            code: $code,
            error: $error,
            forceCooldownOnce: $forceCooldownOnce,
            config: .example,
            onEnteredCode: sendCode,
            onResendCode: sendCode
        .onAppear {
            forceCooldownOnce = true
    private func sendCode() {

Extra details:

  • The error can be set to any text message or nil, the CITPincodeView will update dynamically.
  • The code input can be used realtime via the code binding, but the code is also automatically passed to the onEnteredCode method once enough characters have been entered.
  • The CITPincodeView is set to receive One Time Passcode(s) and can alternatively be long pressed to let the user paste a code directly from their clipboard.


/// The length of the pincode.
/// Determines amount of shown pincode cells as well as how many characters have to be entered before the code is checked.
public var codeLength: Int

/// The font used to display text within the pincode cells.
public var font: Font

/// The font used to display the error message if any error is visible.
public var errorFont: Font

/// The color of the text within the pincode cells.
public var textColor: Color

/// The color of the error message if visible.
public var errorColor: Color

/// An optional placeholder code, shown within the pincode cells, should be entire codeLength if displayed at all,
/// each placeholder character individually checks if there's no input at its position, and will be shown if there's none.
public var placeholder: String

/// The color of the shown placeholder text shown within cells if any.
public var placeholderColor: Color

/// The background color of pincode cells.
public var backgroundColor: Color

/// The background color of a pincode cell when it is currently selected, a cell is selected when that cell would be filled with the next entered pincode character.
public var selectedBackgroundColor: Color

/// The border color of any selected pincode cell.
public var selectedBorderColor: Color

/// The border width of any selected pincode cell.
public var selectedBorderWidth: CGFloat

/// If set to true, all pincode cells will always be shown as if they are selected.
public var alwaysShowSelectedBorder: Bool

/// If set to true, the keyboard will show once the pincode view appears.
public var showKeyboardOnAppear: Bool

/// Text shown for the button that can close the keyboard from a toolbar.
public var keyboardDoneButtonText: String

/// The size of each pincode cell.
public var cellSize: CGSize

/// The cornerRadius of each pincode cell, used to set rounded corners, e.g. set to 0 for sharp corners, to 8 for small rounding or .infinity for maximum rounding.
public var cellCornerRadius: CGFloat

/// The type of pincode, you can choose any UIKeyboardType, but the most common types are ".default" for a text keyboard and .numberPad for a numbers only keyboard.
public var keyboardType: UIKeyboardType

/// These characters will be filtered out if a code is pasted via clipboard on long press. It replaces occurences with an empty string.
public var charactersToFilterOutOnPaste: [String]

/// Optional config used to show a single divider somewhere between the pincode cells. Does not impact user input, and can be customized slightly.
public var divider: CITPincodeDividerConfig

/// Optional config used to show a resendButton, meant to resend an One Time Passcode on press and is automatically disabled for a given cooldown duration to limit usage.
public var resendButton: CITPincodeResendButtonConfig

/// Returns the configured resendButtonStyle, used to display the resendButton if present.
public var resendButtonStyle: CITPincodeResendButtonStyle

/// Returns the configured dividerStyle, used to display the divider if present.
public var dividerStyle: CITPincodeDividerStyle

/// Defines the style that configures an optional resendButton that is meant to resend an One Time Passcode on press.
/// This resend button will be disabled for the given cooldown if any and automatically re-enable itself once the cooldown duration has passed.
/// - Use `.custom` to set `text, font, textColor, backgroundColor, contentInsets, cornerRadius, cooldown, alignment`.
/// - Use `.plain` to set `text, font, cooldown, alignment` and use default values for the other fields.
/// - Use `.none` when no resend button should be shown.
public enum CITPincodeResendButtonConfiguration: Equatable

/// The style of a shown divider if any.
/// - Use `.custom` to set `afterIndex, color, size & cornerRadius`.
/// - Use `.plain` to set `afterIndex` and use default values for the other fields.
/// - Use `.none` when no divider should be shown.
public enum CITPincodeDividerConfiguration: Equatable


For questions, ideas or help you can reach us by email at


Owned and actively maintained by Coffee IT.


Look at our other repositories on our GitHub account.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

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