A beautiful radar view to show nearby items (users, restaurants, ...) with ripple animation, fully customizable



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Twitter: @GhazouaniHamza Documentation Readme Score


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.
This project is inspired by: https://dribbble.com/shots/2242921-Find-Nearby-Users-Concept


  • iOS 8.0+
  • Xcode 9.2

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HGRippleRadarView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'HGRippleRadarView'

HGRippleRadarView is also available through Carthage. To install it, simply add the following line to your Cartfile:

github "HamzaGhazouani/HGRippleRadarView"


  1. Change the class of a view from UIView to RippleView or RadarView
  2. Programmatically:
let rippleView = RippleView(frame: myFrame)

let radarView = RadarView(frame: myFrame)




The radius of the central disk in the view, if you would like to hide it, you can set the radius to 0


The color of the central disk in the view, the default color is ripplePink color


This property make distance between the first circle and the central disk


The number of circles to draw around the disk, the default value is 3


The padding between circles, circles could be drawn outside the frame


The color of the off status of the circle, used for animation


The color of the on status of the circle, used for animation


The duration of the animation, the default value is 0.9

You can start/ stop the animation at any time by calling `startAnimation()` & `stopAnimation()`



The padding between items, the default value is 10

Add items

If you would like to add one item, use the method add(item:using:) If you would like to add multiple items, it's recommended to use the method add(items:using:)

remove item

If you would like to remove an item, use the method remove(item:)

Custom item

If you would like to customize items, use the protocol RadarViewDataSource and implement:

radarView?.dataSource = self 
func radarView(radarView: RadarView, viewFor item: Item, preferredSize: CGSize) -> UIView {
        let myCustomItemView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: preferredSize.width, height: preferredSize.height))
        return myCustomItemView


If you would like to receive action on items, use the protocol RadarViewDelegate and implement:

radarView?.delegate = self 
 func radarView(radarView: RadarView, didSelect item: Item) {


Full documentation is available on CocoaDocs.
You can also install documentation locally using jazzy.


HamzaGhazouani, hamza.ghazouani@gmail.com


HGRippleRadarView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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